Mgr. Jan Žalman

Mgr. Jan Žalman


  • Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy


About me

My dissertation focuses on illicit financial flows within developing countries, aiming to address issues of tax abuse and corruption. Currently, I am investigating the significance of financial transparency in combating aid diversion, as well as the activities of multinational corporations engaging in tax-motivated financial practices in third-world economies.

Field of interest: Taxation, tax abuse, international corporate tax avoidance, and corruption — all within the context of developing countries.


Bachelor theses: I offer supervision for theses on multinational taxation, tax avoidance, tax evasion, tax abuse, and corruption with a specific focus on developing countries.

Master theses: As a PhD candidate, I primarily supervise Bachelor theses. You are encouraged to select your Master thesis supervisor from the current IES faculty. If you still want me to supervise your Master's thesis, contact me via email.

GAUK 142724: Illicit Financial Flows in Developing Countries