prof. Ing. Karel Janda, Dr., Ph.D., M.A.
prof. Ing. Karel Janda, Dr., Ph.D., M.A.

- Department of Microeconomics and Mathematical Methods
Telephone: +420 222 112 316
Rooms: No. O408, Opletalova 26
ResearcherID: A-3951-2008
Scopus Author ID: 56240770500
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7096-6300
2001-2003 Ph.D Economics, University of Iowa
1998-2001 M.A. Economics, University of Iowa
1992-1996 Dr. Economics, CERGE, Charles University
1984-1988 Ing. Business, University of Economics, Prague
Job history
Department of Microeconomics and Mathematical Methods, Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
- 2011+ Chairman of the Department
Department of Banking and Insurance, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, PragueUniversity of Economics and Business
- 2009+ Professor
- 2005–2009 Associate Professor
- 2003 – 2005 - Assistant Professor
Rok vydání
- Janda K. (2008). Teorie a praxe státních úvěrových podpor. Karolinum.
Chapters in monographs
- Janda K. (2008). Signalling the strength of a market entrant in the United Europe. European Union governance - challenges and opportunities
- Janda K. (2008). A model of credit risk under market power of lender. Risk Management 2008 (pp. 59-70).
- Janda K., & Svárovská B. (2009). The problems of correlation in the financial risk management - the contribution of microfinance. Problémy v řízení finančních rizik (pp. 107-118).
- Janda K., Mikolášek J., & Netuka M. (2011). Úloha spotřebních daní při ovlivňování finančních a dalších dopadů současné krize - mikroekonomický a ekonometrický přístup k odhadování změn poptávky. Úloha veřejných financí v řešení problémů a dopadů současné krize (pp. 149-156).
- Janda K., & Turbat B. (2013). Profitability of Microfinance Institutions in Selected Asian Countries. Risk Management 2013 (pp. 89-102).
- Janda K. (2013). Reforming International Trade in Visegrad Countries. EU Integration Issues – Visegrad Countries and the South Caucasus (pp. 198-210).
- Janda K., & Zetek P. (2013). Opportunities and threats in microfinance risk management. Risk Management 2012 (pp. 145-158).
- Janda K., & Vyležík T. (2011). Financial Management of Weather Risk: Application to Energy Markets. Modely řízení finančních rizik (pp. 163-182).
- Janda K. (2010). The roles of commercial credit and direct subsidies in Czech agriculture during early transition. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 215-225).
- Janda K., Michalíková E., & Skuhrovec J. (2011). Public Finance Support for the Czech International Trade: Theoretical and Econometrical Model. Analysis of the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Public Finances (pp. 179-203).
- Janda K., Krištoufek L., Schererová B., & Zilberman D. (2021). Price transmission in biofuel-related global agricultural networks. Agricultural Economics, 67(10), 399-408. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Münich D. (2004). The intra-industry trade of the Czech Republic in the economic transition. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 40(2), 27-50. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2003). Credit Guarantees in Credit Market with Adverse Selection. Prague Economic Papers, 12(11), 331-349.
- Janda K., Krištoufek L., & Zhang B. (2022). Return and volatility spillovers between Chinese and US clean energy related stocks. Energy Economics, 108(April 2022), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Kravtsov O. (2022). Online Appendix to "Regulatory Stress Tests and Bank Responses: Heterogeneous Treatment Effect in Dynamic Settings". International Journal of Central Banking, 18(2), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2006). Analysis of the budgetary costs of the supporting and guarantee agricultural and forestry fund. Finance a úvěr, 56(9-10), 416-434. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2005). The comparison of credit subsidies and guarantees in transition and post-transition economies. Ekonomicky Casopis, 53(4), 383-398. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Čajka M. (2006). Podpora zemědělského úvěru na Slovensku a v České republice. Ekonomicky Casopis, 54(2), 139-153. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Čajka M. (2007). Česká úvěrová podpora zemědělství : analýza prvních deseti let. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Oeconomica, Czech Economic Review, 1(2), 135-154.
- Janda K. (2019). Earnings Stability and Peer Company Selection for Multiple Based Indirect Valuation. Finance a úvěr, 69(1), 37-75. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Kouřílek J. (2020). Residual shape risk on natural gas market with mixed jump diffusion price dynamics. Energy Economics, 85(January), 1-15. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Rausser G., & Strielkowski W. (2013). Determinants of Profitability of Polish Rural Micro-Enterprises at the Time of EU Accession. Eastern European Countryside, 19(1), 177-218. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Michalíková E., & Skuhrovec J. (2013). Credit Support for Export: Robust Evidence from the Czech Republic. World Economy, 36(12), 1588-1610. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2007). Optimal debt contracts in emerging markets with multiple investors. Prague Economic Papers, 16(2), 115-129.
- Janda K., Málek J., & Rečka L. (2017). Vliv obnovitelných zdrojů na českou soustavu přenosu elektřiny. Politická ekonomie, 65(6), 728-750. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Michalíková E., & Skuhrovec J. (2012). Credit Support for Export: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Working Paper Series, Neuveden(461), 1-37.
- Janda K., & Štrobl M. (2019). Smoking Czechs: Modelling Tobacco Consumption and Taxation. Prague Economic Papers, 28(1), 3-29. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2018). Slovak electricity market and the price merit order effect of photovoltaics. Energy Policy, 122(November), 551-562. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Krištoufek L. (2019). The Relationship Between Fuel and Food Prices: Methods and Outcomes. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 11(October), 195-216. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Lajksnerová Z., & Mikolášek J. (2019). A General Equilibrium Model of Optimal Alcohol Taxation in the Czech Republic. Prague Economic Papers, 28(5), 589-611. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Turbat B. (2013). Determinants of the Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Central Asia. Post-Communist Economies, 25(4), 557-568. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2014). Export Credit Agencies in the Czech Republic and Their Market Power. CESifo Forum, 15(3), 45-51.
- Janda K., Tran V., & Zetek P. (2015). Vliv externího financování na mikrofinanční rozvoj - makropohled. Ekonomicky Casopis, 63(2), 115-132. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Zetek P. (2014). Macroeconomic factors influencing interest rates of microfinance institutions in the Latin America and the Caribbean. Agricultural Economics, 60(4), 159-173. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Krška Š., & Průša J. (2014). Česká fotovoltaická energie : modelový odhad nákladů na její podporu. Politická ekonomie, 62(3), 323-346. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Tran V., & Zetek P. (2015). Faktory ovlivňující zapojení žen v mikrofinancích. Politická ekonomie, 63(3), 363-381. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Zetek P. (2015). Mikrofinanční revoluce: kontroverze a výzvy. Politická ekonomie, 63(1), 108-130. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Rausser G., & Svárovská B. (2014). Can investment in microfinance funds improve risk-return characteristics of a portfolio?. Technological And Economic Development Of Economy, 20(4), 673-695. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Svárovská B. (2010). Investing into microfinance. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 11(3), 483-510. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Michalíková E., & Potácelová V. (2010). Gravitační a fiskální modely státní podpory exportních úvěrů v České republice. Politická ekonomie, 58(3), 305-325. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Mikolášek J., & Netuka M. (2010). Complete almost ideal demand system approach to the Czech alcohol demand. Agricultural Economics, 56(9), 421-434. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Rausser G. (2011). Comparing American and European Regulation of Over-the-Counter Derivative Securities. European Financial and Accounting Journal, 6(4), 7-19.
- Janda K., & Svárovská B. (2013). Performance of Microfinance Investment Vehicles. Ekonomicky Casopis, 61(1), 47-66. UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Mikolášek J. (2011). Success in Economic Transformation of the Czech Beer Industry and its Social Costs and Benefits. Transformations in Business and Economics, 10(3), 117-137. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2009). Bankruptcies with soft budget constraint. Manchester School, 77(4), 430-460. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2009). Úvěrová podpora investičních záměrů v České republice. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 17(2), 3-20.
- Janda K. (2009). Methodology and empirical analysis of social changes and economic risk in complex systems. Prague Economic Papers, 18(1), 88-93.
- Janda K., Málek J., & Rečka L. (2017). Influence of renewable energy sources on transmission networks in Central Europe. Energy Policy, 108(September), 524-537. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2008). Státní podpora českých vývozních úvěrů. Český finanční a účetní časopis, 3(1), 62-75.
- Janda K., & Svárovská B. (2012). Suitability of Microfinance as an Investment Option. Working Paper Series, 470(October), 1-46.
- Janda K., Krištoufek L., & Zilberman D. (2012). Biofuels: Impacts and Policies. Agricultural Economics, 58(8), 372-386. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2011). Inefficient credit rationing and public support of commercial credit provision. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 167(2), 371-391. UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2011). Credit rationing and public support of commercial credit. Working Paper Series, Neuveden(436), 1-37.
- Janda K., & Kravtsov O. (2022). Regulatory Stress Tests and Bank Responses: Heterogeneous Treatment Effect in Dynamic Settings. International Journal of Central Banking, 18(2), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
- Alekseev O., Janda K., Petit M., & Zilberman D. (2024). Return and volatility spillovers between the raw material and electric vehicles markets. Energy Economics, 137(September 2024), UT-WOS link
- Turdaliev S., & Janda K. (2024). Increasing Block Tariff Electricity Pricing and Propensity to Purchase Dirty Fuels: Empirical Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Eastern European Economics, 62(4), 429-449. UT-WOS link
- Krištoufek L., Janda K., & Zilberman D. (2012). Correlations between biofuels and related commodities before and during the food crisis: A taxonomy perspective. Energy Economics, 34(5), 1380-1391. UT-WOS link
- Chrz Š., Janda K., & Krištoufek L. (2014). Modelování provázanosti trhů potravin, biopaliv a fosilních paliv. Politická ekonomie, 62(1), 117-140. UT-WOS link
- Bláhová P., Janda K., & Krištoufek L. (2014). The perspectives for genetically modified cellulosic biofuels in the Central European conditions. Agricultural Economics, 60(6), 247-259. UT-WOS link
- Krištoufek L., Janda K., & Zilberman D. (2014). Price transmission between biofuels, fuels, and food commodities. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 8(3), 362-373. UT-WOS link
- Ackrill R., & Janda K. (2013). ANUCES Roundtable Summary: Development and Impact of Biofuels Policies. ANU Centre for European Studies Briefing Paper Series, 4(4), 1-14.
- Krištoufek L., Janda K., & Zilberman D. (2014). Non-linear Price Transmission between Biofuels, Fuels and Food Commodities. Working Paper Series, Neuveden(481), 1-28.
- Vácha L., Janda K., Krištoufek L., & Zilberman D. (2013). Time-frequency dynamics of biofuel-fuel-food system. Energy Economics, 40(November), 233-241. UT-WOS link
- Krištoufek L., Janda K., & Zilberman D. (2016). Comovements of ethanol-related prices: evidence from Brazil and the USA. GCB Bioenergy, 8(2), 346-356. UT-WOS link
- Filip O., Janda K., Krištoufek L., & Zilberman D. (2016). Dynamics and evolution of the role of biofuels in global commodity and financial markets. Nature Energy [online], 1(November), 1-9. UT-WOS link
- Filip O., Janda K., & Krištoufek L. (2018). Ceny biopaliv a souvisejících komodit: analýza s použitím metod minimální kostry grafu a hierarchických stromů. Politická ekonomie, 66(2), 218-239. UT-WOS link
- Dokulilová L., Janda K., & Zetek P. (2009). Sustainability of microfinance institutions in financial crisis. European Financial and Accounting Journal, 4(2), 7-33.
- Krištoufek L., Janda K., & Zilberman D. (2013). Regime-dependent topological properties of biofuels networks. European Physical Journal B, 86(2), 1-12. UT-WOS link
- Filip O., Janda K., Krištoufek L., & Zilberman D. (2019). Food versus fuel: An updated and expanded evidence. Energy Economics, 82(August), 152-166. UT-WOS link
- Málek J., Rečka L., & Janda K. (2018). Impact of German Energiewende on transmission lines in the central European region. Energy Efficiency, 11(3), 683-700. UT-WOS link
- Průša J., Klimešová A., & Janda K. (2013). Consumer loss in Czech photovoltaic power plants in 2010-2011. Energy Policy, 63(December), 747-755. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Iršová Z., Janda K., & Zilberman K. (2015). Selective reporting and the social cost of carbon. Energy Economics, 51(September), 394-406. UT-WOS link
- Luňáčková P., Průša J., & Janda K. (2017). The merit order effect of Czech photovoltaic plants. Energy Policy, 106(July), 138-147. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Janda K. (2012). Demand for gasoline is more price-inelastic than commonly thought. Energy Economics, 34(1), 201-207. UT-WOS link
- Rocha L., Rotella Junior P., Aquila G., & Janda K. (2022). Utility-scale energy storage systems : World condition and Brazilian perspectives. Journal of Energy Storage [online], 52(August 2022), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
- de Doile G., Rotella Junior P., Rocha L., Bolis I., Janda K., & Coelho Junior L. (2021). Hybrid Wind and Solar Photovoltaic Generation with Energy Storage Systems: A Systematic Literature Review and Contributions to Technical and Economic Regulations. Energies, 14(20), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
- Doyle G., Rotella Junior P., Rocha L., Carneiro P., Peruchi R., Janda K., & Aquila G. (2021). Impact of regulatory changes on economic feasibility of distributed generation solar units in Brazil. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 48(December), 1-12. UT-WOS link
- de Doile G., Rotella Junior P., Carneiro P., Peruchi R., Rocha L., Janda K., & Aquila G. (2021). Economic Feasibility of Photovoltaic Micro-Installations Connected to the Brazilian Distribution Grid in Light of Proposed Changes to Regulations. Energies, 14(6), 1-14. UT-WOS link
- Rotella Junior P., Rocha L., Peruchi R., Aquila G., Pamplona E., Janda K., & Pires A. (2023). Robust portfolio optimization: a stochastic evaluation of worst-case scenarios. Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 36(3),
- Rotella Junior P., Rocha L., Morioka S., Bolis I., Chicco G., Mazza A., & Janda K. (2021). Economic Analysis of the Investments in Battery Energy Storage Systems : Review and Current Perspectives. Energies, 14(9), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Janda K., & Kravtsov O. (2017). Examining the Interdependencies Between Leverage and Capital Ratios in the Banking Sector of the Czech Republic. New Trends in Finance and Accounting (pp. 161-172). UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2004). Bankruptcy Procedures with Ex Post Moral Hazard. Rozvoj české společnosti v Evropské unii. II, Ekonomie, Politologie (pp. 199-217).
- Janda K. (2007). Optimal renegotiation proof financial contracts with multiple lenders. European conference on operational research: book of abstracts (pp. 39-39).
- Janda K., & Mikolášek J. (2009). Socially optimal taxation of bads. Teoretické a praktické aspekty veřejných financí : XIV. ročník mezinárodní odborné konference : 3.-4. dubna 2009 (pp. 19-19).
- Janda K., & Kravtsov O. (2018). Micro-level Evidences of Moral Hazard in the European Financial Institutions. The Impact of Globalization on International Finance and Accounting (pp. 89-98). UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2018). Microeconomic Model of Optimal Alcohol Taxation. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2018 : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference (pp. 50-57). UT-WOS link
- Janda K. (2003). Credit Guarantees in a Credit Market with Adverse Selection. Public finance and financial markets (pp. 126-127).
- Janda K., & Moreira D. (2017). Predictive Bankruptcy of European e-Commerce: Credit Underwriters Inexperience and Self-assessment. New Trends in Finance and Accounting (pp. 93-104). UT-WOS link
- Janda K., Krištoufek L., & Zilberman D. (2013). Public Policies on Biofuels in the Context of Energy Security. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference – Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2013 (pp. 86-96).
- Janda K., & Zetek P. (2015). How Public Finance Contribute to the External Sources of Microfinance Institutions. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2015 : proceedings of the 20th international conference (pp. 91-99). UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Rojček J. (2014). Bankruptcy Triggering Asset Value : Continuous Time Finance Approach. Modeling, Dynamics, Optimization and Bioeconomics I (pp. 357-382).
- Janda K., & Zetek P. (2014). The Impact of Public Spending on the Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2014 (pp. 109-125). UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Moreira D. (2016). Assessing the local municipal default probability: the case of Portuguese economic adjustment programme. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2016 (pp. 246-252). UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Kravtsov O. (2016). Examining the Interdependencies between Leverage and Capital Ratios in the CEE Banking Sector. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2016 (pp. 238-245). UT-WOS link
- Janda K., & Mikolášek J. (2009). Econometric estimation of the factors influencing the Czech beer demand. Agrarian perspectives XVIII : Strategies for the future : collection of papers of international scientific conference. Díl II (pp. 679-683).
- Janda K. (2008). Agricultural credit risk alleviation by government interventions in Czech Republic and Poland. Agrarian perspectives XVII : challenges for the 21st century (pp. 71-75).
- Janda K., & Zhang B. (2022). Green Bond Pricing and Its Determinant: Evidence from Chinese Secondary Market. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 191-211).
- Janda K., & Zhang B. (2022). The Impact of Renewable Energy and Technology Innovation on Chinese Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 177-189).
- Janda K., & Zhang B. (2021). Renewable Energy Financial Modelling: The Chinese Stock Price Case. Digitalization in Finance and Accounting (pp. 55-69).
- Janda K., & Kravtsov O. (2022). Financial Regulations, Supervision Structure and Banking Performance in CESEE. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 1-13).
- Kaszas M., & Janda K. (2018). Indirect Valuation and Earnings Stability: Within-Company Use of the Earnings Multiple. The Impact of Globalization on International Finance and Accounting (pp. 161-172). UT-WOS link
- Dózsa M., & Janda K. (2017). Corporate asset pricing models and debt contracts. Modeling, Dynamics, Optimization and Bioeconomics II (pp. 183-222).
- Průša J., Klimešová A., & Janda K. (2012). Cost of Czech Photovoltaic Subsidies: Price-based Evaluation. New role of public finance 2012: proceedings of the 17th international conference (pp. 202-209). UT-WOS link
2017 Frantisek Behounek Prize (Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports)
JEM215 - Advanced Microeconomics
JEM013 - Game Theory
JEM185 - Microeconomics of Banking
Bachelor theses
(I supervise only theses written in English)
Soft budget constraint.
The economic analysis of Czech Fund PGRLF (=Podpůrný a garanční rolnický a lesnický fond).
Export credit support (for example Czech institutions EGAP, CEB).
The economic analysis of alcoholic beverages and tobacco industries.
Economics of biofuels.
Economics of genetically modified biofuels in Eastern Europe [This topic does not require any theory or exceptional smartness. It requires primarily dilligence and hard, but simple, work with assembling data about agricultural crops used for biofuels in East European countries. And some basic economic intuition in drawing conclusions from the data and extrapolating the data. And some interest in understanding the simple basics of biofuels crops agronomy and economics. This could be easily two or three thesis, each one concentrating on different group of countries. Knowledge of Eastern European languages (Russian, Romanian, Polish, Hungarian atc.) may be an advantage, but it is not required since the majority of good data sources is likely to be in English anyway.]
Economics of solar energy and other topics related to energy security.
Regulation of OTC derivatives.
Merit order price effect for renewable energy sources
Green financing in Czech banks
Green financing in Slovak banks
Green financing in European banks
Climate-related risk and financial stability
Green bonds
Green shares
Financing Green Deal – descriptive analysis of available public and private financial sources for supporting EU Green Deal . Creating explicit list of public and private sources of subsidies, loans, credits. The analysis will identify areas which may be supported by subsidies and areas which may be supported by commercial (bank) financing (bank credit, guarantees, but also equity provision). The analysis will be based on statistical data, annual financial reports of banks and other financial and supporting institutions.
Modelling of financial impacts of Green Deal
Pricing green house gases - using financial engineering tools for pricing of green house gases and related financial instruments
Environmental taxes and subsidies
Influence of Green Deal on investment and financing decisions of private firms – use of different types of investment decisions under the Green Deal conditions or evaluation of different real-life investment projects from the point of view of the question How Green Deal conditions (for example ETS trading) influence investment decisions of private firms?
Financing green projects
Pricing of EU ETS (Emission Trading System)
Financing biodiversity
Financing climate change adaptation
Financing climate change mitigation
Financing sustainable agriculture
Insurance and climate change
Environmentally harmful finances
Master theses
(I supervise only theses written in English)
Optimal Debt Contracts
Asymmetric Information Approach to Credit Derivatives
Game Theory Analysis of Options
Soft budget constraint.
Consumer demand systems: microeconomic theory and empirical econometric application.
Beer - a production analysis of production and profitability of beverage industry with emphasize on beer: microeconomic theory and econometric application.
Intra-industry trade: theory and empirical econometric applications.
The economic analysis of Czech Fund PGRLF (=Podpůrný a garanční rolnický a lesnický fond).
Signalling by capacity: microeconomic theory, case study, applied econometrics.
Auctions - microeconomics theory and empirical econometric estimations.
Signalling and underutilization of import quotas: microeconomic theory and case studies.
Goverment supported institutions providing credit guarantees and supports (for example Czech EGAP, CMZRB, CEB, PGRLF)
Microcredit and microfinance(Microcredit is the extension of small loans to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans.)
Economics of biofuels.
Economics of solar energy and other topics related to energy security.
Merit order price effect for renewable energy sources
Green financing in Czech banks
Green financing in Slovak banks
Green financing in European banks
Climate-related risk and financial stability
Green bonds
Green shares
Financing Green Deal – descriptive analysis of available public and private financial sources for supporting EU Green Deal . Creating explicit list of public and private sources of subsidies, loans, credits. The analysis will identify areas which may be supported by subsidies and areas which may be supported by commercial (bank) financing (bank credit, guarantees, but also equity provision). The analysis will be based on statistical data, annual financial reports of banks and other financial and supporting institutions.
Modelling of financial impacts of Green Deal
Pricing green house gases - using financial engineering tools for pricing of green house gases and related financial instruments
Environmental taxes and subsidies
Influence of Green Deal on investment and financing decisions of private firms – use of different types of investment decisions under the Green Deal conditions or evaluation of different real-life investment projects from the point of view of the question How Green Deal conditions (for example ETS trading) influence investment decisions of private firms?
Financing green projects
Pricing of EU ETS (Emission Trading System)
Financing biodiversity
Financing climate change adaptation
Financing climate change mitigation
Financing sustainable agriculture
Insurance and climate change
Environmentally harmful finances
2016–22 Global Excellence in Modelling of Climate and Energy. EU Horizon 2020. Contract no.: 681228. Coordinator
2016–18 Beyond Green Paradoxes: Microeconomic, Econometric and Meta-Analysis Framework for Investigation of Unintended Effects of Climate and Energy Policies. Czech Science Foundation (GACR 16-00027S). Principal Investigator
2014–17 Economic Modeling for Climate-Energy Policy. 7 th Framework Programme EU. Contract no.: 609642. Coordinator
Microeconomics of Banking, Resource Economics