Mgr. Theodor Petřík

Mgr. Theodor Petřík


  • Centre for Doctoral Studies - IES
  • Department of Macroeconomics and Econometrics


ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6223-8047

2022/9+ Ph.D. Candidate, IES FSV UK, Economics and Finance
2020/9 - 2022/8 Master's degree, IES FSV UK, Economics and Finance, Finance Banking and Financial Markets
Master's Thesis: Benefits of concurrent planning of the long-term distribution and business strategies
2020/9 - 2021/8 Erasmus+, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
2017/9 - 2020/8 Bachelor's degree, IES FSV UK, Economics and Finance
Bachelor's Thesis: Impact of free customer credits on purchases: Case of a major discount portal.
2019/8 - 2019/12 Erasmus+, University of Helsinki, Finland

Job history:
10/2023 Member at the Center of doctoral studies (CDS)
07/2018+ Consultant, Logio s.r.o.

Advanced Data Analysis in MSE

Bachelor theses:
Topics that are related to operations research. If you want me to supervise your bachelor's thesis, don't hesitate to contact me via email.

Master theses:
As a Ph.D. candidate, I am primarily supervising bachelor's theses. You can select an IES faculty member as your master's thesis supervisor. However, contact me if you still wish me to be your supervisor on a topic related to operations research.

Operations research