The Optimal Investment Size in the Electricity Sector in EU Countries

The Optimal Investment Size in the Electricity Sector in EU Countries


Mathieu Petit
Karel Janda

Published in: IES Working Papers 24/2024

investment size, abatement activity, electricity demand, social cost of carbon, carbon intensity, marginal abatement cost curve

JEL codes:

C54, G38, Q41, Q54

Suggested citation:

Petit M., Janda K. (2024): " The Optimal Investment Size in the Electricity Sector in EU Countries " IES Working Papers 24/2024. IES FSV. Charles University.


This paper aims to estimate the optimal environmental policy in the elektricity generation sector for each of the EU countries maximizing total welfare. The study uses a recently proposed theoretical corporate finance model and empirically estimate each of its components using the current state of the literature to derive the estimated optimal investment size and greenhouse gas abatement activities. Results indicate that a social planner would not significantly reduce the carbon intensity of the EU electricity generation sector but rather keep its industry size well below current levels.

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