Ing. Lenka Sojková |
- Head of IES Administration
- Economic agenda
- Operational agenda
- GAČR, Horizon 2020, GreenDeal project agenda
- Contracts, donations
- Personnel agenda – research staff
Ing. Dagmar Schnellerová |
- Bachelor's and Master's study agenda
- Creation of teaching timetables
- Preparation of study plans ("Karolinka")
- Access to Eikon and MagnusWeb economic data
- Visiting professors
- Asset records - staff
- Audit and teaching evaluation
- Staff attendance agenda
Ing. Šárka Bokočová |
- Personnel agenda
- Economic agenda
- Book orders for employees
- GAČR, UNCE, Cooperatio, SYRI, TAČR project agenda
Ing. Renáta Nedomová |
- CDS and PhD studies agenda
- GAČR, Horizon 2020, TAČR project agenda
- Scholarships for research and teaching
- Bursary fund
- Personnel agenda – research staff
Ludmila Kukalová |
- GAUK project agenda
- IES website administration
- asset records – PhD students
Mgr. Eliška Krohová |
- career counsellor
- job offers, internships
- mentoring, coaching
- communication with sponsors and partners
- Alumni
- events for students, staff and alumni
Barbora Holková |
- PR coordinator
- news and media monitoring
- web and social media administration
- Open Days and other events for the wide public
- promotion of Czech study programs
- promotion of MEF, MFDA and CSF
JUDr. Eva Bogrenová |
- consulting services and promotion of the BEF programme
- study counselling for BEF students
PhDr. Natálie Švarcová Ph.D. |
Ing. Libor Šafránek |
Ing. Ruslan Ljubačivskij |