Mgr. Evgeniya Dubinina

Mgr. Evgeniya Dubinina


  • Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy

E-mail: ,


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2779-9935


I am a PhD candidate and researcher at the IES FSV Charles University (IES FSV UK). My focus is on taxation, international corporate tax avoidance, and public, international and development economics. I am part of the CORPTAX research group at Charles University that aims to transform the understanding of corporate taxation in a globalized world. I am also a part of the DemoTrans project that aims to provide theoretical and empirical recommendations on how to reinvigorate democratic governance by improving the accountability, transparency, effectiveness and trustworthiness of rule-of-law-based institutions and policies.

Rok vydání


Chapters in monographs


Contributions in the conference proceedings

Bachelor theses

I am ready to consider supervising your thesis - do not hesitate to get in touch. Please have a look at my field of interest to see whether we have shared research interests.

Master theses

As a PhD candidate, I am primarily supervising Bachelor theses. You are encouraged to select your Master thesis supervisor from the current IES faculty. If you still want me to supervise your Master thesis, get in touch with me via email. Please have a look at my field of interest to see whether we have shared research interests.

  • 2022-2023. UNCE Doctoral Fellowship (Charles University)
  • 2023. UNU-WIDER GRD Grant.  "Global Minimum Tax Project" (Helsinki, Finland)
  • 2022-2024. Grant Agency of Charles University (GAUK). "Corporate Taxation and Transparency" (Charles University)
  • 2022. UNU-WIDER GRD Grant. "Fiscal Consequences of Corporate Tax Avoidance" (Helsinki, Finland)

Public, International and Development Economics, Taxation, International Corporate Tax Avoidance