Mgr. Anna Kúdeľová

Mgr. Anna Kúdeľová


  • Katedra makroekonomie a ekonometrie
  • Centrum doktorských studií IES


Osobní webová stránka

ResearcherID: JFK-4505-2023

ORCID ID: 0009-0005-6233-0165

2022+ PhD studium, Institut ekonomických studií Univerzity Karlovy

2023+ člen Centra doktorských studií

hlavní oblasti zájmu: aplikovaná ekonometrie, analýza cenotvorby a behaviorální ekonomie a finance.

2021: Deloitte Outstanding Thesis Award za diplomovou práci "High-Frequency Food Prices: Evidence from the Czech Republic"

Theses in English and Latex are strongly preferred. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail. My main fields of interest are applied econometrics, analysis of price-setting and behavioural economics and finance.

As a PhD candidate, I primarily supervise Bachelor theses. You are encouraged to select your Master thesis supervisor from the current IES faculty. If you still want me to supervise your Master's thesis, contact me via email. 

GAUK 182723: Food price sensitivity: Essays on supply and demand

applied econometrics, analysis of price-setting and behavioural economics and finance