prof. Petr Janský, Ph.D.
prof. Petr Janský, Ph.D.

- Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 222 112 325
Rooms: No. O510, Opletalova 26
ResearcherID: H-4782-2014
Scopus Author ID: 56376724800
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6499-9923
09/2009 – 12/2013 Charles University Ph.D. in Economics; short-term research stays:
Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford, with Prof. Francis Teal, 2009.
Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, with Prof. Richard Blundell, 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Center for Global Development, Washington DC, with David Roodman, 2012.
09/2008 – 07/2009 University of Oxford M.Sc. in Economics for Development
09/2005 – 06/2008 Charles University Bc. in Economics
Job history
09/2009– Charles University, Prague: Associate Professor of Economics
Leader of research projects at the Institute of Economic Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Associate professor 02/2019–, tenured 05/2018–, assistant professor 01/2019–, lecturer until 12/2013.
Director of the CORPTAX research group of three senior researchers and seven PhD students (2021–).
Head of the Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy (since 04/2019).
Coordinator of a Master program’s specialisation in economics of the public sector and healthcare (2021–).
Member of the Faculty’s publication (2013–2018) and ethics in research (2018–) committees.
Visiting the University of Auckland (01–03/2020); a UC Berkeley visit (04–07/2020) cancelled (COVID-19).
Rok vydání
- Cobham A., & Janský P. (2020). Estimating Illicit Financial Flows : A Critical Guide to the Data, Methodologies, and Findings. Oxford University Press.
Chapters in monographs
- Janský P., Knobel A., Meinzer M., Palanská T., & Palanský M. (2021). Country-by-country reporting and other financial transparency measures affecting the European union. Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS (pp. 132-157).
- Janský P., & Mejstřík M. (2011). Zkvalitňování charakteristik podnikání. Rámec strategie konkurenceschopnosti (pp. 243-281).
- Mejstřík M., Chvalkovská J., Janský P., Michl A., & Pospíšil M. (2011). Úvod. Rámec strategie konkurenceschopnosti (pp. 9-52).
- Ates L., Cobham A., Harari M., Janský P., Meinzer M., Millan L., & Palanský M. (2021). The corporate tax haven index: A new geography of profit shifting. Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS (pp. 89-111).
- Chvalkovská J., Antoš D., Bajzíková A., Hrušová I., Janský P., Lízal L., & Mejstřík M. (2011). Instituce. Rámec strategie konkurenceschopnosti (pp. 53-118).
- Janský P. (2018). Estimating the revenue losses of international corporate tax avoidance: the case of the Czech Republic. Post-Communist Economies, 30(5), 617-635. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Řehořová Z. (2013). A New Role After the Transition: The Commitment to Development Index for the Czech Republic. Journal of Global Policy and Governance, 2(1), 13-25.
- Janský P. (2015). Penzijní připojištění: kteří občané se jej účastní nejvíce a platí nejvyšší příspěvky?. Český finanční a účetní časopis, 10(3), 43-55.
- Janský P. (2014). Dopady dočasných změn valorizace důchodů. Acta Academica Karviniensia, 2014(3), 67-78.
- Janský P. (2014). Consumer Demand System Estimation and Value Added Tax Reforms in the Czech Republic. Finance a úvěr, 64(3), 246-273. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Hait P. (2016). Inflation Differentials among Czech Households. Prague Economic Papers, 25(1), 71-84. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., Křehlík T., & Skuhrovec J. (2016). Do EU funds crowd out other public expenditures? Evidence on the additionality principle from the detailed Czech municipalities' data. European Planning Studies, 24(11), 2076-2095. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Kokeš O. (2015). Corporate tax base erosion and profit shifting out of the Czech Republic. Post-Communist Economies, 27(4), 537-546. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Kolcunová D. (2017). Regional differences in price levels across the European Union and their implications for its regional policy. Annals of Regional Science, 58(3), 641-660. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., Meinzer M., & Palanský M. (2022). Is Panama really your tax haven? Secrecy jurisdictions and the countries they harm. Regulation and Governance, 16(3), 673-704. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., Láznička J., & Palanský M. (2021). Tax treaties worldwide: Estimating elasticities and revenue foregone. Review of International Economics, 29(2), 359-401. UT-WOS link
- Janský P. (2020). European banks and tax havens: evidence from country-by-country reporting. Applied Economics, 52(54), 5967-5985. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Kalíšková K. (2012). Jak rodinám kompenzovat sjednocení DPH: slevit pracujícím, přidat nejchudším nebo obojí?. Kontakt, 14(3), 340-352.
- Janský P., & Palanský M. (2019). Estimating the scale of profit shifting and tax revenue losses related to foreign direct investment. International Tax and Public Finance, 26(5), 1048-1103. UT-WOS link
- Janský P. (2020). The costs of tax havens: evidence from industry-level data. Applied Economics, 52(29), 3204-3218. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Šedivý M. (2019). Estimating the revenue costs of tax treaties in developing countries. World Economy, 42(6), 1828-1849. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Palanský M. (2020). Fiscal decentralization and equalization transfers in Georgia: evidence from municipality-level data. Post-Communist Economies, 32(1), 54-76. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Šatava J. (2015). Daň z nemovitých věcí v Praze : kvantifikace současné situace a možných změn pomocí dat z daňových přiznání. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 23(4), 43-62.
- Janský P. (2016). Impact of the changes in excise duties on households in the czech republic. Agricultural Economics, 62(2), 51-61. UT-WOS link
- Janský P. (2015). Ukazatele zdanění mezinárodních společností v České republice. Český finanční a účetní časopis, 10(4), 24-38.
- Janský P. (2015). Updating the Rich Countries' Commitment to Development Index : How They Help Poorer Ones Through Curbing Illicit Financial Flows. Social Indicators Research, 124(1), 43-65. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Šatava J. (2015). Ekonomické důsledky rozvodu pro oba manžele v České republice: Nákladné rozvody pro ženy či muže?. Fórum sociální politiky, 2015(4), 9-19.
- Janský P., & Kokeš O. (2016). Profit-shifting from Czech multinational companies to European tax havens. Applied Economics Letters, 23(16), 1130-1133. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Prats A. (2015). International Profit Shifting out of Developing Countries and the Role of Tax Havens. Development Policy Review, 33(3), 271-292. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Röhryová L. (2016). The Distributional Impacts of Meal Vouchers in the Czech Republic. Prague Economic Papers, 25(6), 706-722. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., Kalíšková K., & Münich D. (2016). Does the Czech Tax and Benefit System Contribute to One of Europe's Lowest Levels of Relative Income Poverty and Inequality?. Eastern European Economics, 54(3), 191-207. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., & Dušek L. (2012). Návrhy daňových změn: kolik přidají veřejným rozpočtům?. Ekonomická revue (Central European Review of Ecomic Issues.), 15(1), 51-62.
- Janský P. (2012). Aid and foreign direct investment: substitutes, complements or neither?. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 5(2), 119-132.
- Janský P. (2010). Rising unit values of Central and Eastern European exports : rising quality in transition?. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 3(2), 147-157.
- Janský P. (2023). Corporate Effective Tax Rates for Research and Policy. Public Finance Review, 51(2), 171-205. UT-WOS link
- Janský P., Palanský M., & Wojcik D. (2023). Shallow and Uneven Progress towards Global Financial Transparency: Evidence from the Financial Secrecy Index. Geoforum, 141(May 2023), UT-WOS link
- Garcia-Bernardo J., Janský P., & Tørsløv ,. (2023). Effective tax rates of multinational corporations: Country-level estimates. PLoS One, 18(11), 1-19. UT-WOS link
- Bajgar M., Janský P., & Šedivý M. (2021). How Many of Us Can Work from Home? Evidence for the Czech Republic. Politická ekonomie, 69(5), 555-570. UT-WOS link
- Garcia-Bernardo J., & Janský P. (2024). Profit shifting of multinational corporations worldwide. World Development, 177(May 2024), UT-WOS link
- Hackett F., & Janský P. (2023). Incremental improvement: Evaluating the emancipatory impact of public country-by-country reporting*. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 96(November 2023), UT-WOS link
- Brzobohatý T., & Janský P. (2010). Impact of CO2 emissions reductions on firms' finance in an emerging economy : the case of Czech Republic. Transition Studies Review, 17(4), 725-736.
- Dušek L., & Janský P. (2012). Změny daně z přidané hodnoty: Kolik přidají nebo uberou domácnostem?. Politická ekonomie, 60(3), 309-329. UT-WOS link
- Chvalkovská J., Janský P., & Skuhrovec J. (2012). Listinné akcie na majitele a veřejné zakázky. Politická ekonomie, 60(3), 349-361. UT-WOS link
- Dušek L., & Janský P. (2012). Hodnocení státní podpory stavebního spoření v České republice: dopad na úspory a příjmovou nerovnost. Ekonomicky Casopis, 60(10), 991-1004. UT-WOS link
- Chvalkovská J., Janský P., & Skuhrovec J. (2012). Konkurenceschopnost, instituce a veřejné zakázky. Veřejné zakázky a PP projekty, 6(4), 6-19.
- Bajgar M., & Janský P. (2015). Skutečná kupní síla v krajích České republiky : zohlednění regionální cenové hladiny a struktury pracovní síly. Politická ekonomie, 63(7), 860-876. UT-WOS link
- Cobham A., Janský P., & Meinzer M. (2015). The Financial Secrecy Index: Shedding New Light on the Geography of Secrecy. Economic Geography, 91(3), 281-303. UT-WOS link
- Cobham A., & Janský P. (2019). Measuring misalignment: The location of US multinationals' economic activity versus the location of their profits. Development Policy Review, 37(1), 91-110. UT-WOS link
- Bajgar M., Janský P., & Kalíšková K. (2019). The poor outside the lamplight: on the prevalence of poverty among population groups not included in household surveys. Post-Communist Economies, 31(2), 181-199. UT-WOS link
- Cobham A., & Janský P. (2018). Global distribution of revenue loss from corporate tax avoidance: re-estimation and country results. Journal of International Development, 30(2), 206-232. UT-WOS link
- Cobham A., Janský P., & Meinzer M. (2018). A half-century of resistance to corporate disclosure. Transnational Corporations, 25(3), 1-26.
- Garcia-Bernando J., Janský P., & Tørsløv T. (2021). Multinational corporations and tax havens: evidence from country-by-country reporting. International Tax and Public Finance, 28(6), 1519-1561. UT-WOS link
- Godar S., & Janský P. (2021). Corporate profit misalignment: evidence from German headquarter companies and their foreign affiliates. Post-Communist Economies, 33(6), 726-750. UT-WOS link
- Chudá T., & Janský P. (2016). The impact of a fat tax: Progressive in health, but regressive in income?. Prague Economic Papers, 25(4), 445-458. UT-WOS link
- Garcia-Bernando J., Janský P., & Tørsløv T. (2021). Correction to: Multinational corporations and tax havens: evidence from country-by-country reporting (International Tax and Public Finance, (2021), 10.1007/s10797-020-09639-w). International Tax and Public Finance, 28(6), 1562-1562. UT-WOS link
- Garcia-Bernardo J., Janský P., & Torslov T. (2022). Decomposing Multinational Corporations' Declining Effective Tax Rates. IMF Economic Review, 70(2), 338-381. UT-WOS link
- Cobham A., Janský P., Jones C., & Temouri Y. (2021). An evaluation of the effects of the European Commission's proposals for the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base. Transnational Corporations, 28(1), 29-50.
- Saar I., & Janský P. (2021). Descriptive evaluation of the leading methodologies to estimate the scale of illicit tobacco trade. World Customs Journal, 15(1), 93-108.
- Dubinina E., Garcia-Bernardo J., & Janský P. (2024). The excess profits during COVID-19 and their tax revenue potential. Empirica, 51(4), 1001-1036. UT-WOS link
- Cobham A., Faccio T., Garcia-Bernardo J., Janský P., Kadet J., & Picciotto S. (2022). A practical proposal to end corporate tax abuse : METR, a minimum effective tax rate for multinationals. Global Policy, 13(1), 18-33. UT-WOS link
- Nerudová D., Solilová V., Litzman M., & Janský P. (2020). International tax planning within the structure of corporate entities owned by the shareholder-individuals through Panama Papers destinations. Development Policy Review, 38(1), 124-139. UT-WOS link
- Godar S., Aliprandi G., Faccio T., Janský P., & Toledo Ruiz K. (2024). The long way to tax transparency: lessons from the early publishers of country-by-country reports. International Tax and Public Finance, 31(2), 593-634. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
2020 Nordic Tax Research Council’s Article Prize (Nordic Tax Journal)
2013 Karel Engliš Prize (Czech Economic Society)
2008 – 2009 Shell Centenary Scholarship, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
2007 Ernst & Young Scholarship (Ernst & Young Academy), 1st prize
JEB025 - Public Finance
JEM203 - Public Economics
JEB101 - Principles of Economics I
JEB102 - Principles of Economics II
Bachelor and Master theses
I am ready to consider supervising your thesis - do not hesitate to get in touch. Please have a look at my recent publications to see whether we have shared research interests.
2021-2025: Taxing multinational corporations in the globalised world (CORPTAX)- (Zdanění nadnárodních korporací v globalizovaném světě (CORPTAX)). Czech Science Foundation (Junior Star, 21-05547M); principal investigator.
2018-2020: Tax havens and financial secrecy (Daňové ráje a finanční tajemství). Czech Science Foundation (GA403/18-21011S); principal investigator
Public, international and development economics, inequality, illicit financial flows, public finance, taxation, tax avoidance, tax havens.