
Why study Economics and Finance at Charles University in Prague?

Our school teaches Economics and Finance both at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels with the aim of providing internationally highly competitive education in the beautiful city of Prague. The key features of our school are:

  • Quantitative skills. We build upon 7 core Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics courses on the undergraduate level.
  • International environment. 88% of all Master's and 70% of all Bachelor's courses are in English. More than 1,500 international students from 83 countries have studied with us over the last 10 years.
  • Stay abroad. We offer 50 Erasmus+ exchange agreements, plus study-abroad opportunities out of Europe, including Australia, China, and South Korea.
  • Family size. 90 Bachelors, 80 Masters, and 5 PhDs graduate annually from our programs. Teaching as well as thesis writing is intensive and personal.
  • Top lecturers. We combine strong academics with practitioners, especially in the finance courses.
  • Hub of talent. We strive to develop the potential of the most ambitious students. Our alumni are highly successful on the job market and also receive numerous academic prizes and other accolades. The average wage premium of our graduates substantially exceeds the average wage premia of other schools in the country.


  • Julie Chytilová a Michal Bauer received the Bedřich Hrozný prize

    On Wednesday, April 5, a festive meeting commemorating the 675th anniversary of the founding of Charles University took place in the historic Carolinum building. On the occasion, Julie Chytilová and Michal Bauer received the Bedřich Hrozný Prize for Creative Initiative, for the publication of their study on the refusal of vaccination in the prestigious journal Nature.

  • Congratulations to UNCE Doctoral Fellows

    We congratulate the following 5 doctoral candidates for receiving research fellowship from the Center for Advanced Economic Studies (HUM/035, a project of excellent research at Charles University, organized jointly by IES and CERGE):

    Nino Buliskeria
    Evgeniya Dubinina
    Ali Elminejad
    Marek Šedivý
    Lenka Šlegerová

  • Zuzana Havránková has received the prestigious JUNIOR STAR grant

    Congratulations to our colleague Zuzana Havránková on receiving the prestigious JUNIOR STAR grant!

    The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) has decided to support her project "Spurious Precision in Meta-Analysis of Social Science Research (METASPUR)", which will focus on the development of new meta-analysis techniques that can be used in social sciences. In particular, it will concern cases when published measures of precision are not reliable.

  • JEM230 Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance (Claudia Curi, Free University of Bolzano)

    Do you want to learn how companies raise debt? Did you ever wonder how the corporate credit risk is identified and managed? Attend a special 3-day course JEM230 Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance offered Sep 26-30, 2022, taught by Claudia Curi from Free University of Bolzano.

  • Deloitte Outstanding Thesis (DOT) Award winners announced

    On August 30, 2021, the Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award (DOT Award) was presented at Deloitte headquarters in Prague.

  • Tomáš Havránek has been appointed a Research Affiliate at CEPR

    Náš kolega Tomáš Havránek se stal členem prestižní organizace CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research) na pozici Research Affiliate v programu International Trade and Regional Economics.