Research seminars
Research Seminars
January 14: Caught in a Sovereign Debt Quagmire: A Quantitative Assessment
Tai-kuang Ho (National Taiwan University)
March 27: The Impact of Tax Avoidance Regulations on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the Adoption of Addback Statutes
Karel Hrazdil (Simon Fraser University)
February 20: Broken Relationships: De-Risking by Correspondent Banks and International Trade
Alison Schultz, University of Mannheim
March 4: A New Test for External Validity in Meta-Analyses
Chishio Furukawa, Yokohama National University
March 13: Closing the Gender STEM Gap: A Randomized-Controlled Trial in Elementary Schools
Kerstin Grosch, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
April 10: Testing for Manipulation: Experimental Evidence on Dark Patterns
Francesco Bogliacino, University of Bergamo
April 19: Selective and Mis(leading) Economic Journals
Tom Stanley, Deakin University, Melbourne
May 16: Do Capital Incentives Distort Technology Diffusion? Evidence on Cloud, Big Data and AI
Jonathan Timmis, World Bank
May 22: The Role of Intellectual Property in Tax Planning
Katarzyna Bilicka, Utah State University
May 24: Trade-Credit Flow along Supply Chains and Disruptions from ESG Risk
Gonul Colak, University of Sussex
June 3: Financial Literacy, Ability, and Stock Market Participation
Hwan-sik Choi, Binghamton University
June 5: Information Leaks and Voluntary Disclosure
Ulrich Schäfer, University of Vienna
October 22: On the Generalizability of Sex-Differences in Risk Attitudes
Jan Feld, Victoria University of Wellington
October 31: Liquidity Spillovers: Evidence from Two-Step Spinoffs
Yakov Amihud, NYU Stern School of Business
December 2: Who's The Boss? The Role of Shareholders in Banks' Lending Decisions
Eddie Gerba, Bank of England
March 21: Competing Forces in the German New Car Market: How do they Affect Diesel, PHEV, and BEV sales?
Anna Alberini, University of Maryland
April 5: Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Anomalies in Set-Identified SVARs: Revisited
Sebastian K. Rüth, University of Erfurt
May 22: The Timing of Voluntary Delisting
Gonul Colak, University of Sussex
May 30: The Taxonomy of Tail Risk
Evarist Stoja, University of Bristol
June 1: The Role of Noncognitive Ability on Health Status and Wealth Accumulation
Hwan-sik Choi, Binghamton University
October 30: "I’ve got the power" Asymmetric Relationships in the Gilt Markets
Carlos Cañón, Bank of England
November 21: European Funds and Green Public Procurement
Vitezslav Titl, University of Utrecht
December 5: Spurious Precision in Meta-Analysis: Some New Results
Heiko Rachinger, Universitat de les Illes Balears
March 24: CFO Facial Beauty and Bank Loan Contracting
Karel Hrazdil, Simon Fraser University
April 14: The Persistence of Investment Inefficiencies: The Dynamics of Default and Endogenous Leverage
Dimitrios Tsomocos, University of Oxford
May 26: The Costs of Being Sustainable: Cross-Country Evidence
Gonul Colak, University of Sussex, Hanken School of Economics
June 9: Policy Effectiveness on the Global COVID-19 Pandemic and Unemployment Outcomes: A Large Mixed Frequency Spatial Approach
Ying Chen, National University of Singapore
September 20: M&As and Innovation: Evidence from Acquiring Private Firms
Jana Fidrmuc, University of Warwick
October 3: Does Digital Finance Matter? Evidence from the Impact of COVID19 Shock on Bank Stocks
Claudia Curi, Free University of Bolzano
October 20: Forward Equity Risk Premium and Its Economic Implications
Radu Tunaru, University of Sussex
Research seminar: Karel Hrazdil (Simon Fraser University)
We would like to invite you to a research seminar by Karel Hrazdil, Professor of Accounting at Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, who will present his paper called "The Impact of Tax Avoidance Regulations on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the Adoption of Addback Statutes". The seminar will take place on Thursday, March 27, 2025, in Room 105 at 14:00. -
Research seminar: Tai-kuang Ho (National Taiwan University)
We would like to invite you to a research seminar by Tai-kuang Ho, Professor of Economics at the National Taiwan University, called "Caught in a Sovereign Debt Quagmire: A Quantitative Assessment". The seminar will take place on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, in Room 314 at 12:30. -
Research seminar: Eddie Gerba (Bank of England)
We would like to invite you to a research seminar by Eddie Gerba, Head of Research for the Prudential Regulation Authority at the Bank of England, called "Who's The Boss? The Role of Shareholders in Banks' Lending Decisions". The seminar will take place on Monday, December 2, in Room 206 at 11:00. -
Research seminar: Yakov Amihud (NYU Stern School of Business)
We would like to invite you to a research seminar by Yakov Amihud, Ira Rennert Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance at the Stern School of Business, New York University. The topic will be "Liquidity Spillovers: Evidence from Two-Step Spinoffs". The seminar will take place on Thursday, October 31, in Room 105 at 9:30. -
Research seminar: Ulrich Schäfer (University of Vienna)
We would like to invite you to a research seminar by Ulrich Schäfer, Associate Professor of Managerial Accounting at the University of Vienna, on "Information Leaks and Voluntary Disclosure". The seminar will take place on Wednesday, June 5, in Room 105 at 11:00. -
Research seminar: Hwan-sik Choi (Binghamton University)
We would like to invite you to a research seminar by Hwan-sik Choi, Associate Professor of Economics at Binghamton University, on "Financial Literacy, Ability, and Stock Market Participation". The seminar will take place on Monday, June 3, in Room 105 at 11:00.