Mgr. Milan Ščasný, Ph.D.

Mgr. Milan Ščasný, Ph.D.


  • Katedra mikroekonomie a matematických metod


Osobní webová stránka

Místnost: č. O408, Opletalova 26

ResearcherID: F-7394-2012

Scopus Author ID: 6505843194

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5040-1281


1994 Bc. ekonomie; 1997 Mgr. ekonomie; 2006 PhD. ekonomická teorie

Odborná praxe

2001-2019 - Charles University, Environment Center (Senior Research Fellow; Head of the Environmental Economics and Sociology Unit)
2017-2019 - Charles University, Institute of Economic Studies at Faculty of Social Sciences (academic, deputy coordinator of H2020 ECOCEP and GEMCLIME projects, Coordinator of GACR EXPRO, PRIMUS project)
2017-2018 - CERGE-EI (IDEA project, lecturer)
2014-2016 - Industrial Economics Ltd., Cambridge, USA (Affiliated research fellow)
2011-2016 - Charles University, Institute of Economic Studies at Faculty of Social Sciences (external lecturer)
2009-2015 - CASE Affiliate, Poland (scientific project coordinator)
2008-2009 - OECD (external collaborator in EPIC Program “Household Behaviour and Environmental Policy”)
2005-2006 - Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic (Minister Advisor)
1997-2000 - Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic (economic analyst)

Rok vydání


  • TURNOVEC, František - STRIELKOWSKI, Wadim - ANDRÄ, Jan - BRODZICKI, Tomasz - BROLL, Udo - CAHLÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - DUŽÍ, Barbora - MÁCA, Vojtěch - MELICHAR, Jan - MURPHY, Eithne - NOVAK, Petr - ŠČASNÝ, Milan. Advanced economics of European Integration: selected issues. 1st ed vyd. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2012. 127 s. ISBN 978-80-87404-33-1.

Kapitoly v monografiích


Příspěvky v konferenčních sbornících

1997 Cena Josefa Vavrouška

JEM218 - Environmental Economics

Bakalářské práce

Household behaviour and residential demand (energy demand, energy savings, fuel demand, mobility, organic food, diets); links to social-psychological behavioral theories
Non-market valuation (willingness-to-pay for environmental goods, ecosystem services, health risk and safety, new product, new business/service models); discrete choice experiments, hedonic pricing
Health benefit valuation (Value of a Statistical Life, WTP for avoiding illness, increasing fertility, or improving health, WTP versus QALY/DALY)
Regulatory Impact Assessment - energy system modelling, economic models (CGE, E3ME, microsimulation model); external cost quantification; Social Cost of Carbon
Environmental economics; energy economcis, transport economics

Diplomové práce

Household behaviour and residential demand (energy demand, energy savings, fuel demand, mobility, organic food, diets); links to social-psychological behavioral theories
Non-market valuation (willingness-to-pay for environmental goods, ecosystem services, health risk and safety, new product, new business/service models); discrete choice experiments, hedonic pricing
Health benefit valuation (Value of a Statistical Life, WTP for avoiding illness, increasing fertility, or improving health, WTP versus QALY/DALY)
Regulatory Impact Assessment - energy system modelling, economic models (CGE, E3ME, microsimulation model); external cost quantification; Social Cost of Carbon
Environmental economics; energy economcis, transport economics

Ekonomie životního prostředí, netržní metody valuace, behaviorální ekonomie; oceňování zdravotních rizik, analýza dopadů a cost-benefit analýza, environmentální externality