At the end of November, the 13th biennial conference of the Czech Economic Society took place, during which its traditional awards were presented. The "Karel Engliš Prize" for the best paper on Czech economic policy was presented to IES PhD candidate Tereza Veselá and the "Kateřina Šmídková Award," recognizing female economists with exceptionally high-quality publication activity, was presented to IES alumna Jana Cahlíková. Congratulations!
Supply Chain Resilience Center in cooperation with IMS and IES cordially invites you to a Master class focused on current trends and innovations in international finance and supply chain management with Prof. Sri Talluri, a leading expert in Operations and Supply Chain Management at Michigan State University. The event takes place on March 4, 2025, from 14:00 to 15:30 at IES (Opletalova 26).
During Summer Semester 2024/2025 we will be again offering several compact courses that will be run in a “block” format, i.e. delivered over 2-3 days.
The inter-university program prg.ai Minor is designed for students of full-time bachelor's and master's studies at Czech Technical University and Charles University who are interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning. prg.ai Minor combines the best of the courses from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Information Technology of CTU, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. Applications are open until March 21, 2025.
The International Office announces that you can apply for funding from the Rector's Mobility Fund. This fund aims to support study stays within the framework of inter-faculty and inter-university agreements. Additionally, students traveling as free movers and Ph.D. students undertaking research stays abroad are also eligible for support.
Are you thinking of applying to PhD at the Faculty of Social Sciences? Then join our open webinar, briefly introducing the key facts about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University (FSV UK).