World Development published an article on tax avoidance by Petr Janský

World Development published an article on tax avoidance by Petr Janský
World Development, a leading academic journal in development studies and economics, just published a research article "Profit shifting of multinational corporations worldwide" by Petr Janský and Javier Garcia-Bernardo.
Their main findings are: (i) Multinationals shifted $850 billion in profits. (ii) The Cayman Islands is the largest haven. (iii) US multinationals are the most aggressive. (iv) Low-income countries lose a larger share of their taxes.
The article can be downloaded here, a summary is available as a DemoTrans policy brief or via Twitter.
The research paper has been frequently cited as a working paper ahead of its publication by academic journals as well as influential international organisations and media such as The Economist and Financial Times.
You can visit the respective websites to learn more about research by Petr Janský and his CORPTAX research group.