Mgr. Klára Kantová

Mgr. Klára Kantová


  • Department of Microeconomics and Mathematical Methods
  • Department of Macroeconomics and Econometrics
  • Centre for Doctoral Studies - IES


ResearcherID: ADM-9189-2022

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4540-9152


Field of interest: Labor Economics, Behavioral Economics, Applied Microeconometrics, Meta-Analyses, Sports and Nutrition
Membership: PhD Candidates, Disciplinary Board, Center for Doctoral Studies,

2021: The CES President's Award for authors under 25 years for the paper ‘Parental Involvement and Education Outcomes of Their Children’.

Bachelor theses: I am happy to consider supervising theses on labour and behavioural economics or any topic in the field of applied microeconometrics and meta-analyses. Also, I am open to supervising research on sports and nutrition. Theses in English and Latex are strongly preferred. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail.  

Master theses: As a PhD candidate, I primarily supervise Bachelor theses. You are encouraged to select your Master thesis supervisor from the current IES faculty. If you still want me to supervise your Master's thesis, contact me via email.

GAUK 152222: The Elasticity of Substitution between Native and Immigrant Labor: A Meta-Analysis

Field of interest: Labor Economics, Behavioral Economics, Applied Microeconometrics, Meta-Analyses, Sports and Nutrition


2021+: PhD Candidate; IES FSV UK; Economics and Finance
2019-2021: Master’s studies; IES FSV UK; Economics and Finance; Finance, Banking and Financial Markets
Master’s thesis: How Parental Involvement Affects Education Outcomes of Their Children
2016-2019: Bachelor’s degree; IES FSV UK; Economics and Finance
Bachelor’s thesis: Ex-prisoners and the Labour Market in the Czech Republic
2018 Erasmus+, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy

Job history:

Teaching Assistant, IES FSV UK:

  • 2023/2023 WS: Microeconomics II, Ekonomie I
  • 2022/2023 SS: Ekonomie II
  • 2022/2023 WS: Microeconomic II, Ekonomie I
  • 2021/2022 SS: Ekonomie II, Makroekonomie II
  • 2021/2022 WS: Microeconomic II, Ekonomie I

2021+: Administrative worker, Center for Doctoral Studies, IES FSV UK
2021: Transfer Pricing Assistant, Grant Thornton Tax & Accounting s.r.o.
2020: Transfer Pricing Assistant, GT Tax a.s.
2019: Transfer Pricing Assistant, BDO Tax a.s.
2016/2018: Administrative Assistant, PDM Group a.s.