doc. PhDr. Martin Gregor, Ph.D.
doc. PhDr. Martin Gregor, Ph.D.

- Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy
- Advisory Council of the Dean
- Executive Council of the Dean
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 222 112 306
Rooms: No. O407, Opletalova 26
ResearcherID: A-6295-2008
Scopus Author ID: 7005776276
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7657-724X
Martin Gregor is an applied theorist interested in corporate finance, corporate governance, organizational economics, and accounting and economics. His papers have been cited, among others, in top journals in Finance (Review of Financial Studies), Management (Management Science), Accounting (Journal of Accounting Research), and Political Science (Americal Political Science Review). His work has been presented, among others, at MIT Sloan, Chicago Booth, Wharton, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Kellogg School of Management, NYU Stern School of Business, and Yale School of Management.
2007 PhD in Economics, Charles University
2002 MA in Political Science, Charles University
Work experience
2024+ Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
2016+ Associate Professor in Economics, Charles University
2010-23 Director, Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
2007-10 Deputy Director, Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
2007-16 Assistant Professor in Economics, Charles University
Rok vydání
- Gregor M. (2005). Nová politická ekonomie. Karolinum.
- Gregor M. (2005). Politický a ekonomický slang. Triton.
- Gregor M. (2008). Vzestup a pád národů : ekonomický růst, stagflace a společenská rigidita. Liberální institut.
Chapters in monographs
- Gregor M. (2007). The consequence of e-excellence : party web sites in the Czech campaign for the 2004 European parliament. The Internet and national elections : a comparative study of web campaigning (pp. 77-91).
- Gregor M. (2007). E-pressure through Internet against Monopoly. Encyclopaedia of digital government (pp. 708-712).
- Gregor M. (2004). Nevyužitý zisk z formalizace : případ rakouské ekonomie. Filosofické základy metodologie ekonomických věd III (pp. 159-196).
- Gregor M. (2004). Trendy fiskálního federalismu v EU a ekonomika ČR. Ekonomika ČR v evropském prostoru (pp. 54-73).
- Gregor M. (2011). Politika a ekonomie: úvod do ekonomických analýz politiky. Úvod do studia politiky (pp. 253-277).
- Smith M., & Gregor M. (2009). Modelování místních referend iniciovaných občany ve střední a východní Evropě. Občané v politice (pp. 50-62).
- Gregor M. (2004). Public choice : models, methods and applications. Politologická revue, 10(1), 147-148.
- Gregor M. (2004). Jacek W. Mercik and Frantisek Turnovec, eds.: Regional dimension of economic integration in extending European Union. Journal of European Integration, 26(2), 191-192.
- Gregor M. (2016). A three-stage model of inter-jurisdictional public spending spillovers. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 9(2), 201-217.
- Gregor M. (2021). Electives Shopping, Grading Policies and Grading Competition. Economica, 88(350), 364-398. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2005). The evolutionary analysis of economic policy. Journal of Economic Issues, 39(1), 280-282. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2011). Tradeoffs of foreign assistance for the weakest-link global public goods. International Tax and Public Finance, 18(2), 233-251. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2006). Hodnocení ekonomických pracovišť a ekonomů : koho, proč, čím a jak. Politická ekonomie, 54(3), 394-414. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2012). Contest for power in organizations. Economics Letters, 114(3), 280-283. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M., & Šťastná L. (2012). The decentralization tradeoff for complementary spillovers. Review of Economic Design, 16(1), 41-69. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M., & Schneider O. (2005). The world is watching : rankings of Czech and Slovak economics departments. Finance a úvěr, 55(11-12), 518-530. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2015). Task divisions in teams with complementary tasks. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 117(September), 102-120. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2015). To Invite or Not to Invite a Lobby, That Is the Question. B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 15(2), 143-166. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2016). Tullock's puzzle in pay-and-play lobbying. Economics and Politics, 28(3), 368-389. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M., & Smith M. (2013). Civic initiatives in the context of legal uncertainty. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 25(1), 36-62. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2011). Tradeoffs of foreign assistance for the weakest-link global public goods. International Tax and Public Finance, 18(2), 233-251. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2008). Rozpočtová pravidla a rozpočtový proces : teorie, empirie a realita České republiky. Politická ekonomie, 56(4), 484-504. UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2008). On the strategic non-complementarity of complements. Economics Bulletin, 8(3), 1-7.
- Gregor M., & Roháč D. (2009). The optimal state aid control : no control. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Oeconomica, Czech Economic Review, 3(1), 93-113.
- Gregor M. (2009). Pradeep Chhibber & Ken Kollman: The formation of national party systems. Review of Political Economy, 20(1), 350-352.
- Šťastná L., & Gregor M. (2015). Public sector efficiency in transition and beyond: Evidence from Czech local governments. Applied Economics, 47(7), 680-699. UT-WOS link
- Tuchyňa P., & Gregor M. (2007). Centralization trade-off with non-uniform taxation. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Oeconomica, Czech Economic Review, 1(3), 223-253.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Gregor M. (2017). Lobbying Mechanisms. State, Institutions and Democracy: Contributions of Political Economy (pp. 17-52). UT-WOS link
- Gregor M. (2005). Vzestup a pád konfesí : přístup evoluční teorie her. 5th International Conference of PhD Students (pp. 313-323).
- Gregor M. (2004). Governing fiscal commons in an enlarged EU. Rozvoj české společnosti v Evropské unii. II, Ekonomie, Politologie (pp. 130-159).
- Gregor M. (2013). Ekonomická politika a politická ekonomie dnes. Soudobá ekonomie očima tří generací: dvacet let ekonomie na Univerzitě Karlově (pp. 103-112).
- Gregor M. (2008). Markets vs politics: correcting erroneous beliefs differently. Explorations in Austrian economics (pp. 55-78). UT-WOS link
- Šťastná L., & Gregor M. (2008). Jurisdictional competition via spending composition : the case of the Czech Republic. Space and historical time as dimensions of social change (pp. 25-44). UT-WOS link
2005 Karel Engliš Award
2004 Alumni Award
2002 Bolzano Prize
JEM013 - Game Theory
JEB064 - Game Theory and Applications
I will happily supervise undergraduate and Master theses in economics and finance in the following broad areas:
- applied microeconomic theory: information economics, especially currently active topics in information economics (markets with expertise, advisors, persuasion, information design, strategic communication), including applications in various (digital, financial, education) markets
- management and organizations: decision-making in corporations and organizations and agency issues (contracting, decentralization, delegation, communication, voting, committees, performance schemes), with applications also to economic policy-making
- corporate governance (boards, executive networks, proxy advisors, shareholder voting, shareholder coalitions, shareholder heterogeneity especially with respect to ESG, ownership structures, blockholders, minority shareholders)
- financial contracting: venture capital, crowdfunding (including non-financial crowdfunding)
- topics in accounting and economics: reporting and governance, ratings
- political finance: corporate lobbying, political connections
- ESG and CSR: industrial organization, governance, and management perspectives
I am working as an applied theorist, but I am happy to supervise empirical projects as long as the research design is specified well. I am supervising only theses written in English.
Principal Investigator: Czech Science Foundation 20-03517S, Individual characteristics of corporate boards directors and corporate outcomes
applied microeconomic theory, corporate governance and corporate finance, organizational economics and management, political economy