Mgr. Lenka Šlegerová
Mgr. Lenka Šlegerová

- Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy
Scopus Author ID: 58041597700
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0486-7384
I am a PhD student at the Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University. My research is in health economics and health policy. I focus primarily on the healthcare workforce.
2019-present: PhD studies: IES FSV UK: Economics and Finance
2016-2019: Master’s studies: IES FSV UK: Economic theory and modelling, Master’s thesis: Health technology assessment: case study on breast carcinoma treatment in the Czech Republic
2013-2016: Bachelor’s studies: IES FSV UK: Economics and Finance
1/2022-3/2022: Visiting researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies)
Job history:
2024+: Research fellow, University of Verona
2021+: Country expert, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
2020-2023: Member of the Center for Doctoral Studies, IES FSV UK
2019-2020: Researcher, Advance Healthcare Management Institute
2019: Researcher, České priority
2015-2019: Analyst, Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic
Rok vydání
- Bryndová L., & Šlegerová L. (2021). Zásah nutný: dopady budoucího ekonomického vývoje a pandemických opatření na příjmy a výdaje systému veřejného zdravotního pojištění. Národohospodářský ústav AV ČR.
- Michenka P., & Šlegerová L. (2023). Lékaři 2022 aneb specializační vzdělávání očima lékařů. Univerzita Karlova, 3. lékařská fakulta.
- Bryndová L., Šlegerová L., Votápková J., Hroboň P., Shuftan N., & Spranger A. (2023). Czechia: Health system review 2023. Health Systems in Transition. WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Chapters in monographs
- Šlegerová L., & Kopečková K. (2023). The Cost-Effectiveness of Pertuzumab for the Treatment of Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer in Czechia: A Semi-Markov Model Using Cost States. Value in Health Regional Issues, 38(November), 118-125. UT-WOS link
- Šlegerová L., Bryndová L., Michenka P., & Kočí M. (2025). The 2017 reform to medical specialty training in Czechia: Exploring student career preferences. Health Policy, 154(April), UT-WOS link
- Dušek P., Šlegerová L., Paslerová R., Macová I., Rusinová K., & Kopecký O. (2024). Validace dotazníku pro expertní vícedoménové hodnocení perinatální paliativní péče PRIMA. Paliativní medicína, 5(4), 12-17.
- Kopecký O., Šlegerová L., Dušek P., Paslerová R., Macová I., & Rusinová K. (2024). Perinatální paliativní péče a její vnímání pečujícími profesemi v perinatologickém centru. Paliativní medicína, 5(3), 9-15.
- Michenka P., Fialová L., Šlegerová L., & Marx D. (2022). Analysis of Obligatory Involvement of Medical Students in Pandemic Response in the Czech Republic: Competencies, Experiences, and Legal Implications. International Journal of Public Health, 67(December), UT-WOS link
- Ndayishimiye C., Tambor M., Behmane D., Dimova A., Dūdele A., Džakula A., Erasti B., Gaál P., Habicht T., Hroboň P., Murauskienė L., Palicz T., Scîntee S., Šlegerová L., Vladescu C., & Dubas-Jakóbczyk K. (2025). Health care provider payment schemes and their changes since 2010 across nine Central and Eastern European countries – a comparative analysis. Health Policy, 153(March 2025), UT-WOS link
- Ndayishimiye C., Tambor M., Behmane D., Dimova A., Dūdele A., Džakula A., Erasti B., Gaál P., Habicht T., Hroboň P., Murauskienė L., Palicz T., Scîntee S., Šlegerová L., Vladescu C., & Dubas-Jakóbczyk K. (2024). Factors Influencing Health Care Providers Payment Reforms in Central and Eastern European Countries. Inquiry, 61(1-12), UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Šlegerová L. (2020). Using 'Costs States' in a Semi-Markov Model to Estimate Cost-Effectiveness: an Illustration for Metastatic HER2 Breast Cancer in the Czech Republic. PEFnet 2020 – European Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students (pp. 195-196).
UNCE Doctoral Fellowship 2023 (University Research Centre, UNCE)
M.A. with distinction from the Director of IES FSV UK for an extraordinarily good master diploma thesis
Teaching Assistant, IES FSV UK:
2019-2020: Health Econometrics, Microeconomics II, Behavioral Economics and Finance, Microeconomics I
2020-2021: Health Econometrics, Microeconomics II, Behavioral Economics and Finance, Microeconomics I
2021-2022: Health Econometrics, Microeconomics II, Behavioral Economics and Finance
2022-2023: Health Econometrics, Microeconomics II, Behavioral Economics and Finance
2023-2024: Health Econometrics
I will be happy to consider supervising Bachelor theses on health economics and healthcare policies, e.g. cost-benefit analysis, policy evaluation, or analysis of healthcare accessibility. Especially a focus on Czechia is welcomed.
As a PhD candidate, I am primarily supervising Bachelor theses. You are encouraged to select your Master thesis supervisor from the current IES faculty.
4/2021 – 3/2023 START grant distributed by Charles University, designed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (START/MED/071), Clinical Competencies and Postgraduate Training and Occupational Preferences of Medical Students, Principal investigator
1/2020 – 12/2022 Grant Agency of Charles University (GAUK) No. 1308220, Effect of accessibility of general practitioners for children and adolescents on children's health status in the Czech Republic: current situation and future outlook, Principal investigator
- health economics
- health policy
- accessibility of healthcare
- healthcare workforce
- sustainability of healthcare financing