prof. PhDr. Petr Teplý, Ph.D.
prof. PhDr. Petr Teplý, Ph.D.

- Department of Finance and Capital Markets
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 222 112 326
Rooms: No. O511, Opletalova 26
ResearcherID: E-9785-2018
Scopus Author ID: 15732288700
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4014-918X
1996-1999 Bachelor of Economics at IES FSV UK
1999-2002 Master of Economics at IES FSV UK
2000 Erasmus Scholarship at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria
2002 PhDr. degree in Economics at IES FSV UK
2006 Czech Government Scholarship at The University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand
2006 The State University of New York, New Paltz, USA
2002-2009 Ph.D. in Finance at IES FSV UK
2014 Associate Professor of Finance, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic
2019 Professor of Finance, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic
Job history
2001 CSOB Bank, Restructuring Dept., Prague, Czech Republic
2002-2003 CSOB Bank, Legal and Forensic Projects Dept., Prague, Czech Republic
2004-2005 CSOB Bank, Planning and Controlling Dept., Prague, Czech Republic
2006 Spencer Clarke LLC, Investment Banking Dept., New York City, USA
2007-2013 EEIP, a.s., Prague, Czech Republic
2014+ member of the Supervisory Board of the Czech Export Bank, Czech Republic
Rok vydání
- Teplý P. (2015). Consumer lending in theory and practice. Karolinum.
- Teplý P., Doležal P., Kolmanová H., Kebort M., Hradil D., Šmejkal D., Ondrušek J., & Kozub M. (2013). Navigátor bezpečného úvěru. Karolinum.
- Teplý P., Klinger T., Lebovič M., Vejdovec O., & Vrábel M. (2012). Economic capital and risk management. Karolinum.
- Ander J., & Teplý P. (2014). Sovereign wealth funds in theory and practice. Karolinum.
- Ander J., & Teplý P. (2011). Suverénní fondy. Karolinum.
- Černohorský J., & Teplý P. (2011). Základy financí. Grada.
- Mejstřík M., Pečená M., & Teplý P. (2008). Basic principles of banking. Karolinum.
- Mejstřík M., Pečená M., & Teplý P. (2014). Bankovnictví v teorii a praxi. Karolinum.
Chapters in monographs
- Teplý P. (2011). Consequences of the 2008-2009 global crisis on financial stability and entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship and development (pp. 20-37).
- Teplý P., & Jakubík P. (2011). An Alternative Assessment of Entrepreneurs' Activities in Terms of Financial Stability - A Case Study. Entrepreneurship and development (pp. 63-89).
- Teplý P., & Vejdovec O. (2012). Economic capital management in theory and practice. Economic capital and risk management (pp. 47-78).
- Teplý P., & Vrábel M. (2012). Copula functions in theory and practice. Economic capital and risk management (pp. 79-103).
- Teplý P., & Jakubík P. (2008). The prediction of financial stability of emerging markets economies through logit analysis. Redefining business horizons
- Teplý P., & Stárová H. (2010). Credit risk in European banks mergers and acquisitions. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 169-200).
- Teplý P., Hu L., & Černohorská L. (2010). Credit risk management lessons from Czech banks for the Chinese banking sector. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 201-214).
- Teplý P., & Černohorský J. (2010). Credit default swaps as credit risk mitigants. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 83-96).
- Teplý P., & Andrlíková P. (2010). The role of credit rating agencies in the 2008/2009 global financial crisis. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 97-134).
- Teplý P., & Chalupka R. (2010). Black swans and operational risk management. Advanced measurement techniques for market and operational risk (pp. 203-227).
- Pečená M., Teplý P., & Černohorský J. (2010). Credit risk management during the 2007-2009 global crisis. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 15-34).
- Benešová P., Teplý P., & Sekhri V. (2010). An alternative approach (using the VBA programme) to collateralized debt obligations' valuation. Managing business organizations, knowledge and the external environment (pp. 254-276).
- Benešová P., & Teplý P. (2010). Collateralized debt obligations and credit risk management. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 61-82).
- Klinger T., & Teplý P. (2012). Bank capital regulation: from Bretton Woods to Basel. Economic capital and risk management (pp. 11-46).
- Lebovič M., & Teplý P. (2012). Coherent risk measures. Economic capital and risk management (pp. 105-123).
- Marková K., Pečená M., & Teplý P. (2010). Credit losses during the crisis 2007-2009 : from contagion to recovery. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 35-60).
- Teplý P., & Tripe D. (2015). The TT Index as an Indicator of Macroeconomic Vulnerability of EU New Member States. Ekonomicky Casopis, 63(1), 19-33. UT-WOS link
- Teplý P. (2012). The Application of Extreme Value Theory in Operational Risk Management. Ekonomicky Casopis, 60(7), 698-716. UT-WOS link
- Teplý P., Stárová H., & Černohorský J. (2010). Value creation of European bank mergers and acquisitions in the 1998-2007 period. Ekonomicky Casopis, 58(5), 458-470. UT-WOS link
- Teplý P., Vrábel M., & Černohorská L. (2012). The VT Index as an Indicator of Market Liquidity Risk in Slovakia. Ekonomicky Casopis, 60(3), 223-238. UT-WOS link
- Teplý P., Černohorská L., & Diviš K. (2007). Implications of the New Basel Capital Accord for European banks. E+M. Ekonomie a Management, 10(2), 58-64.
- Teplý P. (2010). The key challenges of the new bank regulations. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 4(6), 1300-1303.
- Teplý P. (2010). Exit strategies from the global crisis. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 4(6), 1304-1309.
- Teplý P. (2010). Komplexní pohled do světa financí a bankovnictví z dílny prof. Poloučka. Politická ekonomie, 14(5), 709-713. UT-WOS link
- Rippel M., & Teplý P. (2011). Operational Risk - Scenario Analysis. Prague Economic Papers, 20(1), 23-39. UT-WOS link
- Černohorský J., & Teplý P. (2010). Alternative methods to operational risk management. Scientific Papers of The University Pardubice, Neuveden(16), 58-64.
- Jakubík P., & Teplý P. (2011). The JT index as an indicator of financial stability of corporate sector. Prague Economic Papers, 20(2), 157-176. UT-WOS link
- Černohorský J., & Teplý P. (2009). Kreditní deriváty - hrozba nebo příležitost?. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2009(Special Edition), 10-17.
- Matějašák M., Teplý P., & Černohorský J. (2009). The impact of regulation of banks in the US and the EU-15 countries. E+M. Ekonomie a Management, 12(3), 58-68. UT-WOS link
- Matejašák M., & Teplý P. (2013). Kampeličky jako dynamit na českém finančním trhu?. Český finanční a účetní časopis, 8(1), 33-47.
- Šútorová B., & Teplý P. (2013). The Impact of Basel III on Lending Rates of EU Banks. Finance a úvěr, 63(3), 226-243. UT-WOS link
- Šinka M., & Teplý P. (2011). The (non)sense of private equity regulation?. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration., 20(2), 155-166.
- Serdarevič G., & Teplý P. (2011). The efficiency of EU merger control during the period 1990-2008. Finance a úvěr, 61(3), 252-276. UT-WOS link
- Černohorský J., & Teplý P. (2010). Alternative methods to operational risk management. Scientific Papers of The University Pardubice, Neuveden(16), 58-64.
- Černohorský J., Teplý P., & Vrábel M. (2010). Liquidity market support during the global crisis. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Neuveden(17), 39-49.
- Šinka M., & Teplý P. (2012). The (non)sense of hedge funds' regulation in the light of a MAC questions regulatory concept. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 23(1), 110-121.
- Buzková P., & Teplý P. (2012). Collateralized Debt Obligation's Valuation Using the One Factor Gaussian Copula Model. Prague Economic Papers, 21(1), 30-49. UT-WOS link
- Gleta J., & Teplý P. (2012). An institutional analysis of bank regulation. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 18(24), 64-76.
- Hanzlík P., & Teplý P. (2022). Key factors of the net interest margin of European and US banks in a low interest rate environment. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 27(3), 2795-2818. UT-WOS link
- Vozková K., & Teplý P. (2020). An Analysis of Bank Fee and Commission Income in the EU and in the Czech Republic in a Low Interest Rate Environment. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 28(2), 1-8. UT-WOS link
- Hanzlík P., & Teplý P. (2019). Key Determinants of the Net Interest Margin of EU Banks in the Zero Lower Bound of Interest Rates. Finance a úvěr, 69(5), 416-439. UT-WOS link
- Horváth R., & Teplý P. (2013). Analýza řízení rizik sektoru stavebních spořitelen v České republice. Ekonomicky Casopis, 61(1), 24-46. UT-WOS link
- Klinger T., & Teplý P. (2014). Systemic Risk of the Global Banking System - An Agent-Based Network Model Approach. Prague Economic Papers, 23(1), 24-41. UT-WOS link
- Klinger T., & Teplý P. (2014). Modelling interconnections in the global financial system in the light of systemic risk. Acta VŠFS, 8(1), 64-88.
- Šútorová B., & Teplý P. (2014). EU Banks' Profitability and Risk Adjustment Decisions under Basel III. Ekonomický časopis, 62(7), 667-691. UT-WOS link
- Fišerová T., Teplý P., & Tripe D. (2015). The Performance of Foreign-Owned Banks in Host Country Economies. Prague Economic Papers, 24(5), 538-561. UT-WOS link
- Džmuráňová H., & Teplý P. (2016). Why are savings accounts perceived as risky bank products?. Prague Economic Papers, 25(5), 617-633. UT-WOS link
- Klinger T., & Teplý P. (2016). The Nexus Between Systemic Risk and Sovereign Crises. Finance a úvěr, 66(1), 50-69. UT-WOS link
- Vozková K., & Teplý P. (2018). Determinants of Bank Fee Income in the EU Banking Industry - Does Market Concentration Matter?. Prague Economic Papers, 27(1), 3-20. UT-WOS link
- Šútorová B., & Teplý P. (2014). The Level of Capital and the Value of EU Banks under Basel III. Prague Economic Papers, 23(2), 143-161. UT-WOS link
- Halamka R., & Teplý P. (2017). The effect of ethics on banks' financial performance. Prague Economic Papers, 26(3), 330-344. UT-WOS link
- Štěpánková B., & Teplý P. (2023). Consistency of banks' internal probability of default estimates: Empirical evidence from the COVID-19 crisis. Journal of Banking and Finance, 154(September 2023), 1-17. UT-WOS link
- Černohorská L., Černohorský J., & Teplý P. (2009). Implications of the 2008 financial crisis for world financial markets. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2009(14), 13-26.
- Černohorský J., Pokorná K., & Teplý P. (2011). Sovereign risk - How can we measure it?. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration., 19(1), 17-27.
- Černohorská L., Ilková M., & Teplý P. (2011). Models of dividend distribution and taxation. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration., 19(1), 5-16.
- Rippel M., Suchánková L., & Teplý P. (2012). Pojištění jako nástroj řízení operačního rizika - případová studie. Politická ekonomie, 60(4), 523-535. UT-WOS link
- Černohorská L., Rippel M., & Teplý P. (2010). Key operational risk management techniques. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Neuveden(16), 41-49.
- Černohorský J., Serdarevič G., & Teplý P. (2010). Theoretical background for competitive merger analysis. Scientific Papers of The University Pardubice, Neuveden(16), 50-58.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Teplý P., Chalupka R., & Černohorský J. (2010). The importance of operational risk modeling for economic capital management in banking. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Finance and Banking (pp. 245-259). UT-WOS link
- Teplý P., Chalupka R., & Černohorský J. (2010). Operational risk and economic capital modeling. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Business, Economics and Tourism Management (pp. 70-74). UT-WOS link
- Teplý P., & Tripe D. (2011). The Impact of the Global Crisis in Central European countries and lessons for and from New Zealand. 13th International Conference on Finance and Banking - Lessons Learned from the Financial Crisis (pp. 694-708).
- Teplý P., Chalupka R., & Černohorský J. (2009). The importance of operational risk modeling for economic capital management in banking. Structural and Regional Impacts of Financial Crises : proceedings of 12th International Conference on Finance and Banking (pp. 689-712).
- Teplý P., & Diviš K. (2005). Komparace tržní efektivnosti burzovních trhu ve strední Evrope a v USA. Teoretické aspekty prierezových ekonomík III (pp. 277-281).
- Teplý P., & Diviš K. (2005). Information efficiency in central European equity markets. Future of banking after the year 2000 in the world and in the Czech Republic (pp. 556-571).
- Teplý P., & Jakubík P. (2009). The JT index as a predictor of the economy's financial stability. Global conference on business nad finance proceedings (pp. 112-120).
- Teplý P., Černohorská L., & Zeman L. (2009). Negative and positive lessons from the 2007-2008 financial crisis. Global conference on business nad finance proceedings (pp. 131-140).
- Teplý P., Černohorská L., & Černohorský J. (2009). Strategic implications of the 2008 financial crisis. World summit on global economic crisis (WSGEC 2009) (pp. 21-43).
- Teplý P., & Rippel M. (2010). The theoretical background of operational risk management. International Conference on Education and Management Technology (pp. 266-271).
- Benešová P., & Teplý P. (2009). The dark side of collateralized debt obligation's valuation during the 2008/2009 financial crisis. Structural and Regional Impacts of Financial Crises : Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Finance and Banking (pp. 58-86).
- Benešová P., & Teplý P. (2010). The dark side of collateralized debt obligation's valuation during the 2008/2009 financial crisis. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Finance and Banking (pp. 15-29). UT-WOS link
- Jakubík P., & Teplý P. (2009). The JT index as an indicator of financial stability. Proceedings of Business and Information 2009 (pp. 121-130).
- Šobotníková P., & Teplý P. (2012). Procyclicality in Basel III in the Visegrad countries. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Finance and Banking (pp. 437-450). UT-WOS link
- Šobotníková P., & Teplý P. (2011). Procyclicality in Basel III in the Visegrad Countries. 13th International Conference on Finance and Banking - Lessons Learned from the Financial Crisis (pp. 663-685).
- Růžičková K., & Teplý P. (2015). Are Bank Fees in the Czech Republic Excessive?. 16th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting, ACFA Prague 2015 (pp. 264-277). UT-WOS link
- Kuc M., & Teplý P. (2015). A Rollercoaster Ride of Czech Credit Unions. 16TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING, ACFA PRAGUE 2015 (pp. 239-248). UT-WOS link
- Džmuráňová H., & Teplý P. (2015). Duration of Demand Deposits in Theory. Procedia economics and finance (pp. 278-284). UT-WOS link
- Džmuráňová H., Hejdova M., & Teplý P. (2018). Liability Risk Management of Central European Banks Under New Regulatory Requirements. The Impact of Globalization on International Finance and Accounting (pp. 107-116). UT-WOS link
- Mejstřík M., Marková K., & Teplý P. (2010). The European banking industry before and during the 2008/2009 global turmoil. International Finance Symposium 2009 (pp. 1-10).
- Černohorský J., Šobotníková P., & Teplý P. (2011). The Challenges of Basel III for the Czech Banking Sector. 13th International Conference on Finance and Banking - Lessons Learned from the Financial Crisis (pp. 84-99).
- Hejdová M., Džmuráňová H., & Teplý P. (2017). Interest Rate Sensitivity of Non-maturing Bank Products. New Trends in Finance and Accounting (pp. 149-160). UT-WOS link
2015 Jaroslav Jirsa Prize
2009 Rector Prize (Charles University)
JEB027 - Finanční ekonomie
JEB153 - Introductory Banking
JEM235 - Traditional and Alternative Risk Transfer in the Insurance Sector
Bachelor theses
1. An Analysis of Sustainable Bonds in the EU
2. Impact of ESG on the EU banking sector
3. Non-financial Disclosure Regulation and ESG Financial Performance of EU Firms
Master theses
1. An Analysis of Sustainable Bonds in the EU and the US
2. Non-financial Disclosure Regulation and ESG Financial Performance of EU and US Firms
3. Valuation of ESG Risks in Banking
ESG, Banking, Finance, Regulation, Risk Management, Sustainable Finance