Mgr. Lenka Šlegerová

Mgr. Lenka Šlegerová


  • Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy

Scopus Author ID: 58041597700

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0486-7384


I am a PhD student at the Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University. My research is in health economics and health policy. I focus primarily on the healthcare workforce.


2019-present:   PhD studies: IES FSV UK: Economics and Finance
2016-2019:   Master’s studies: IES FSV UK: Economic theory and modelling, Master’s thesis: Health technology assessment: case study on breast carcinoma treatment in the Czech Republic
2013-2016:   Bachelor’s studies: IES FSV UK: Economics and Finance

1/2022-3/2022:   Visiting researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies)

Job history:

2024+:    Research fellow, University of Verona
2021+:   Country expert, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
2020-2023:   Member of the Center for Doctoral Studies, IES FSV UK
2019-2020:   Researcher, Advance Healthcare Management Institute
2019:   Researcher, České priority
2015-2019:   Analyst, Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic

Rok vydání


Chapters in monographs


Contributions in the conference proceedings

UNCE Doctoral Fellowship 2023 (University Research Centre, UNCE)

M.A. with distinction from the Director of IES FSV UK for an extraordinarily good master diploma thesis

I will be happy to consider supervising Bachelor theses on health economics and healthcare policies, e.g. cost-benefit analysis, policy evaluation, or analysis of healthcare accessibility. Especially a focus on Czechia is welcomed.

As a PhD candidate, I am primarily supervising Bachelor theses. You are encouraged to select your Master thesis supervisor from the current IES faculty

4/2021 – 3/2023   START grant distributed by Charles University, designed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (START/MED/071), Clinical Competencies and Postgraduate Training and Occupational Preferences of Medical Students, Principal investigator

1/2020 – 12/2022   Grant Agency of Charles University (GAUK) No. 1308220, Effect of accessibility of general practitioners for children and adolescents on children's health status in the Czech Republic: current situation and future outlook, Principal investigator

  • health economics
  • health policy
  • accessibility of healthcare
  • healthcare workforce
  • sustainability of healthcare financing