
  • Prof. Mlčoch was awarded the CES Prize for long-term contribution to the development of Czech economic learning

    Congratulations to Professor Lubomír Mlčoch, for becoming a laureate of this year’s
    CES Prize for long-term contribution to the development of Czech economic learning.

  • IES Students and Alumni Were Awarded the CES Awards

    The Czech Economic Society (CES) awards the Young Economist of the Year Award to members of the Czech economics community under 30 years of age every year, who register for the competition by submitting their original, professional papers. 
    Furthermore, the CES can also decide to award the Karl Engliš Prize to the paper best dealing with Czech economic policy. 

    We are happy to see our students and alumni among the laureates regularly.

    Těší nás, že v obou kategoriích pravidelně vídáme oceněné práce našich studentů a absolventů. 
    V letošním roce uspěli tři studenti doktorského programu na IES - Marek Šedivý,  Dominika Ehrenbergerová a Josef Bajzík.
    Hlavní cenu Mladý ekonom získal absolvent bakalářského programu na IES Bruno Baránek.