Occasional Papers

Occasional Papers


1 - Macroprudential Policy in Central Banks: Integrated or Separate? Survey Among Academics and Central Bankers



2 - Profit Shifting Of Multinational Corporations In The European Union: Evidence And Policy Reforms

1 - A Prolonged Period of Low Interest Rates: Unintended Consequences



1 - The US Corporate Income Tax Reform and Its Implications for the EU



1 - Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Czech Republic: Prevalence and Association with Individual Costs



1 - New Fiscal Rules for the Czech Republic: Analysis of the Proposal



2 - Health Care Efficiency in the Czech Republic – Evidence for Inpanient Care

1 - Female Labor Force Participation and Childcare Policies



2 - Polanyi’s Great Transformation and the Concept of the Embedded Economy

1 - Main drivers of natural gas prices in the Czech Republic: Market reform vs. long-term contracts



2 - Liberalisation of Natural Gas Market – EU Vision vs. Reality

1 - Reconciling the European Registered Capital Regime with a Modern Corporate Reorganization Law: Experience from the Czech Insolvency Law Reform



2 - Ekonomie a štěstí

1 - The New EU energy policy: Economic rationality for the single market?



3 - Za jakých podmínek je pro firmu lukrativním společensky zodpovědné chování?

2 - Složitá cesta k inovativní Evropě

1 - Trh práce žen a vliv vybraných politik (M. Mysíková)



5 - Monetary Policy before Euro Adoption: Challenges for New EU Members

4 - Evolution or Revolution? Disparities in Earnings and Household Income in the Czech Republic 1988-2002

3 - One Flight over Czech Security Interests: Priorities and other Monsters of Post-Transformation Debtor/Creditor Law

2 - Changing Social Status of Pensioners and Prospects of Pension Reform in the Czech Republic

1 - Exchange Rate Arrangements Prior to Euro Adoption



3 - Making RIA Meet Its Purpose: A Long Way to Go in the Czech Republic

2 - Models of Corporate Governance

1 - Dynamic Inconsistency of Monetary Policy: Rules, Reputation, and Flexibility



1 - Lessons from the Czech Transition: An Inspiration for Iraq?



1 - Co můžeme očekávat od členství v EU: průvodce k referendu



1 - Heterogenní model agentů s paměti a cenový vyvoj cenných papirů



2 - Koncepce ekonomické dimenze zahraniční politiky České republiky

1 - Threats and Opportunities for SMEs of Joining the Single European Market: The Czech republic Country Report, 



1 - Privatization, Foreign Investment and Corporate Governance: Theory and Practice in the Czech Republic