Adjunct faculty

Adjunct faculty

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Balcar Ing. Petr Balcar, MSBE JEB112 - Strategic Management Consultant in financial management, performance management, controlling, strategy, and project management with experience at KPMG and Deloitte. Lecturer at Lehigh University.
Petra Batovska Mgr. Petra Bátovská JEM229 - Treasury Management Attorney and Senior Associate at Eldison, developing digital platforms for legal and corporate documents. She specializes in corporate financing and M&A.
Paola Bertoli doc. Paola Bertoli, M.A., M.Sc., D.Phil. JEM208 - Health Econometrics Full Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Verona. Applied economist with a focus on public economics, health economics and econometrics
vladimir dvorak PhDr. Vladimír Dvořák, FRM JEM142 - Banking and Financial Regulation KPMG consultant in risk management, corporate governance, and financial regulation. An expert in the accounting of financial instruments.
Fencl Ing. Tomáš Fencl, CFA, MBA JEM161 - Private Equity Private equity and venture capital consultant and investor with CFA and MBA from the University of Michigan. Previously CFO at PriceFx and Lokalise.
Eva Hromadkova Mgr. Eva Hromádková, Ph.D. JEM216 - Advanced Macroeconomics Analyst of the Czech National Bank, previously Director of the M.A. program in Applied Economics at CERGE-EI. Her doctorate in Economics and Econometrics is from CERGE-EI.
hulle Mgr. Tomáš Hülle, Ph.D. JEM159 - International Commercial Dispute Resolution Lawyer and founder of the European Center for Career Education (ECCEDU). Formerly a director of the investment company First Eastern and an employee of major global law firms. 
chalupa Mgr. Ivan Chalupa JEM204 - Právo finančních služeb Of Counsel at Squire Patton Boggs, focusing on M&A and corporate finance. He has extensive experience in the field of insolvency and regulation of financial services.
Martin Janicko PhDr. Ing. Martin Janíčko, Ph.D., FRM JEB152 - Recent Financial Crises: Theory and Evidence Head of Risk Department at MND a.s., previously a risk modeling economist at Moody's Analytics and credit analyst for ExxonMobil.
kotlan Ing. Viktor Kotlán, Ph.D. JEM198 - Bank Asset and Liability Management Director of Group Balance Sheet Management at Česká spořitelna, responsible for managing the balance sheet of CZK 65 bn. Formerly Chief Economist of Česká spořitelna and Head of the Department for Monetary Policy and Strategy of the Czech National Bank.
Kamil Kovar Kamil Kovář, M.A. M.Sc. JEB152 - Recent Financial Crises: Theory and Evidence

Moody's Analytics Chief Economist for Eurozone Financial and Macroeconomic Forecasts. Holds a doctorate in Economics and Econometrics at CERGE-EI and an M.Sc. in Economics from LSE.

Matej Kuc Mgr. Matěj Kuc, Ph.D. JEM198 Bank Asset and Liability Management Manager of ALM Data & Analytics department of Česká spořitelna. Past working experience from Erste Group Bank in Vienna and in New York. Ph.D. graduate at IES FSV UK.
Mysikova PhDr. Martina Mysíková, Ph.D. JEB053 - Labour Economics

Economist in the Department of Economic Sociology at the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Specialist in income inequality, well-being, behavioral economics of households, and gender inequality in the labor market.

Richard Podpiera Ing. Richard Podpiera, Ph.D.  JEM034 Corporate Finance Chief Executive Officer of Patria Finance, a.s. Previously Executive Director of several departments in CSOB, consultant in McKinsey & Co., and an economist in the IMF. PhD in Economics from CERGE-EI.
Petr Polak Mgr. Petr Polák, MSc., Ph.D. JEB111 - Advanced Data Analysis in MS Excel

Economist in the monetary departments of the Czech National Bank, where he deals with external financial developments and edits the Global Economic Outlook. Holds an M.Sc. in Infonomics from Maastricht University and a doctorate in Economics from the IES FSV UK.

Michal_Ranostaj Mgr. Michal Ranostaj, MBA JEM229 - Treasury Management

Partner and attorney at Elvyn Capital with an MBA from Chapman University. Expert in corporate finance and restructuring.

David Reiterman Mgr. David Reiterman JEM204 - Právo finančních služeb

Lawyer and independent consultant in financial services law, regulation of financial institutions, and capital markets transactions.

Zdenek Tuma doc. Ing. Zdeněk Tůma, CSc. JEM142 - Banking and Financial Regulation

Chairman of the ČSOB Supervisory Board, co-founder of the IRQ fund. Previously, partner responsible for financial services at KPMG Czech Republic. Ex-governor of the Czech National Bank.

Petra Valickova Mgr. Petra Valíčková, Ph.D. JEM333 - Energy Markets & Economics

World Bank economist in the field of energy economics and finance. Previously a consultant at Frontier Economics.

Tomas Vyhnanek PhDr. Tomáš Vyhnánek JEB055 - Seminář k aktualitám I, JEB063 - Seminář k aktualitám II

Director of the Central Harmonization Unit at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. He worked in managerial positions at the Government Office, the Ministry of Health, ČSOB and Deloitte.