Bathusi Gabanatlhong

Bathusi Gabanatlhong


  • Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7743-2114

Bathusi Gabanatlhong is a PhD student at Charles University in the Czech Republic, specialising in corporate tax avoidance, tax havens, secretive jurisdictions, and illicit financial flows. As a junior researcher at the CORPTAX group at Charles University, she contributes to the ongoing fight against tax abuse and financial secrecy. She has served as an Economist at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning in Botswana, focusing on macroeconomicmic forecasts, policy formulation and wealth accounting. 

Public Finance 2021/22 - 2024/25 (3 times)

Economics of Global Business 2021/22 - 2024/25 (3 times)

Intermediate Macroeconomics 2022/23 

Principles of Economics 2023/2024 

I am happy to supervise research on topics related to corporate tax avoidance and the evaluation of anti-illicit financial flow policies.

Detecting and countering illicit financial flows - UNUWIDER Grant

2021 to date - PhD Candidate (Charles University, Czechia)

2016-2017 - MSc Economics and Finance (Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom)

2023 to date - Junior Researcher, CORPTAX 

2012 - 2021 - Economist, Ministry of Finance

Corporate tax avoidance, tax havens, financial secrecy and illicit financial flows