Research seminar: Chishio Furukawa (Yokohama National University)

Research seminar: Chishio Furukawa (Yokohama National University)
We would like to invite you to a research seminar by Chishio Furukawa (Yokohama National University).
Paper: A New Test for External Validity in Meta-Analyses
Abstract: To what extent can the estimates from different settings be pooled together in meta-analyses? This paper develops a new test for external validity. First, we propose a two-step maximum likelihood estimation for the tail index of the underlying distribution of the parameter of interest. Second, we suggest that the external validity test passes if the probability that the implied variance is infinite (i.e. the tail index below 2) is sufficiently low. This test fails in the recent meta-analysis of the nudges from diverse contexts. We discuss our plans to examine larger data sets in meta-analysis.
The seminar will take place on Monday, March 4, in Room 105 at 14:00.
The paper is not yet available, but to get more familiar with the work, one may watch Dr. Furukawa's presentation at the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences.
If you need a discussion slot with Dr. Furukawa, please write to Prof. Tomáš Havránek, and he will try to find a suitable time on Monday.