Announcement of the loss of Professor Miloslav Vošvrda

Announcement of the loss of Professor Miloslav Vošvrda
It is with deep sorrow that we announce that on January 22, 2024 Prof. Ing. Miloslav Vošvrda, CSc., at the age of 80, passed away. Professor Vošvrda was our long-time colleague at the Institute of Economic Studies, member of the Scientific Council of the FSV UK and Head of the Econometrics Department at the Institute of Information Theory and Automation. His work has contributed significantly to the development of both institutions. He has left an indelible mark on the field of quantitative finance at the IES of FSV UK and has educated a number of students and PhD students in whom he took a sincere interest and helped them to create friendly conditions for their scientific work and personal development.
Professor Vošvrda is also remembered by his close colleague and friend, vice-rector of Charles University, prof. Ladislav Krištoufek: "He was a mentor to me in every sense of the word. Without his support and understanding for financial and econometric approaches outside the mainstream, there would not be a strong group of current Czech leaders in financial research in the synergy of IES-ÚTIA. I will miss him a lot. His honesty, humor, insight, nonchalance and forward-nudging were a unique mix.”
The funeral will be held on Monday, 29 January 2024 at 12:00 in the large ceremonial hall of the Strašnice crematorium.
Our sincere condolences to the bereaved.
Photo: Faculty of Social Sciences Archive