Apply for Czech Government scholarships to cover your Master studies starting in 2024/25


Apply for Czech Government scholarships to cover your Master studies starting in 2024/25

Are you or your friends planning to apply for our master-level English-taught programs (Master in Economics and Finance - MEF or Master in Finance and Data Analytics - MFDA) in Prague, starting in Autumn 2024?

Please note that citizens of the following countries are eligible for a special scholarship! 

  • Belarus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Cambodia
  • Ethiopia
  • Georgia
  • Moldova
  • Ukraine
  • Zambia

These scholarships provided by the Czech Government are designed to cover the standard length of study in Follow-up Master study programmes in the English language. Detailed conditions and applications can be found HERE

❗ APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 30, 2023 ❗

Please, help us spread the information, thank you.

Photo: Shutterstock