Doctoral Program in Economics and Finance
Doctoral Program in Economics and Finance
- covers the modelling and analysis in economics and finance
- facilitates advanced training in microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics and finance
- the program trains experts for academia, industry, financial sector, and international organizations
- the program gives a plenty of mobility options, especially to partner institutions within the GEOCEP
- duties primarily consists of research activities, where research papers form the dissertation
- students are expected to serve as teaching assistants
- students are also expected to actively devote themselves to research through grant proposals and participation at conferences and seminars
- a selected number of Ph.D. candidates can participate in the organization of the doctoral program as members of the Center for Doctoral Studies (CDS) and thus become junior researchers with additional financial support
- research articles as well as dissertations written by Ph.D. students regularly receive prestigious local as well as international awards (Global Development Network Award, Olga Radzyner Award, Ministry of Education Award, Česká hlava, Award of the Czech Economic Society and others, see the Graduates section)
- Ph.D. candidates from our program regularly publish in highly ranked journals (European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of International Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Review of World Economics, World Bank Economic Review); recently, we even had Ph.D. candidates who published in the American Economic Review
Information regarding the admission process