doc. Mgr. Tomáš Holub, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. Tomáš Holub, Ph.D.
- Department of Macroeconomics and Econometrics
E-mail: , ,
Telephone: +420 224 412 340 , +420 222 112 309
Rooms: No. O311, Opletalova 26
ResearcherID: E-9734-2018
Scopus Author ID: 6603758806
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7889-5009
1992-97 Mgr. in banking and finance na IES FSV UK
1997-2001 Ph.D. in economics, IES FSV UK
1998-99 visiting research student, LSE, Londonn
Teachinfg experience
1998-2002 VŠE Praha; since 1998 IES FSV UK
Rok vydání
Chapters in monographs
- Holub T., & Hurník J. (2008). Ten years of Czech inflation targeting : missed targets and anchored expectations. European Union governance - challenges and opportunities
- Holub T., & Hurník J. (2008). Ten years of Czech inflation targeting : missed targets and anchored expectations. European Union governance - challenges and opportunities (pp. 147-170).
- Erbenová M., & Holub T. (2005). Czech Trade, Exchange Rate and Monetary Policies in the 1990s. Can Regional Integration Arrangements Enforce Trade Discipline? : The Story of EU Enlargement (pp. 113-156).
- Holub T., & Hurník J. (2008). Ten years of Czech inflation targeting : missed targets and anchored expectations. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 44(6), 67-86. UT-WOS link
- Holub T. (2008). Causes of deviations from the CNB's inflation targets: an empirical analysis. Finance a úvěr, 58(9-10), 425-433. UT-WOS link
- Franta M., Holub T., & Saxa B. (2022). Exiting from an Exchange Rate Floor in a Small Open Economy: Balance Sheet Implications of the Czech National Bank's Exchange Rate Commitment. International Journal of Central Banking, 18(2), 51-105. UT-WOS link
- Geršl A., & Holub T. (2006). Foreign exchange interventions under inflation targeting : the Czech experience. Contemporary Economic Policy, 24(4), 475-491. UT-WOS link
- Antal J., & Holub T. (2007). Exchange rate arrangements prior to euro adoption. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Oeconomica, Czech Economic Review, 1(3), 312-323.
- Cincibuch M., Holub T., & Hurník J. (2009). Central bank losses and economic convergence. Finance a úvěr, 59(3), 190-215. UT-WOS link
- Hlédik T., Holub T., & Král P. (2016). The Czech National Bank's Role Since the Global Crisis. Public Finance Quarterly, 61(1), 65-93. UT-WOS link
- Čihák M., & Holub T. (2005). Price convergence in EU-accession countries. Economie Internationale, Neuveden(102), 59-82.
- Antal J., Hlaváček M., & Holub T. (2008). Inflation target fulfillment in the Czech Republic in 1998-2007 : some stylized facts. Finance a úvěr, 58(9-10), 406-424. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Holub T. (2005). Foreign exchange interventions under inflation targeting : the Czech experience. Practical experience with inflation targeting (pp. 106-127).
- Holub T. (2006). Infljacionnoe targetirovanie : issledovanie transmissionnogo mechanizma. Matěrialy meždunarodnoj konferencii 'Transmissionnij mechanizm děněžno-kreditnoj politiki v ctranach s perechodnoj ekonomikoj' (pp. 54-61).
2002 Ministry of Education Award
2001 Olga Radzyner Award (Oesterreichische Nationalbank)
1997 Bolzano Prize
JEM111 - International Macroeconomics and Finance
JEM027 - Monetary Economics
Bachelor theses
see SIS
Master theses
see SIS
Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics