Mgr. Klára Kantová

Mgr. Klára Kantová


  • Katedra mikroekonomie a matematických metod
  • Katedra makroekonomie a ekonometrie
  • Centrum doktorských studií IES


ResearcherID: ADM-9189-2022

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4540-9152


Field of interest: Labor Economics, Behavioral Economics, Applied Microeconometrics, Meta-Analyses, Sports and Nutrition
Membership: Doktorandi, Disciplinární komise, Centrum doktorských studií

2021: Cena prezidenta ČSE pro autory do 25 let za práci s názvem “Parental Involvement and Education Outcomes of Their Children”.

Bakalářské práce: I am happy to consider supervising theses on labour and behavioural economics or any topic in the field of applied microeconometrics and meta-analyses. Also, I am open to supervising research on sports and nutrition. Theses in English and Latex are strongly preferred. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail.  

Diplomové práce: Jako doktorandka primárně vedu bakalářské práce. Jako vedoucího své diplomové práce si prosím volte především interní členy IES. V případě trvajícího zájmu o vedení Vaší diplomové práce mě prosím neváhejte kontaktovat emailem.

GAUK 152222: The Elasticity of Substitution between Native and Immigrant Labor: A Meta-Analysis

Field of interest: Labor Economics, Behavioral Economics, Applied Microeconometrics, Meta-Analyses, Sports and Nutrition


2021+: PhD Candidate; IES FSV UK; Economics and Finance
2019-2021: Master’s studies; IES FSV UK; Economics and Finance; Finance, Banking and Financial Markets
Master’s thesis: How Parental Involvement Affects Education Outcomes of Their Children
2016-2019: Bachelor’s degree; IES FSV UK; Economics and Finance
Bachelor’s thesis: Ex-prisoners and the Labour Market in the Czech Republic
2018 Erasmus+, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy

Job history:

Teaching Assistant, IES FSV UK:

  • 2023/2023 WS: Microeconomics II, Ekonomie I
  • 2022/2023 SS: Ekonomie II
  • 2022/2023 WS: Microeconomic II, Ekonomie I
  • 2021/2022 SS: Ekonomie II, Makroekonomie II
  • 2021/2022 WS: Microeconomic II, Ekonomie I

2021+: Administrative worker, Center for Doctoral Studies, IES FSV UK
2021: Transfer Pricing Assistant, Grant Thornton Tax & Accounting s.r.o.
2020: Transfer Pricing Assistant, GT Tax a.s.
2019: Transfer Pricing Assistant, BDO Tax a.s.
2016/2018: Administrative Assistant, PDM Group a.s.