• Admissions for 2025/26

    Do you plan to pursue your Master’s studies in English at Charles University in Prague?

    Apply by April 30, 2025.

    Learn more and apply
  • Compact Courses in Summer Semester 2024/2025

    Compact courses will be taught in blocks, i.e. over 2-3 consecutive days. For most of them, registration is open up to and including the first day of the course.

    List of courses
  • Research Seminar: Professor Karel Hrazdil

    Join us on March 27, 2025, for a seminar on "The Impact of Tax Avoidance Regulations on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the Adoption of Addback Statutes". 

    Click here for details

News Go to news

  • Webinar for PhD Applicants

    Are you thinking of applying to PhD at the Faculty of Social Sciences? Then join our open webinar, briefly introducing the key facts about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University (FSV UK).
  • New database available at IES: BankFocus

    The BankFocus database by Bureau van Dijk/Moody's Analytics is now available at IES. Access is automatically enabled for all IES faculty members and interested doctoral students. Students can receive a username and password via email from Dagmar Schnellerova. This database can be accessed by 5 simultaneously logged users.
  • Martin Gregor's research covered by Duke Financial Economics Center, Columbia University, and UCLA

    Recent research by our colleague Martin Gregor has been featured in expert forums on financial regulation and corporate governance. In this interdisciplinary research, Martin Gregor examines the optimal compensation practices for corporate board members and the links between the optimal contracts of CEOs and independent directors.
  • We are excited to announce new Erasmus+ partner universities!

    In the upcoming academic year, IES FSV UK students in our bachelor program will have the opportunity to visit Erasmus Rotterdam University, ranked #1 in the Netherlands in the field of economics according to the GRAS. IES students will also newly have the chance to visit Heidelberg University, the University of Milan, Koç University in Istanbul, Loughborough University, and the University of Lille. Learn more in the news below.
  • Erasmus+ selection procedure presentation for students

    Presentation for students about the Erasmus+ selection procedure will take place on February 3, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. in the hall C117 in the Jinonice Campus.
  • Registration for elections for the position of student ombudspeople

    Become the new student ombudsperson and contribute to improving the environment at our faculty. Don't miss this opportunity and submit your application between 20 January and 11 February 2025.

Life at our Institute

  • Join the activities of student clubs E-klub and FSV UK Circle

    The main goal of the IES students' club  E-Klub is the positive development of scientific and social life at Charles University. It acts as a link between the IES management and its students. Currently, the E-Klub focuses on organizing lectures and a wide range of cultural or sporting events for IES students. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram not to miss any. 
    As an international student, you should also check out the recently established club for international students, called FSV UK Circle. 

  • Study abroad

    Take the opportunity to study abroad! Erasmus+ is not the only option: Inter-university agreements and inter-faculty agreements provide many study-abroad opportunities; students may also study abroad with CEEPUS (eastern and central Europe). Alternatively, students may undertake an individual exchange as a freemover, if they organize the exchange by themselves.

  • Become a member of the Alumni group!

    The Alumni Association has been operating since 1997 as a voluntary association of graduates of the Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences at the Charles University (IES FSV UK). The main tasks of the Alumni are organizing annual meetings (Banquets) of members and supporters of the Alumni, distinguished guests and sponsors of the Association, raising funds and providing other means of support for IES FSV UK.