
  • IES Students and Alumni Were Awarded the CES Awards

    The Czech Economic Society (CES) awards the Young Economist of the Year Award to members of the Czech economics community under 30 years of age every year, who register for the competition by submitting their original, professional papers. 
    Furthermore, the CES can also decide to award the Karl Engliš Prize to the paper best dealing with Czech economic policy. 

    We are happy to see our students and alumni among the laureates regularly.

    Těší nás, že v obou kategoriích pravidelně vídáme oceněné práce našich studentů a absolventů. 
    V letošním roce uspěli tři studenti doktorského programu na IES - Marek Šedivý,  Dominika Ehrenbergerová a Josef Bajzík.
    Hlavní cenu Mladý ekonom získal absolvent bakalářského programu na IES Bruno Baránek. 

  • Our colleagues have published in World Development

    An article “Remittances and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis”, written by our colleagues Alina Cazachevici, Tomáš Havránek and Roman Horváth, was published this October in a prestigious monthly journal World Development. This journal focuses on improving standards of living, and examining potential solutions to problems such as poverty, unemployment, trade and payments imbalances, international debt, discrimination, or lack of popular participation in economic and political life.

  • Best Global Universities: Charles University held its 210th position; ranked 151st in Economics

    For the seventh year already the Best Global Universities ranking, which comes from the United States of America, has compared the level of scientific activity of universities, based on 13 indicators analysing reputation, excellence, intensity and cooperation in research activities.For the year 2020, the activities of nearly 1800 universities from around the world were analysed and the ranking of the top 1500 was published last week. In this strong competition, Charles University has held on to its 210th position from 2019.

  • Miroslav Palanský bude oceněn na konferenci World Tax Summit - TaxCoop2020

    The World Tax Summit - TaxCOOP2020 will take place online from October 13 to 15, 2020.

    It is one of the key international rendezvous for actors in the realm of taxation, and despite the unfavourable epidemiological situation, more than 1,800 participants are already registered for the online event.

    Tax havens, environmental taxation, a minimum worldwide tax, taxation of transnationals and SMEs, questions related to developing countries, the digital economy and other themes will be addressed by some 100 speakers, including politicians, NGO spokespersons, corporate CEOs and researchers, as well as the representatives of the UN, the OECD and the IMF.

  • IES researchers have published an article in Journal of International Economics

    The elasticity of substitution between domestic and foreign goods, also called Armington elasticity, is one of the key parameters in international economics. Yet the elasticity estimates have varied widely in the past.  A team of researchers from IES - Tomáš Havránek, Zuzana Havránková, Jiří Schwarz and Josef Bajzík collected over 3000 reported estimates of the elasticity, and used several techniques to examine what drives the heterogeneity in those results. 

  • New reporting guidleines for meta-analysis in economics have been published

    Meta‐analysis has become the conventional approach to synthesizing the results of empirical economics research. The first version of generally accepted guidelines for meta-analysis reporting was published in 2013 in Journal of Economic Surveys. Within the past seven years the number of published meta‐analyses has risen exponentially, and the diversity among them has increased as well. With the aim to improve the transparency and replicability of the reported results and to raise the quality of meta‐analyses in the future, our colleague Tomáš Havránek initiated a project, within which a team of experts from University of Zurich, University of Augsburg, Tilburg University and other research centres cooperated to create a thorough, clear, updated and completed set of reporting guidelines. These have recently been published in Journal of Economic Surveys - all meta-analyses submitted to this journal should follow the guidelines explicitly and future meta‐analyses in economics will also be expected to follow the new norm or only differ in small details.