The best courses in Summer Semester 2022/23

The best courses in Summer Semester 2022/23
We congratulate the following lecturers on leading our course evaluation ranking in Summer Semester 2022/23:
Bachelor's courses: JEB006 Matematika II (Bárta,T., Dvořáková,J., Honzík,P., Zelina,M.), JEB109 Econometrics I (Kukačka), JEB135 Economics of Global Business (Semerák,V., Gabanatlhong,B.)
Master's courses: JEM158 Tools for Modern Macroeconometrics (Baxa,J.,Vácha,L.), JEM007 Applied Microeconometrics (Pertold-Gebicka,B.), JEM059 Financial Econometrics I (Baruník,J.,Čech,F.,Vácha,L.)
Our ranking is based on the sum of the overall rating of the course, the difficulty of the course, the benefit of the course and evaluation of the lecturer or seminar leader. Courses with a very low number of responses or graduates and compact courses are not included.
We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage all students to actively take part in the course evaluation. The evaluation results and student´s comments help us to maintain the quality of the taught courses.