

A summary of our main research activities conducted in the period 2015-2021 is available in the following report. Below you may find a more detailed list of journal articles published by our colleagues and additional relevant information.


  • The Czech Academy of Sciences awarded Michal Bauer with the title “Doctor of Science” (DSc.)

    We would like to congratulate our colleague Michal Bauer on receiving the title "doctor scientiarum" (DSc.), awarded by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, which currently represents the highest scientific qualification in the professional career of a scientist in the Czech Republic.

  • Guest lecture: Michal Horný (Emory University) 

    We would like to invite our students and everyone interested to a guest lecture held by Michal Horný from Emory University, called "Episode-Based Cost-Sharing to Protect Patients from the Financial Risk in Receiving Planned Care", which will take place at CERGE-EI in room 402 at  11.30 tomorrow (this Friday April 19). 

  • Professor Kočenda published and article in International Review of Financial Analysis

    The May issue of the prestigious journal International Review of Financial Analysis brings an article "Volatility Connectedness on the Central European Forex Markets" co-authored by our colleague, Professor Kočenda and Peter Albrecht from Mendel University in Brno. Congratulations on the publication!

  • 5 new grants (GA UK) for our doctoral students

    Congratulations to our PhD candidates for their success in the current call for proposals of the Charles University Grant Agency (GA UK) and the opportunity to solve interesting problems. The list of supported projects can be found in the news by clicking on the link.

  • EALE conference 2023

    At the end of September, the 35th edition of the prestigious International Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Market Economists (EALE) took place in Prague with the participation of nearly 500 economists from across Europe.
    Our colleague Barbara Pertold-Gebicka was among the main organizers.

  • IES researchers presented the report Czechia: health system review 2023

    Our PhD candidate Lenka Šlegerová and our colleague Jana Votápková presented the newly published report Czechia: health system review 2023, co-authored by our colleague Lucie Bryndová, Pavel Hroboň (Third Faculty of Medicine, CU), Nathan Shuftan (TU Berlin) and Anne Spranger (TU Berlin), at the Round Table event organized by Zdravonický deník.