PhDr. Mgr. Jana Votápková, Ph.D.
PhDr. Mgr. Jana Votápková, Ph.D.

- Katedra evropské ekonomické integrace a hospodářské politiky
Telefon: +420 777 576 698 , +420 222 112 328
ResearcherID: H-7996-2017
Scopus Author ID: 55802566900
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4961-8795
Mým zaměřením je ekonomie zdravotnictví, obzvlášť měření efektivit ve zdravotnictví či analýza efektu plánovaných a přijatých zdravotnických reforem. Moje práce byla citována OECD. Vedle ryze akademického výzkumu se ráda podílím na projektech s přesahem do reálného života občanů, jako například analýza potenciálu a cenových rozdílů v přeshraničním poskytování zdravotní péče, obzvláště na Šluknovsku, které nyní trpí nedostatkem dostupné kvalitní zdravotní péče.
2010-2020 Ph.D. Degree in Economics, IES, Charles University
2007 - 2010 M.A. Degree in Economics, IES, Charles University
2003 - 2007 B.A. Degree in English and Applied Economics, Palacky University in Olomouc
2009 Spring Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (Erasmus exchange)
2005-2006 Earlham College, Richmond, IN, U.S.A., Merrill's Program Scholarship (Palacky University)
Odborná praxe
2020+ Research Fellow
2010-19 Research Assistant, IES FSV UK
2017+ Country expert, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, The Health System Policy Monitor, Country page - Czech Republic
2014 Research Expert for the European Commission
2013-2014 Research Assistant, Ministry of Health, Czech Republic & WHO, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
2010 + Teaching Assistant (Advanced Microeconomics, International Macroeconomics, Ekonomie II)
2008 + Research Assistant, Centre for Economic Studies, School of Economics and Management, Prague (VŠEM)
participation on the MŠMT grant no. 1M0524 Center for the Research of the Competitiveness of the Czech Economy(Centrum výzkumu konkurenční schopnosti české ekonomiky)
2008 Research Assistant, Ministry of Health, Czech Republic
Rok vydání
- BRYNDOVÁ, Lucie - ŠLEGEROVÁ, Lenka - VOTÁPKOVÁ, Jana - HROBOŇ, Pavel - SHUFTAN, Nathan - SPRANGER, Anne. Czechia: Health system review 2023. Health Systems in Transition. 1 vyd. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2023. 183 s. ISBN 978-92-890-5933-6.
Kapitoly v monografiích
- VOTÁPKOVÁ, Jana - ŽÍLOVÁ, Pavlína. The abolition of user charges and the demand for ambulatory visits: evidence from the Czech Republic. Health Economics Review. 2016, 6(1), 1-11. ISSN 2191-1991.
- VOTÁPKOVÁ, Jana - HROBOŇ, Pavel - KUČOVÁ, Petra. Pacienti s diabetem mellitem 2. typu v ČR - prevalence stanovená na základě spotřeby léčiv a náklady na tyto pacienty. Ekonomie ve zdravotnictví. 2017, 2017(4), 7-13. ISSN 2464-6164.
- VOTÁPKOVÁ, Jana - ŠŤASTNÁ, Lenka. Efficiency of Hospitals in the Czech Republic. Prague Economic Papers. 2013, 22(4), 524-541. ISSN 1210-0455. UT-WOS link
- VOTÁPKOVÁ, Jana - ŽÁK, Milan. Institutional efficiency of selected EU & OECD countries using DEA-like approach. Prague Economic Papers. 2013, 22(2), 206-223. ISSN 1210-0455. UT-WOS link
- MASTROMARCO, Camilla - ŠŤASTNÁ, Lenka - VOTÁPKOVÁ, Jana. Efficiency of hospitals in the Czech Republic: Conditional efficiency approach. Journal of Productivity Analysis. 2019, 51(1), 73-89. ISSN 0895-562X. UT-WOS link
- ALEXA, Jan - REČKA, Lukáš - VOTÁPKOVÁ, Jana - VAN GINNEKEN, Ewout - SPRANGER, Anne - WITTENBECHER, Friedrich. Czech Republic: Health system review. Health systems in transition [online]. 2015, 17(1), 1-165. ISSN 1817-6127.
- HROBOŇ, Pavel - ŠKODOVÁ, Magdalena - KUČOVÁ, Petra - VOTÁPKOVÁ, Jana. Srovnání různých přístupů k určení prevalence diabetu 2. typu v ČR. Vnitřní lékařství. 2020, 66(5), e33-e37. ISSN 0042-773X.
- POLIN, Katherine - HJORTLAND, Maximilien - MARESSO, Anna - BRYNDOVÁ, Lucie - VOTÁPKOVÁ, Jana. "Top-Three" health reforms in 31 high-income countries in 2018 and 2019: an expert informed overview. Health Policy. 2021, 125(7), 815-832. ISSN 0168-8510. UT-WOS link
Příspěvky v konferenčních sbornících
2016 Cena Josefa Hlávky
2012 Cena Karla Engliše
JEM101 - Health Economics
Bakalářské práce
I do not provide specific topics that a student can sign up to. I rather encourage students to reveal their interests and I help with the topic definition.
Areas I like to supervise (but not limited to) include:
Topics concerning efficiency measurements
Topics in healthcare economics
Geographical imbalances in healthcare supply
The impact of COVID-19 on the production of inpatient hospital care
Analysis of factors determining the results of treatment of stroke.
Send me an email with areas that interest you and we will discuss a specific topic.
Currently supervized BP theses:
Who is more prone to depression? Analysis of micro-level data of patients with cancer (Julie Kristrýna Balážová)
Does meat brightens the brain? The effect of meat consumption on the cognitive scores of the elderly (Nina Barbušová)
The effect of smoke-free policy on the health of non-smoking population in Czech Republic (Adéla Bláhová)
Real or fake? Did covid vaccination worsened mental health? (Anna Marie Břicháčková)
Social determinants of early retirement (Zuzana Janovská)
Determinants of abortions in Czechia (Kateřina Petříková)
Alzheimer disease/Does laterality decrease probablility of AD? (Veronika Stuchlíková)
Jak mateřství ovlivňuje drinking habits (Denisa Urbanová)
Do Current Childcare Costs Cause Women to Leave their Jobs? A Workforce Retention Regression Analysis (Magdalena Anne Zucek)
Diplomové práce
I do not provide specific topics that a student can sign up to. I rather encourage students to come up with their ideas and I help them define their research topic.
Areas I like to supervise (but not limited to) include:
Topics concerning efficiency measurements
Topics in healthcare economics
Geographical imbalances in healthcare supply
The impact of COVID-19 on the production of inpatient hospital care
Analysis of factors determining the results of treatment of stroke.
Send me an email with areas that interest you and we will discuss a specific topic.
Currently supervized DP theses:
Big five personality traits and chronic diseases: Who is more prone to suffer from chronic diseases? (Andrea Tkáčová)
Eonomomic consequences of the introduction of the disease management on the health insurance system (Alexander Kling)
State Dependence and Other Determinants of Depression Among Elderly Europeans (Matěj Teiml)
HORIZON-HLTH-2022-CARE-08-04 — Better financing models for health systems, Flexible Approaches to Support Health through financing FLASH, 2023-2026
TACR TD 0300020 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Czech Republic: Cost-of-Illness Study and a Model to Estimate Cost Development, main researcher, research period 2016–2017.
GAUK 336 215 Health Status and Savings: Are Preventive Health Programs Important for Economic Growth? main researcher, research period 2015.
Ekonomie zdravotnictví, porodnost, péče o děti, regionální ekonomie