
Why study Economics and Finance at Charles University in Prague?

Our school teaches Economics and Finance both at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels with the aim of providing internationally highly competitive education in the beautiful city of Prague. The key features of our school are:

  • Quantitative skills. We build upon 7 core Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics courses on the undergraduate level.
  • International environment. 88% of all Master's and 70% of all Bachelor's courses are in English. More than 1,500 international students from 83 countries have studied with us over the last 10 years.
  • Stay abroad. We offer 50 Erasmus+ exchange agreements, plus study-abroad opportunities out of Europe, including Australia, China, and South Korea.
  • Family size. 90 Bachelors, 80 Masters, and 5 PhDs graduate annually from our programs. Teaching as well as thesis writing is intensive and personal.
  • Top lecturers. We combine strong academics with practitioners, especially in the finance courses.
  • Hub of talent. We strive to develop the potential of the most ambitious students. Our alumni are highly successful on the job market and also receive numerous academic prizes and other accolades. The average wage premium of our graduates substantially exceeds the average wage premia of other schools in the country.


  • Open call for PhD positions

    The Institute of Economic Studies at Charles University invites applications for PhD positions in the following areas: Public Economics, Economics and Finance, Finance and Data Analytics, Finance and Society. The application deadline is April 30th.
  • Master Class: International Finance with Prof. Sri Talluri

    Supply Chain Resilience Center in cooperation with IMS and IES cordially invites you to a Master class focused on current trends and innovations in international finance and supply chain management with Prof. Sri Talluri, a leading expert in Operations and Supply Chain Management at Michigan State University. The event takes place on March 4, 2025, from 14:00 to 15:30 at IES (Opletalova 26).
  • Webinar for PhD Applicants

    Are you thinking of applying to PhD at the Faculty of Social Sciences? Then join our open webinar, briefly introducing the key facts about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University (FSV UK).
  • New database available at IES: BankFocus

    The BankFocus database by Bureau van Dijk/Moody's Analytics is now available at IES. Access is automatically enabled for all IES faculty members and interested doctoral students. Students can receive a username and password via email from Dagmar Schnellerova. This database can be accessed by 5 simultaneously logged users.
  • P.F. 2025

    We wish you a Merry Christmas spent in health and joy and a prosperous year 2025.
  • Opening hours at FSV UK during winter holidays

    Please, find the opening hours of FSV UK buildings and departments during the upcoming winter holidays below: