Autoencoder Asset Pricing Models and Economic Restrictions - International Evidence

Autoencoder Asset Pricing Models and Economic Restrictions - International Evidence


Lenka Nechvatalova

Published in: IES Working Papers 26/2024

Machine learning, asset pricing, economic restrictions, anomalies

JEL Codes:

G11, G12, G15, C55

Suggested citation:

Nechvátalová L. (2024): " Autoencoder Asset Pricing Models and Economic Restrictions - International Evidence" IES Working Papers 26/2024. IES FSV. Charles University.


We evaluate the performance of the Conditional Autoencoder (CAE) model by Gu et al. (2021) in an international context and under economic constraints, such as the exclusion of microcap and illiquid firms, and accounting for transaction costs. The CAE model leverages latent factors and factor exposures dependent on asset characteristics, modelled as a flexible nonlinear function while adhering to the noarbitrage condition. The original study showed significant reductions in out-ofsample pricing errors from both statistical and economic perspectives in the U.S. context. We replicate these results on the U.S. dataset and extend the analysis to international data with a different set of firm characteristics, achieving consistent outcomes that demonstrate the model’s robustness. However, the economic benefits after accounting for transaction costs are limited, even after the exclusion of illiquid firms, highlighting the importance of considering these constraints.

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