PhDr. Jiří Kukačka, Ph.D.
PhDr. Jiří Kukačka, Ph.D.

- Department of Macroeconomics and Econometrics
Rooms: No. O406, Opletalova 26
ResearcherID: J-1974-2014
Scopus Author ID: 57195633252
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8680-2896
Jiri Kukacka is an economist based in Prague interested in financial econometrics, behavioral finance and macro, cryptoassets, ESG, and the development of simulation-based estimation methods. His work has been published in leading journals in the field, including JEDC, JEBO, or Business Ethics, and presented at over fifty international conferences and workshops. He is lecturing courses in econometrics and behavioral finance.
▷ 2011 - 2016: Ph.D. in Economics, Charles University
▷ 2012: PhDr. in Economics, Charles University
▷ 2008 - 2011: Master's degree in Economics, Charles University
▷ 2008 - 2009: University of Bath, United Kingdom, Erasmus
▷ 2005 - 2008: Bachelor's degree in Economic Theories, Charles University
Job history
Academic Staff at Charles University:
▷ 2017+: Assistant Professor, Institute of Economic Studies, see also my: Google Scholar Citations and RePEc
▷ 2016 - 2017: Postdoc, Postdoctoral Research Visit, University of California, Irvine, USA, in 2016
▷ Research visits: University of Florence, Italy (2023), Hamburg Institute of International Economics, Germany (2023), Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, Italy (2022), Kiel University, Germany (2022, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2016)
Researcher at Czech Academy of Sciences:
▷ 2023+: Research Fellow, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Department of Econometrics
▷ 2021 - 2023: Research Associate
▷ 2016 - 2021: Postdoc
Current research
▷ working papers at SSRN
▷ Petrasek, L., Kukacka, J. (2024). US equity announcement risk premia. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.
▷ Sila, J., Kocenda, E., Kristoufek, L., Kukacka, J. (2024). Determinants of wash trading in major cryptoexchanges. SSRN Working Paper 4971590.
▷ Zila, E., Kukacka, J. (2024). Wealth, cost, and misperception: Empirical estimation of three interaction channels in a financial-macroeconomic agent-based model. IES CUNI Working Papers, 22/2024.
Rok vydání
Chapters in monographs
- Kukačka J. (2019). Simulated maximum likelihood estimation of agent-based models in economics and finance. Network Theory and Agent-Based Modeling in Economics and Finance (pp. 203-226).
- Kukačka J., & Krištoufek L. (2021). Does parameterization affect the complexity of agent-based models?. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 192(December), 324-356. UT-WOS link
- Kukačka J., & Baruník J. (2017). Estimation of financial agent-based models with simulated maximum likelihood. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 85(December), 21-45. UT-WOS link
- Kukačka J., Jang T., & Sacht S. (2018). On the Estimation of Behavioral Macroeconomic Models via Simulated Maximum Likelihood. Economics Working Papers, 2018(12), 1-32.
- Kukačka J., & Krištoufek L. (2020). Do 'complex' financial models really lead to complex dynamics? Agent-based models and multifractality. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 113(April), 1-23. UT-WOS link
- Kukačka J., & Baruník J. (2013). Behavioural breaks in the heterogeneous agent model: the impact of herding, overconfidence, and market sentiment. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 392(23), 5920-5938. UT-WOS link
- Kukačka J., & Krištoufek L. (2023). Fundamental and speculative components of the cryptocurrency pricing dynamics. Financial Innovation, 9(1), UT-WOS link
- Kukačka J., & Sacht S. (2023). Estimation of heuristic switching in behavioral macroeconomic models. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 146(January), UT-WOS link
- Franke R., Kukačka J., & Sacht S. (2024). Is the Hamilton regression filter really superior to Hodrick-Prescott detrending?. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 29(May 2024), 1-14. UT-WOS link
- Žíla E., & Kukačka J. (2023). Moment set selection for the SMM using simple machine learning. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 212(August 2023), 366-391. UT-WOS link
- Proaño C., Kukačka J., & Makarewicz T. (2024). Belief-driven dynamics in a behavioral SEIRD macroeconomic model with sceptics. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 217(Januar 2024), 312-333. UT-WOS link
- Staněk F., & Kukačka J. (2018). The Impact of the Tobin Tax in a Heterogeneous Agent Model of the Foreign Exchange Market. Computational Economics, 51(4), 865-892. UT-WOS link
- Baruník J., & Kukačka J. (2015). Realizing stock market crashes: stochastic cusp catastrophe model of returns under time-varying volatility. Quantitative Finance, 15(6), 959-973. UT-WOS link
- Havlínová A., & Kukačka J. (2023). Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Prices After the Financial Crisis: The Role of Strategic CSR Activities. Journal of Business Ethics, 182(1), 223-242. UT-WOS link
- Vainer J., & Kukačka J. (2021). Nash Q-learning agents in Hotelling's model: Reestablishing equilibrium. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 99(August), 1-19. UT-WOS link
- Polach J., & Kukačka J. (2019). Prospect Theory in the Heterogeneous Agent Model. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 14(1), 147-174. UT-WOS link
- Šíla J., Kočenda E., Krištoufek L., & Kukačka J. (2024). Good vs. bad volatility in major cryptocurrencies: The dichotomy and drivers of connectedness. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 96(October 2024), UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
▷ JEM062 - Introductory Econometrics
Office/consultation hours:
▷ by appointment via email, or we can schedule a Meet call
▷ Winter semester: Monday, 13:30-15:30
▷ Summer semester: Tuesday, 13:30-15:30
Bachelor's theses
Students are welcome to contact me via email and consult the supervision of bachelor's theses related to fields of my research interest (the maximum load of supervised bachelor's theses for a given academic year is around two):
- Behavioral Finance (empirical econometric approach). See interesting videos here and here, read about behavioral biases, patterns, and anomalies here, and download comprehensive e-handbooks here, here, here, and here. Are these patterns still detectable? Are they detectable at other markets than where discovered?
- Cryptocurrencies/Cryptoassets (empirical econometric approach). Read this overview article and see our recent paper. Do various well-known behavioral finance biases and patterns also play a role in cryptocurrency markets?
- Agent-Based Modelling in economics and finance, for motivation, read this nice article. Implementation/extension/analysis/estimation of a simple financial heterogeneous agent model (handbook 2006, handbook 2018) or a macroeconomic agent-based model in NetLogo or any other software (R, Julia, etc.). See this textbook with example codes and these interesting videos for more inspiration: finance, macro.
- Agentization of a theoretical model into the discrete agent-based domain. Do both result in the same findings? Examples: Cournot oligopoly with simple learning, cartels. Implementation in NetLogo or any other software (R, Julia, etc.). See this textbook with example codes for more inspiration.
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scoring and investing (empirical econometric time series analysis of financial data). See our recent paper on CSR.
Currently supervised:
▷ Vojtech Dohnal: Development of congestion-charging scheme in the city of Prague: An ABM approach
▷ Krystof Kalhous: How does the structure of the banking sector affect growth and stability? An agent-based approach
▷ Smid Samuel: Reaction to new information in live football betting markets
Master's theses
Students are welcome to contact me via email and consult the supervision of master's theses related to fields of my research interest (the maximum load of supervised master's theses for a given academic year is around two):
- Simulation-based estimation methods in financial- and macro-econometrics (simulated MLE, simulated MM, Bayesian approaches). Analysis of performance, horse race comparison. Check our recent papers here and here, or see this handbook 2018 chapter.
- Behavioural New Keynesian model (calibration, estimation, theoretical extension). Read this article for more motivation about bounded rationality in macro, and check this textbook (or an older version) or our recent paper.
- Heterogeneous Agent Modelling in finance (estimation, application to the cryptocurrency market, horse race of a ZOO of models). See a nice article here for more motivation, check related chapters in handbook 2006 and handbook 2018, or see our recent papers here and here.
- Behavioral Finance (advanced empirical econometric analysis of a selected topic). Read about behavioral biases, patterns, and anomalies here, and download comprehensive e-handbooks here, here, here, and here. Can one reasonably profit from this knowledge? Can we develop behavioral trading strategies to ensure abnormal returns?
- Cryptocurrencies/Cryptoassets (advanced empirical econometric approach). Read this overview article and see our recent paper. Do various well-known behavioral finance biases and patterns also play a role in cryptocurrency markets?
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scoring and investing (advanced empirical econometric analysis of financial data). See our recent paper on CSR.
Currently supervised:
▷ Eric Zila: Surrogate modelling extension of the simulated method of moments
▷ Ekaterina Orjonikidze: How does ESG performance affect stock return volatility across industries during the COVID-19 crisis?
▷ Vandasova Daniela: Do companies with good ESG performance suffer more from ESG misbehavior?
Successes of my students
▷ Ji Jia Xin: Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award 2024, Goethe University Frankfurt
▷ Kristyna Coufalova: University of Oxford 2023
▷ Tatiana Bielakova: Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award 2023, ETH Zurich
▷ Alexander Macejovsky: Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award 2022
▷ Eric Zila: Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award 2021, University of Amsterdam
▷ Katerina Havelkova: Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award 2020
▷ Renata Wojnarova: Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award 2020
▷ Sergey Bolshakov: Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award 2020
▷ Jan Vainer: Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award 2018
▷ Aneta Pintekova: Josef Vavrousek Award FSV UK 2017
▷ Jan Polach: MSc in Finance at the London School of Economics 2016
▷ Filip Stanek: Dean's Award for an extraordinarily good bachelor's diploma thesis 2014
▷ 2020 - 2022: Czech Science Foundation: Standard (GACR 20-14817S), "Linking financial and economic agent-based models: An econometric approach", Principal Investigator
▷ 2019 - 2021: Charles University: Primus (PRIMUS/19/HUM/017), "Behavioral finance and macroeconomics: New insights for the mainstream", Team Member
Financial Econometrics, Behavioral Finance and Macroeconomics, Heterogeneous Agent Models, ESG, Cryptoassets