PhDr. Lucie Bryndová
PhDr. Lucie Bryndová
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0442-1596
Rok vydání
- Bryndová L., Šlegerová L., Votápková J., Hroboň P., Shuftan N., & Spranger A. (2023). Czechia: Health system review 2023. Health Systems in Transition. WHO Regional Office for Europe.
- Bryndová L., & Šlegerová L. (2021). Zásah nutný: dopady budoucího ekonomického vývoje a pandemických opatření na příjmy a výdaje systému veřejného zdravotního pojištění. Národohospodářský ústav AV ČR.
- Bryndová L., Pavloková K., Roubal T., Rokosová M., & Gaskins M. (2009). Czech Republic : Health system review. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.
- Pavloková K., Prušvic D., Zápal J., & Bryndová L. (2009). Health system financing in the EU : current practices and the ageing challenge. Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
- Rajan S., Khunti K., Alwan N., Steves C., MacDarmott N., Morsella A., Angulo E., Winkelmann J., Bryndová L., Fronteira I., Gandré C., Or Z., Gerkens S., Sagan A., Simões J., Ricciardi W., de Belvis A., Silenzi A., Bernal-Delgado E., Estupiñán-Romero F., & McKee M. (2021). In the wake of the pandemic: Preparing for Long COVID. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.
Chapters in monographs
- Bryndová L., Bar M., Herzig R., Mikulík R., Neumann J., Šaňák D., Škoda O., Školoudík D., Václavík D., & Tomek A. (2021). Concentrating stroke care provision in the Czech Republic: The establishment of Stroke Centres in 2011 has led to improved outcomes. Health Policy, 125(4), 520-525. UT-WOS link
- Bryndová L., Hroboň P., & Tulejová H. (2019). The 2018 risk-adjustment reform in the Czech Republic: Introducing Pharmacy-based Cost Groups and strengthening reinsurance. Health Policy, 123(8), 700-705. UT-WOS link
- Sagan A., Bryndová L., Kowalska-Bobko I., Smatana M., Spranger A., Szerencses V., Webb E., & Gaal P. (2022). A reversal of fortune: comparison of health system responses to COVID-19 in the Visegrad Group during the early phases of the pandemic. Health Policy, 126(5), 446-455. UT-WOS link
- Šlegerová L., Bryndová L., Michenka P., & Kočí M. (2025). The 2017 reform to medical specialty training in Czechia: Exploring student career preferences. Health Policy, 154(April), UT-WOS link
- Sagan A., Kowalska-Bobko I., Bryndová L., Smatana M., Chaklosh I., & Gaal P. (2023). What is being done to respond to the rise of chronic diseases and multi-morbidity in Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia?. Frontiers in Public Health, 10(January 2023), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
- Waitzberg R., Gerkens S., Dimova A., & Bryndová L. (2022). Balancing financial incentives during COVID-19: a comparison of provider payment adjustments across 20 countries. Health Policy, 126(5), 398-407. UT-WOS link
- Quentin W., Albreht T., Bezzina A., & Bryndová L. (2020). Adjusting hospital inpatient payment systems for COVID-19. Eurohealth, 26(2), 88-92.
- Dubas-Jakobczyk K., Albreht T., Behmane D., Bryndová L., Dimova A., Džakula A., Habicht T., Murauskienė L., Scîntee S., Smatana M., Velkey Z., & Quentin W. (2020). Hospital reforms in 11 Central and Eastern European countries between 2008 and 2019: a comparative analysis. Health Policy, 124(4), 368-379. UT-WOS link
- Polin K., Hjortland M., Maresso A., Bryndová L., & Votápková J. (2021). "Top-Three" health reforms in 31 high-income countries in 2018 and 2019: an expert informed overview. Health Policy, 125(7), 815-832. UT-WOS link
- Cardinaal E., Dubas-Jakóbczyk K., Behmane D., Bryndová L., Cascini F., Duighuisen H., Davidovitch N., Waitzberg R., & Jeurissen P. (2022). Governance of Academic Medical Centres in Changing Healthcare Systems : An International Comparison. Health Policy, 126(7), 613-618. UT-WOS link
- Breuer R., Waitzberg R., Breuer A., Cram P., Bryndová L., Williams G., Kasekamp K., Keskimaki I., Tynkkynen L., van Ginneken V., Kovacs E., Burke S., (McGlacken-Byrne D., Norton C., Whiston B., Behmane D., Grike I., Batenburg R., Albreht T., Pribakovic R., Bernal-Delgado E., Estupinan-Romero F., Angulo-Pueyo E., & Rose A. (2023). Work like a Doc: A comparison of regulations on residents' working hours in 14 high-income countries. Health Policy, 130(April 2023), UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
Health Economics, Health Policy