Mgr. Magda Pečená, Ph.D.
Mgr. Magda Pečená, Ph.D.

- Department of Finance and Capital Markets
- Executive Council of the Dean
Telephone: +420 222 112 309
Rooms: No. O511, Opletalova 26
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4567-1580
Rok vydání
- Mejstřík M., Pečená M., & Teplý P. (2014). Bankovnictví v teorii a praxi. Karolinum.
- Mejstřík M., Pečená M., & Teplý P. (2008). Basic principles of banking. Karolinum.
Chapters in monographs
- Pečená M., Teplý P., & Černohorský J. (2010). Credit risk management during the 2007-2009 global crisis. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 15-34).
- Marková K., Pečená M., & Teplý P. (2010). Credit losses during the crisis 2007-2009 : from contagion to recovery. Credit risk and financial crises (pp. 35-60).
Contributions in the conference proceedings
2009 Rector Prize (Charles University)
Bachelor theses
Please see topics in SIS
Own invention related to Banking, esp. Risk Management in Banking is welcome
Master theses
Please see topics in SIS
Own invention related to Banking, esp. Risk Management in Banking is welcome