Working papers
Working papers
Please, when looking for details, kindly use RePec as the primary source, this IES page serves mainly as a landing page for the papers in .pdf (updated manually), not as an extra database.
3 - Inflation Differentials in the African Economic Community
2 - Does Bank Regulation and Supervision Impact Income Inequality? Cross-Country Evidence
1 - How Do Event Studies Capture Impact of Macroeconomic News in Forex Market? A meta-Analysis
42 - Acceptability of Meat Tax and Subsidy Removal by Meat-Eaters: Insights from Five European Countries
39 - Global Minimum Tax and Profit Shifting
38 - US Equity Announcement Risk Premia
36 - Origins of Post-COVID-19 Inflation in Central European Countries
35 - Poverty in the Czech Republic: Unemployment, Pensions, and Regional Differences
34 - Economic Policy Uncertainty in Europe: Spillovers and Common Shocks
33 - Wartime Interest Rate Pass-Through in Ukraine: The Role of Prudential Indicators
32 - Impact of Ethanol Blending Policies on U.S. Gasoline Prices
31 - Where Do Multinationals Locate Profits: Evidence from Country-by-Country Reporting
30 - Exploring Institutional Determinants of Private Equity and Venture Capital Activity in Europe
29 - The Effect of Financial Transparency on Aid Diversion
28 - Does Childbirth Change the Gender Gap in Well-Being between Partners?
26 - Autoencoder Asset Pricing Models and Economic Restrictions - International Evidence
25 - Do Tax Havens Affect Financial Management? The Case of U.S. Multinational Companies
24 - The Optimal Investment Size in the Electricity Sector in EU Countries
23 - Money Talks, Green Walks: Does Financial Inclusion Promote Green Sustainability in Africa?
21 - Quantile Preferences in Portfolio Choice: A Q-DRL Approach to Dynamic Diversification
20 - Monetary Policy, Macro-Financial Vulnerabilities, and Macroeconomic Outcomes
19 - Distribution Strategy Planning: A Comprehensive Probabilistic Approach for Unpredictable Environment
17 - Interest Rate Pass-Through Asymmetry: A Meta-Analytical Approach
16 - Cost-Effectiveness of Women’s Vaccination Against HPV: Results for the Czech Republic
15 - Where Have All the Alphas Gone? A Meta-Analysis of Hedge Fund Performance
14 - Beauty and Professional Success: A Meta-Analysis
12 - Board Compensation and Investment Efficiency
11 - Board Bias, Information, and Investment Efficiency
10 - Does Shareholder Activism Have a Long-Lasting Impact on Company Value? A Meta-Analysis
9 - Climate Change, Large Risks, Small Risks, and the Value per Statistical Life
8 - Military Expenditure and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis
6 - Female Leadership and Financial Performance: A Meta-Analysis
5 - Migration, Remittances, and Wage-Inflation Spillovers: The Case of Albania
4 - Profiling Cannabis Consumption Motivation and Situations as Casual Leisure
2 - The Effect of Face Masks on Covid Transmission: A Meta-Analysis
1 - Uncertain Trends in Economic Policy Uncertainty
37 - Heterogeneous Effects of Government Energy Assistance Programs: Covid-19 Lockdowns in the Republic of Georgia
36 - Historical Calibration of SVJD Models with Deep Learning
35 - Unraveling Timing Uncertainty of Event-driven Connectedness among Oil-Based Energy Commodities
34 - Reducing the Biases of the Conventional Meta-Analysis of Correlations
33 - Profit Shifting of Multinational Corporations Worldwide
32 - Less-Cash or More-Cash? Determinants and Trends of Currency in Circulation in a Panel of 17 Economies
31 - High-Frequency Groceries Prices: Evidence from Czechia
30 - Fueling Financial Stability: The Financial Impact of U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard
29 - Artificial Intelligence and Central Bank Communication: The Case of the ECB
28 - Effectiveness of Car Scrappage Schemes: Comparative Analysis of European Countries
27 - The Impact of Dollarisation on Economic Growth, Investment, and Trade
26 - Exploring the Link Between Diet and Sustainability in Europe: A Focus on Meat and Fish Consumption
25 - Meta-Analysis of Social Science Research: A Practitioner’s Guide
24 - Good vs. Bad Volatility in Major Cryptocurrencies: The Dichotomy and Drivers of Connectedness
22 - Graph Theory Approach to Prices Transmission in the Network of Commonly Used Liquid Fuels
21 - Impact of Raw Material Price Volatility on Returns in Electric Vehicles Supply Chain
20 - Effects of Government Interventions on Bank Performance
19 - Publication Bias and Model Uncertainty in Measuring the Effect of Class Size on Achievement
18 - Determinants of Financial Inclusion in Africa and OECD Countries
17 - Meta-Analyses of Partial Correlations Are Biased: Detection and Solutions
16 - Method Versus Cross-Country Heterogeneity in the Exchange Rate Pass-Through
15 - Does Monetary Policy Reinforce the Effects of Macroprudential Policy
14 - Drivers of Private Equity Activity across Europe: An East-West Comparison
13 - Fiscal Consequences of Corporate Tax Avoidance
12 - Public Procurement and Tax Havens
11 - Ossified Democracy as an Economic Problem and Policies for Reclaiming its Performance
10 - Beauty and Productivity in Academic Publishing
8 - Distributional Effects of Exchange Rate Depreciations: Beggar-Thy-Neighbour or Beggar-Thyself?
7 - The Impact of Regulatory Change on Hedge Fund Performance
6 - Does Heat Cause Homicides? A Meta-Analysis
5 - Spurious Precision in Meta-Analysis
4 - Effects of Corporate Transparency on Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Country-by-Country Reporting
3 - Concurrent Business and Distribution Strategy Planning Using Bayesian Networks
2 - Ex-Prisoners and the Labour Market in the Czech Republic
1 - Are Estimates of the Impact of Shareholder Activism Published Selectively?
33 - Determinants of the Duration of Economic Recoveries: The Role of ’Too Much Finance’
32 - Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Support on Crop Diversity
31 - Impact of Biofuels on U.S. Retail Gasoline Prices: A Systematic Literature Review
28 - Financial Impact of Trust and Institutional Quality around the World
27 - Financial Incentives and Performance: A Meta-Analysis of Economics Evidence
26 - Skill-bias and Wage Inequality in the EU New Member States: Empirical Investigation
25 - Non-Linearity between Price Inflation and Labor Costs: The Case of Central European Countries
23 - Income Elasticity for Animal-Based Protein and Food Supply
22 - Trade Networks in Main Czech Export Categories
20 - Green Bond Premiums in the Chinese Secondary Market
19 - On Empirical Challenges in Forecasting Market Betas in Crypto Markets
18 - Exchange Rates and the Speed of Economic Recovery: The Role of Financial Development
17 - Do EU-Wide Stress Tests Affect Insurers’ Dividend Policies?
16 - How Firms Survive in European Emerging Markets: A Survey
15 - Hedge Fund Performance: A Quantitative Survey
14 - People Are Less Risk-Averse than Economists Think
13 - The Excess Profits during COVID-19 and Their Tax Revenue Potential
12 - How Is the Career Choice of a Medical Speciality Dependent on Gender Inequality in the Region
11 - Fiscal Consolidation under Market’s Scrutiny: How Do Fiscal Announcements Affect Bond Yields
10 - Acquisition of Costly Information in Data-Driven Decision Making
9 - Crime and weather. Evidence from the Czech Republic.
7 - Meta-analysis: Fiscal Multiplier
6 - Wealth Survey Calibration: Imposing Consistency with Income Tax Data
5 - Price Transmission and Policies in Biofuels-Related Global Networks
4 - Yield Curve Dynamics and Fiscal Policy Shocks
3 - Robust Portfolio Optimization: A Stochastic Evaluation of Worst-Case Scenarios
2 - Impact of Regulatory Changes on Economic Feasibility of Distributed Generation Solar Units
1 - Parental Involvement and Education Outcomes of Their Children
36 - Income tax noncompliance in Germany, 2001-2014
35 - Estimating Tax Progressivity in Developing Countries: The Plato Index
34 - "Wild" Tariff Schemes: Evidence from the Republic of Georgia
33 - Social Costs of Obesity in the Czech Republic
32 - Electricity Outages and Health Outcomes of Children: Empirical Evidence from Transition Economy
30 - Media Treatment of Monetary Policy Surprises and Their Impact on Firms’ and Consumers’ Expectations
28 - Student Employment and Education: A Meta-Analysis
26 - Illicit Financial Flows and Trade Mispricing: Decomposing the Trade Reporting Gap
25 - Impact of EU-wide Insurance Stress Tests on Equity Prices and Systemic Risk
23 - Labor Migration in the European Union: The case of Central and Eastern Europe
21 - Interest Rate Risk of Savings Accounts
20 - Regional Convergence in the European Union: What are the Factors of Growth?
19 - Forecasting Sovereign Bond Realized Volatility Using Time-Varying Coefficients Model
18 - Inequality in Pre-Industrial Urban Bohemia: The City of Budweis
17 - When Does Monetary Policy Sway House Prices? A Meta-Analysis
16 - Improving the Corruption Perceptions Index: Additional Data Sources and Their Effects
14 - Profit Shifting of Multinational Corporations Worldwide
12 - Who Benefits from Global Value Chain Participation? Does Functional Specialization Matter?
11 - Frequency-Dependent Higher Moment Risks
10 - Scenario Generation for IFRS9 Purposes using a Bayesian MS-VAR Model
9 - Bank Survival Around the World: A Meta-Analytic Review
7 - Price Level Targeting with Imperfect Rationality: A Heuristic Approach
6 - Currency Depreciations in Emerging Economies: A Blessing or a Curse for External Debt Management?
5 - Suspension of Insurers’ Dividends as a Response to the Covid-19 Crisis: Evidence from Equity Market
4 - Common Agricultural Policy Beneficiaries: Evidence of Inequality from a New Data Set
2 - Multi-Horizon Equity Returns Predictability via Machine Learning
1 - Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Russia since the 2000s
45 - Trading Volume and Stock Returns: A Meta-Analysis
44 - Consistency of Banks' Internal Probability of Default Estimates
42 - Selective Attention in Exchange Rate Forecasting
41 - Corporate Effective Tax Rates for Research and Policy
40 - Financial Crime and Punishment: A Meta-Analysis
38 - The Corporate Tax Haven Index: A New Geography of Profit Shifting
36 - Do Women Benefit from Minimum Wages?
33 - Business Cycle Sensitivity of Statutory Health Insurance: Evidence from the Czech Republic
32 - Publication and Identification Biases in Measuring the Intertemporal Substitution of Labor Supply
31 - A Survey of Empirical Literature on Hedge Fund Performance
29 - Skilled and Unskilled Labor Are Less Substitutable than Commonly Thought
27 - Exchange rate misalignments, growth, and institutions
26 - Labour Force Participation of Married Woman in Russia
24 - Peer Effects in Central Banking
23 - Premium Price For Natural Preservatives In Wine: A Discrete Choice Experiment
22 - Mortality shocks and household consumption: The case of Mexico
21 - Country-by-Country Reporting and Other Financial Transparency Measures Affecting the European Union
20 - Multinational Corporations’ Effective Tax Rates: Evidence from Orbis
18 - Beauty and Productivity: A Meta-Analysis
16 - Do Rural Banks Matter That Much? Burgess and Pande (AER, 2005) Reconsidered
15 - Globalization of Science: Evidence from Authors in Academic Journals by Country of Origin
14 - Natural Catastrophes and Financial Development: An Empirical Analysis
13 - Credit Rating Downgrade Risk on Equity Returns
11 - The Effect of Inpatient User Charges on Inpatient Care
9 - Regional Determinants of Housing Prices in the Czech Republic
8 - ECB Monetary Policy and Commodity Prices
7 - Time-Varying Pricing of Risk in Sovereign Bond Futures Returns
6 - How Puzzling Is the Forward Premium Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis
5 - Nowcasting Real GDP Growth: Comparison between Old and New EU Countries
2 - Are Employment Effects of Minimum Wage the Same Across the EU? A Meta-Regression Analysis
1 - Cognitive Bias Mitigation: How to Make Decision-Making Rational?
41 - The Progress of Global Financial Transparency: Evidence from The Financial Secrecy Index 2009–2018
40 - The Costs of Tax Havens: Evidence from Industry-Level Data
39 - Decomposing Multinational Corporations’ Declining Effective Tax Rates
37 - Partisan Fiscal Policy: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
35 - Remittances and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis
33 - Tax Treaties Worldwide: Estimating Elasticities and Revenue Foregone
32 - Heterogeneity of Returns to Business R&D: What Does Make a Difference?
31 - Multinational Corporations and Tax Havens: Evidence from Country-by-Country Reporting
Older papers and search/ filtering opitons are available at RePec.