A summary of our main research activities conducted in the period 2015-2021 is available in the following report. In the menu on the left you can find a more detailed list of journal articles published by our colleagues and additional relevant information.
Top journals (5 in Economics, 3 in Finance, A++)
- Bartoš V, Bauer M, Chytilová J, Matějka F (2016) Attention Discrimination: Theory and Field Experiments with Monitoring Information Acquisition, American Economic Review, 106(6), 1437-1475
- Bauer M, Chytilová J, Morduch J (2012) Behavioral Foundations of Microcredit: Experimental and Survey Evidence from Rural India, American Economic Review, 102(2), 1118-1139
Leading journals (A+)
- Bajzík J, Havránek T, Havránková Z, Schwarz J (2020) Estimating the Armington Elasticity: The Importance of Study Design and Publication Bias. Journal of International Economics, 127:103383
- Barili E, Bertoli P, Grembi V (2021) Neighborhoods, networks, and delivery methods. Journal of Health Economics, 80:102513
- Bartoš V, Bauer M, Chytilová J, Levely I (2021) Psychological Effects of Poverty on Time Preferences. Economic Journal:ueab007, forthcoming
- Baruník J, Bevilacqua M, Tunaru R (2021) Asymmetric Network Connectedness of Fears. The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming
- Bauer M, Blattman C, Chytilová J, Henrich J, Miguel E, Mitts T (2016) Can War Foster Cooperation? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30(3):249-274
- Bauer M, Chytilová J, Pertold-Gebická B (2014) Parental Background and Other-Regarding Preferences in Children. Experimental Economics, 17(1):24-46
- Bauer M, Fiala N, Levely I (2017) Trusting former rebels: An experimental approach to understanding reintegration after civil war. The Economic Journal, 128(613):1786-1819
- Bertoli P, Grembi V (2021) The political cycle of road traffic accidents. Journal of Health Economics, 76:102435
- Burda M, Harding M, Hausman J (2012) A Poisson Mixture Model of Discrete Choice. Journal of Econometrics, 166(2):184-203
- Ehrenbergerová D, Gechert S, Havránek T, Havránková Z (2021) Measuring Capital-Labor Substitution: The Importance of Method Choices and Publication Bias. Review of Economic Dynamics, forthcoming
- Havránek T (2015) Measuring Intertemporal Substitution: The Importance of Method Choices and Selective Reporting. Journal of the European Economic Association, 13(6):1180-1204
- Havránek T, Havránková Z (2011) Estimating Vertical Spillovers from FDI: Why Results Vary and What the True Effect Is. Journal of International Economics, 85(2):234-244
- Havránek T, Havránková Z (2017) Do Borders Really Slash Trade? A Meta-Analysis. IMF Economic Review, 65(2):365-396
- Havránek T, Havránková Z, Horváth R, Rusnák M (2015) Cross-Country Heterogeneity in Intertemporal Substitution. Journal of International Economics, 96(1):100-118
- Havránek T, Sokolova A (2020) Do Consumers Really Follow a Rule of Thumb? Three Thousand Estimates from 144 Studies Say "Probably Not". Review of Economic Dynamics, 35(1):97-122
- Horváth R (2020) Peer Effects in Central Banking. IMF Economic Review, 68:764–814
- Jašová M, Mendicino C, Supera D (2021) Policy Uncertainty, Lender of last resort and The Real Economy. Journal of Monetary Economics, 118:381-398
Highly regarded journals (A)
- Astakhov A, Havránek T, Novák J (2019) Firm Size and Stock Returns: A Quantitative Survey. Journal of Economic Surveys, 33(5):1463-1492
- Bartoš V, Bauer M, Cahlíková J, Chytilová J (2021) Covid-19 and Hostility against Foreigners. European Economic Review, forthcoming
- Baruník J, Kley T (2019) Quantile Coherency: A General Measure for Dependence between Cyclical Economic Variables. The Econometrics Journal, 22(2):131-152
- Baruník J, Křehlík T (2018) Measuring the frequency dynamics of financial connectedness and systemic risk. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 16(2):271-296
- Bauer M, Chytilová J, Miguel E (2020) Using Survey Questions to Measure Preferences: Lessons from an Experimental Validation in Kenya. European Economic Review, 127:103493
- Burda M, Harding M (2013) Panel Probit with Flexible Correlated Effects: Quantifying Technology Spillovers in the Presence of Latent Heterogeneity. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(6):956-981
- Burda M, Harding M, Hausman J (2015) A Bayesian Semi-Parametric Competing Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30(3):353-376
- Cobham A, Janský P, Mainzer M (2015) The Financial Secrecy Index: Sheding New Light on The Geography of Secrecy. Economic Geography, 91(3):281-303
- Dominguez K, Fatum R, Vacek P (2013) Do Sales of Foreign Exchange Reserves Lead to Currency Appreciation? Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 45(5):867-890
- Havránek T, Havránková Z, Matoušek J (2021) Individual Discount Rates: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Evidence. Experimental Economics, forthcoming
- Havránek T, Rusnák M, Sokolova A (2017) Habit Formation in Consumption: A Meta-Analysis, European Economic Review, 95:142-167
- Havránek T, Stanley T, Doucouliagos C et al. (2020) Reporting Guidelines for Meta-Analysis in Economics. Journal of Economic Surveys, 34(3):469-475
- Hasan I, Horváth R, Mareš J (2018) What type of finance matters for growth? Bayesian model averaging evidence. The World Bank Economic Review, 32(2):383-409
- Horváth R, Kaszab L, Marsal A (2021) Fiscal Policy and Nominal Term Premium Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming
- Janda K, Krištoufek L (2019) The Relationship Between Fuel and Food Prices: Methods and Outcomes. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 11:195-216
- Kočenda E, Iwasaki I (2021) Bank Survival around the World: A Meta-Analytic Review. Journal of Economic Surveys, forthcoming
- Polák P (2019) The Euro’s Trade Effect: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys, 33
- Rusnák M, Havránek T, Horváth R (2013) How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 45(1):37-70
- Zigraiova D, Havránek T, Iršová Z, Novák J (2021) How Puzzling Is the Forward Premium Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis. European Economic Review, 134:103714
- Žikes F, Baruník J (2016) Semiparametric Conditional Quantile Models for Financial Returns and Realized Volatility, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 14(1):185-226
- Žikes F, Baruník J, Shenai N (2017) Modeling and Forecasting Persistent Financial Durations, Econometric Reviews, 36(10):1081-1110
Recognized journals (B)
- Alberini A, Khymych O, Ščasný M (2020) Responsiveness to Energy Price Changes when Salience is High: Residential Natural Gas Demand in Ukraine. Energy Policy 144
- Alberini A, Khymych O, Ščasný M (2019) Response to Extreme Energy Price Changes: Evidence from Ukraine. The Energy Journal, 40(1)
- Anatolyev S, Baruník J (2019) Forecasting dynamic return distributions based on ordered binary choice. International Journal of Forecasting, 35(3):823-835
- Apergis N, Baruník J, Lau MCK (2017) Good volatility, bad volatility: What drives the asymmetric connectedness of Australian electricity markets? Energy Economics, 66:108-115
- Avdulaj K, Barunik J (2015). Are benefits from oil–stocks diversification gone? New evidence from a dynamic copula and high frequency data. Energy Economics, 51:31-44
- Babecký J, Havránek T, Matějů J, Šmídková K, Vašíček B (2014) Banking, Debt and Currency Crises: Early Warning Indicators for Developed Countries. Journal of Financial Stability, 15:1-17
- Babecký J, Havránek T, Matějů J, Šmídková K, Vašíček B (2013) Leading Indicators of Crisis Incidence. Journal of International Money and Finance, 35(1):1-19
- Baruník J, Čech F (2021) Measurement of Common Risk Factors: A Panel Quantile Regression Model for Returns. Journal of Financial Markets, forthcoming
- Baruník J, Kočenda E (2019) Total, Asymmetric and Frequency Connectedness Between Oil and Forex Markets. The Energy Journal, 40:157-174
- Baruník J, Kočenda E, Vácha L (2017) Asymmetric volatility connectedness on the forex market. Journal of International Money and Finance, 77:39-56
- Baruník J, Kočenda E, Vácha L (2016) Asymmetric Connectedness of Stock Markets: How Does Bad and Good Volatility Spillovers? Journal of Financial Markets, 27:55-78
- Baruník J, Kočenda E, Vácha L (2015) How Does Good and Bad Volatility Spill over across Petroleum Markets? Energy Journal, 36(3):309-329
- Baruník J, Vácha L (2017) Do Co-Jumps Impact Correlations in Currency Markets? Journal of Financial Markets, 37:97-119
- Baruník J, Vácha L (2012) Co-movement of energy commodities revisited: Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis. Energy Economics, 34(1):241-247
- Baxa J, Horváth R, Vašíček B (2013) Time-Varying Monetary Policy Rules and Financial Stress: Does Financial Instability Matter for Monetary Policy? Journal of Financial Stability, 9(1):117-138
- Bennani H, Fanta N, Gertler P, Horvath R (2020) Does Central Bank Communication Signal Future Monetary Policy? The Case of the ECB. Journal of International Money and Finance, 104:102167
- Bertoli P, Grembi V, Nguyen TLB (2021) Birth outcomes in hard times among minority ethnic groups. Journal of Population Economics, 1-32
- Blasco S, Pertold-Gebická B (2013) Employment Policies, Hiring Practices and Firm Performance. Labour Economics, 25:12-24
- Brož V, Kočenda E (2018) Dynamics and factors of inflation convergence in the European union. Journal of International Money and Finance, 86:93-111
- Brueckner JK, Šťastná L (2020) Commuting and Migration. Journal of Regional Science, 60(5):853-877
- Brůha J, Kočenda E (2018) Financial stability in Europe: Banking and sovereign risk. Journal of Financial Stability, 36:305-321
- Bubák V, Kočenda E, Žikeš F (2011) Volatility transmission in emerging European foreign exchange markets. Journal of Banking & Finance, 35(11):2829-2841
- Burda M, Harding M (2014) Environmental Justice: Evidence from Superfund Cleanup Durations. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 107:380-401
- Cazachevici A, Havránek T, Horváth R (2020) Remittances and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis. World Development, 134:105021
- de Batz L (2020) Financial Crime Spillovers. Does One Gain to Be Avenged? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 173
- Feldkircher M, Horváth R, Rusnák M (2014) Exchange Market Pressures during the Financial Crisis: A Bayesian Model Averaging Evidence. Journal of International Money and Finance, 36(1):21-41
- Filip O, Janda K, Krištoufek L, Zilberman D (2019) Food Versus Fuel: An Updated and Expanded Evidence. Energy Economics 82:152-166
- Filip O, Janda K, Krištoufek L, Zilberman D (2017) Food versus fuel: An updated and expanded evidence. Energy Economics
- Franta M, Baruník J, Horváth R, Šmídková K (2014) Are Bayesian Fan Charts Useful? An Evaluation of Macroeconomic Forecasts and Financial Stability Stress Tests. International Journal of Central Banking, 10(1):159-187
- Franta M, Holub T, Saxa B (2021) Exiting from an exchange rate floor in a small open economy: Balance sheet implications of the Czech National Bank’s exchange rate commitment. International Journal of Central Banking, forthcoming
- Fungáčová Z, Weill L (2014) Does Competition Influence The Bank Lending Channel in the Euro Area? Journal of Banking and Finance, 49:356-366
- Gertler P, Horváth R (2018) Central bank communication and financial markets: New high-frequency evidence. Journal of Financial Stability, 36:336-345.
- Gregor M (2021) Electives Shopping, Grading Policies, and Grading Competition. Economica 88:364-398
- Gregor M (2015) Task Divisions in Teams with Complementary Tasks. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 117:102-120
- Gregor M (2011) Tradeoffs of foreign assistance for the weakest-link global public goods. International Tax and Public Finance, 18(2):233-251
- Hanousek J, Kočenda E, Shamsur A (2015) Corporate Efficiency in Europe. Journal of Corporate Finance, 32:24-40
- Havránek T, Havránková Z (2013) Determinants for Horizontal FDI: Evidence from a Large Meta-Analysis. World Development, 42(1):1-15
- Havránek T, Havránková Z, Herman D (2018) Does Daylight Saving Save Energy? A Meta-Analysis. Energy Journal 39(2):35-61
- Havránek T, Havránková Z, Janda K (2012) Demand for Gasoline Is More Price-Inelastic than Commonly Thought. Energy Economics, 34(1):201-207
- Havránek T, Havránková Z, Janda K, Zilberman D (2015). Selective reporting and the social cost of carbon. Energy Economics, 51:394-406
- Havránek T, Havránková Z, Vlach T (2018) Measuring the Income Elasticity of Water Demand: The Importance of Publication and Endogeneity Biases. Land Economics 94(2):259-283
- Havránek T, Kokeš O (2015) Income Elasticity of Gasoline Demand: A Meta-Analysis. Energy Economics, 47(1):77-86
- Havránek T, Rusnák M (2013) Transmission Lags of Monetary Policy: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Central Banking, 9(4):39-75
- Havránek T, Horváth R, Zeynalov A (2016) Natural Resources and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis. World Development, 88:134-151
- Havranek T, Irsova Z, Zeynalova O (2018) Tuition fees and university enrolment: A meta‐regression analysis. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 80(6):1145-1184.
- Hasan I, Horvath R, Mares J (2020) Finance and Wealth Inequality. Journal of International Money and Finance, 102161
- Horváth R (2021) Natural Catastrophes and Financial Depth: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Financial Stability, 53:100842
- Horváth R (2013) Does Trust Promote Growth? Journal of Comparative Economics, 41(3):777-788
- Horvath R, Kotlebova J, Siranova M (2018). Interest rate pass-through in the euro area: Financial fragmentation, balance sheet policies and negative rates. Journal of Financial Stability, 36:12-21
- Horváth R, Šmídková, K, Zápal J (2012) Central Banks’ Voting Record and Future Policy. International Journal of Central Banking, 8(4):1-19
- Horváth R, Vaško D (2016) Central Bank Transparency and Financial Stability. Journal of Financial Stability, 22:45-56
- Horváthová E (2012) The impact of environmental performance on firm performance: Short-term costs and long-term benefits? Ecological Economics, 84:91-97
- Hronec M (2020) Does It Pay to Follow Anomalies Research? Machine Learning Approach with International Evidence. Journal of Financial Markets 255
- Iwasaki I, Kočenda E, Shida Y (2021) Distressed Acquisitions: Evidence from European Emerging Markets. Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(4):962-990
- Janda K, Kourilek J (2020) Residual Shape Risk on Natural Gas Market with Mixed Jump Diffusion Price Dynamics. Energy Economics, 85:104465
- Ji Q, Bouri E, Roubaud D, Kristoufek L (2019) Information Interdependence Among Energy, Cryptocurrencies and Major Commodity Markets. Energy Economics, 81:1042-1055
- Kiuila O, Markandya A, Ščasny M (2019) Taxing Air Pollutants and Carbon Individually or Jointly: Results from a CGE Model Enriched by an Emission Abatement Sector. Economic System Research, 31(1):21-43
- Kočenda E, Iwasaki I, Shida Y (2021) Institutions, Financial Development, and Small Business Survival: Evidence from European Emerging Markets. Small Business Economics, forthcoming
- Kočenda E, Varga B (2018) The impact of monetary strategies on inflation persistence. International Journal of Central Banking, 14(4):229-274
- Krištoufek L (2020) Bitcoin and Its Mining on the Equilibrium Path. Energy Economics, 85:104588
- Krištoufek L (2019) Are the Crude Oil Markets Really Becoming More Efficient Over Time? Some New Evidence. Energy Economics, 82:253-263
- Krištoufek L (2014) Leverage Effects in Energy Futures. Energy Economics, 45:1-9
- Krištoufek L, Janda K, Zilberman D (2012) Correlations between Biofuels and Related Commodities before and during the Food Crisis: A Taxonomy Perspective. Energy Economics, 34(5):1380-1391
- Krištoufek L, Luňačková P (2015) Rockets and Feathers Meet Joseph: Reinvestigating the Oil-Gasoline Asymmetry on the International Markets. Energy Economics, 49:1-8
- Krištoufek L, Vošvrda M (2014) Commodity Futures and Market Efficiency. Energy Economics, 42(5):52-57
- Křehlík T, Baruník J (2017) Cyclical properties of supply-side and demand-side shocks in oil-based commodity markets. Energy Economics, 65:208-218
- Kukačka J, Baruník J (2017) Estimation of financial agent-based models with simulated maximum likelihood. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 85:21-45
- Kukačka J, Krištoufek L (2021) Does parameterization affect the complexity of agent-based models? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 192:324-356
- Kukačka J, Krištoufek L (2020) Do 'Complex' Financial Models Really Lead to Complex Dynamics? Agent-Based Models and Multifractality. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 113C:103855
- Malovaná S, Frait J (2017) Monetary policy and macroprudential policy: Rivals or teammates? Journal of Financial Stability, 32:1-16
- Miess M, Schmelzer S, Ščasný M, Kopečná V (2021) Abatement technologies and their social costs in a hybrid general equilibrium framework. The Energy Journal, 43(2)
- Novák J, Bilinski P (2018) Social stigma and executive compensation. Journal of Banking & Finance, 96:169-184.
- Samargandi N, Fidrmuc J, Ghosh S (2015). Is the relationship between financial development and economic growth monotonic? Evidence from a sample of middle-income countries. World Development, 68:66-81
- Shahzad SJH, Bouri E, Kristoufek L, Saeed T (2021) Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the US equity sectors: Evidence from quantile return spillovers. Financial Innovation, 7:14
- Ščasný M (2021) The role of allocation of retail trade margins across household segments on their carbon footprint calculation. Economic Systems Research, 10
- Ščasný M, Alberini A (2021) On the validity of the estimates of the VSL from contingent valuation: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 62(1):55-87
- Vácha L, Janda K, Krištoufek L, Zilberman D (2013) Time-Frequency Dynamics of Biofuels-Fuels-Food System. Energy Economics, 40:233-241
- Valíčková P, Elms N (2021) The Costs of Providing Access to Electricity in Selected Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Policy Implications. Energy Policy, forthcoming
- Valíčková P, Havránek T, Horváth R (2015) Financial Growth and Economic Development. Journal of Economic Surveys, 29(3):506-526
- Vašíček B, Žigraiová D, Hoeberichts M, Vermeulen R, Šmídková K, de Haan J (2017) Leading indicators of financial stress: New evidence. Journal of Financial Stability, 28:240-257
- Žigraiová D, Havránek T (2016) Bank Competition and Financial Stability: Much Ado about Nothing? Journal of Economic Surveys, 30(5):944-981
Citations in top-tier journals
During the last 5 years, research of our colleagues has been cited in the following top journals in Economics and Finance:
- The American Economic Review
- Journal of Financial Economics
- Journal of Political Economy
- Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Review of Economic Studies
- Review of Financial Studies
Self-citations are excluded from this list.
Leading journals (A+)
- Bauer M, Cahlíková J, Chytilová J, Želinský T (2018) Social Contagion of Ethnic Hostility, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(19):4881-4886
- Bauer M, Chytilová J, Cassar A, Henrich J (2013) War's Enduring Effects on Egalitarian Motivations and In-Group Biases. Psychological Science, 25(1):47-57
- Filip O, Janda K, Kristoufek L, Zilberman D (2016). Dynamics and evolution of the role of biofuels in global commodity and financial markets. Nature Energy, 1(12):16169
- Henrich J, Bauer M, Cassar A, Chytilová J, Purzycki BG (2019) War Increases Religiosity. Nature Human Behavior, 3(2):129-135
Highly regarded journals (A)
- Červinka M, Kanzow C, Schwartz A (2016) Constraint qualifications and optimality conditions for optimization problems with cardinality constraints. Mathematical Programming, 160(1-2):353-377
- Krištoufek L (2013) Fractal markets hypothesis and the global financial crisis: wavelet power evidence. Scientific Reports, 3:2857
- Krištoufek L (2013) Can Google Trends search queries contribute to risk diversification? Scientific Reports, 3:2713
- Krištoufek L (2013) BitCoin meets Google Trends and Wikipedia: Quantifying the relationship between phenomena of the Internet era. Scientific Reports, 3:3415
- Krištoufek L, Janda K, Zilberman D (2016) Co-movements of Ethanol Related Prices: Evidence from Brazil and the USA, GCB Bioenergy, 8(2):346-356
- Krištoufek L, Janda K, Zilberman D (2014) Price Transmission between Biofuels, Fuels and Food Commodities. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 8(3):362-373
- Ščasný M, Ang BW, Rečka L (2021) Decomposition Analysis of Air Pollutants during the Transition and Post-Transition Periods in the Czech Republic. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145:111137
Internationally recognized journals (B)
- Baruník J, Křehlík T, Vácha L (2016) Modeling and forecasting exchange rate volatility in time-frequency domain. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(1):329-340
- Baruník J, Malinská B (2016) Forecasting the term structure of crude oil futures prices with neural networks. Applied Energy, 164:366-379
- Branda M, Bucher M, Červinka M, Schwartz A (2018) Convergence of a Scholtes-type regularization method for cardinality-constrained optimization problems with an application in sparse robust portfolio optimization. Computational Optimization and Applications, 70(2):503-530
- Burda M, Prokhorov A (2014) Copula based factorization in Bayesian multivariate infinite mixture models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 127:200-213
- Červinka M, Outrata JV, Pištěk M (2014) On stability of M-stationary points in MPCCs. Set-valued and Variational Analysis, 22(3):575-595
- Gregor M, Smith ML (2013) Civic initiatives in the context of legal uncertainty. Journal of Theoretical Politics 25(1):36-62
- Havlinova A, Kukacka J (2021) Corporate social responsibility and stock prices after the financial crisis: The role of strategic CSR activities. Journal of Business Ethics
- Horváth R, Zeynalov A (2016) Natural resources, manufacturing and institutions in post-Soviet countries. Resources Policy, 50:141-148
- Janda K, Málek J, Rečka L (2017) Influence of renewable energy sources on transmission networks in Central Europe. Energy Policy, 108:524-537
- Janský P, Křehlík T, Skuhrovec J (2016) Do EU funds crowd out other public expenditures? Evidence on the additionality principle from the detailed Czech municipalities’ data. European Planning Studies, 24(11):2076-2095
- Krištoufek L (2018) Does solar activity affect human happiness? Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 493:47-53
- Krištoufek L (2015) Detrended fluctuation analysis as a regression framework: Estimating dependence at different scales. Physical Review E, 91(2):022802
- Krištoufek L (2015) What are the main drivers of the Bitcoin price? Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis. PLoS ONE, 10(4):e0123923
- Krištoufek L (2014) Spectrum-based estimators of the bivariate Hurst exponent. Physical Review E, 90(6):062802
- Krištoufek L (2011) Multifractal height cross-correlation analysis: A new method for analyzing long-range cross-correlations. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 95(6):68001
- Krištoufek L, Moat HS, Preis T (2016) Estimating suicide occurrence statistics using Google Trends, EPJ Data Science 5, 32
- Krištoufek L, Skuhrovec J (2012) Exponential and power laws in public procurement markets. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 99(2):28005
- Luňáčková P, Průša J, Janda K (2017) The merit order effect of Czech photovoltaic plants. Energy Policy, 106:138-147
- Palanský M, Meinzer M, Janský P (2021) Is Panama Really Your Tax Haven? Secrecy Jurisdictions and the Countries They Harm. Regulation & Governance
- Pavlíček J, Krištoufek L (2015) Nowcasting unemployment rates with google searches: Evidence from the visegrad group countries. PloS ONE, 10(5):e0127084
- Průša J, Klimešová A, Janda K (2013) Consumer loss in Czech photovoltaic power plants in 2010–2011. Energy Policy, 63:747-755
- Slabá M, Gapko P, Klimešová A (2013) Main drivers of natural gas prices in the Czech Republic after the market liberalisation. Energy Policy, 52:199-212
- Vainer J, Kukacka J (2021) Nash Q-learning agents in Hotelling's model: Reestablishing equilibrium. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 99:105805
Our publications are also available in the RePEc database. See also a complete list of our publications. The description of our journal ranking system is available here.
CJEF Journal and Working Papers
- Czech Journal of Economics and Finance is an outlet with a long tradition, and coverage in Web of Knowledge (Business and Finance). The journal covers primarily macroeconomics, monetary economics, finance, public finance, and related topics. Chief editor: Roman Horváth. Editors: Jarko Fidrmuc, Martin Fukač, Evžen Kočenda, Štefan Lyócsa, Ondřej Schneider, and Laurent Weill. The articles are available in open access.
- IES Working Papers present work in progress of our faculty. Current field editors are Jozef Baruník (Econometrics, Finance), Roman Horváth (Macroeconomics), Karel Janda (Microeconomics), and Ondřej Schneider (Economic Policy). The papers are available in RePEc.
- IES Occasional Papers is a series of papers for policy-makers and wider audience. Editor: Ondřej Schneider.
Journal Rankings
Our journal rankings (version: 27.10.2024)