prof. Roman Horváth, Ph.D.
prof. Roman Horváth, Ph.D.
- Katedra makroekonomie a ekonometrie
- Vědecká rada
E-mail: ,
Telefon: +420 222 112 317
Místnost: č. O409, Opletalova 26
ResearcherID: G-7344-2014
Scopus Author ID: 8421423300
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9036-9746
Roman Horvath is a Professor at the Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague. He served as the Head of Research Unit and Advisor to the Board at the Czech National Bank and as the President of Czech Economic Society. He has published in the Journal of International Economics, IMF Economic Review, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking(2x), World Bank Economic Review, and Review of Economic Dynamics among many other journals. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, Associate Editor of Open Economies Review and Associate Editor of Journal of Financial Stability. He served as the consultant to a number of different institutions, including the European Parliament (a member of Monetary Experts Panel of the European Parliament) and World Bank.
2004-2008 Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (PhD.)
2002-2004 Central European University, Department of Economics, Budapest, Hungary (M.A.)
1999-2002 Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (Bc.)
Additional Academic Training - summer schools, courses, workshops:
International Monetary Fund, Georgetown University, Southern Illinois University, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Bank of England, Swiss National Bank, Austrian National Bank, University of Salento, CEMFI, Universidade do Minho
Odborná praxe
Main position:
Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (2011+)
- Deputy Director (from 1/2011) & Professor (6/2017+) & Head, Department of Macroeconomics and Econometrics (4/2019+)
- Head, Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy (4/2015-3/2019)
- Associate Professor (5/2012-6/2017)
- Assistant Professor (12/2010-4/2012)
Czech National Bank (2004-2010):
– Head of Research Unit and Adviser to the Bank Board,
Research and Financial Stability Department (Oct. 2009-Nov. 2010)
– Deputy Head of Research Unit,
Research and Financial Stability Department (Oct. 2007-Sept. 2009)
– Senior Economist,
Research Department (March 2007-Sept. 2007)
– Head of Monetary Analysis Unit,
Monetary and Statistics Department (Sept. 2005-Feb. 2007)
– Junior Analyst,
Monetary and Statistics Department (Aug. 2004-Aug. 2005)
Other current, visiting, short-term and past part-time positions:
World Bank
Department of Econometrics, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences
Institute of Economic Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Masaryk University
Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius
University of Economics, Bratislava
National Bank of Slovakia
Central Bank of Hungary
Czech National Bank
Rok vydání
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Splňuje Česká republika kritéria teorie optimálních měnových zón k přijetí eura?. 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Národohospodářský ústav Josefa Hlávky, 2006. 71 s. ISBN 80-86729-26-5.
- MORGESE BORYS, Magdalena - HORVÁTH, Roman. The effects of monetary policy in the Czech Republic : an empirical study. 1st ed vyd. Prague: CERGE-EI, 2007. 26 s. ISBN 978-80-7343-138-9.
- KOMÁREK, Luboš - HORVÁTH, Roman - ČECH, Zdeněk. Kurzové aspekty v procesu přistoupení České republiky k eurozóně. 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Národohospodářský ústav Josefa Hlávky, 2005. 86 s. ISBN 80-86729-16-8.
Kapitoly v monografiích
- HORVÁTH, Roman - MATĚJŮ, Jakub. Inflation, Disinflation and Inflation Targeting. In: HASANOV, Mubariz. Inflation, Deflation and Disinflation. 1st ed vyd. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011, s. 89-108. ISBN 978-1-61324-479-1.
- HORVÁTH, Roman - BAXA, Jaromír - VAŠÍČEK, Bořek. Time-varying monetary policy rules and financial stress. In: EIJFFINGER, Sylvester - MASCIANDARO, Donato. Handbook of central banking, financial regulation and supervision: after the financial crisis. 1st ed vyd. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011, s. 268-313. ISBN 978-1-84980-313-7.
- HORVÁTH, Roman - ŠMÍDKOVÁ, Kateřina - ZÁPAL, Jan. Voting Record and Monetary Policy Predictability: Evidence on Six Central Banks. In: SIKLOS, Pierre L. - STURM, Jan-Egbert. Central Bank Communication, Decision Making, and Governance. 1st ed vyd. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press, 2013, s. 251-271. ISBN 978-0-262-01893-7.
- FILÁČEK, Jan - HORVÁTH, Roman - SKOŘEPA, Michal. Monetary policy before euro adoption : challenges for EU new members. In: ROUSEK, Antonín - LACINA, Lubor - FIDRMUC, Jarko. Economic performance of European Union : issues, trends and policies. 1st ed vyd. Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008, s. 149-178. ISBN 978-0-230-22227-4.
- ŠMÍDKOVÁ, Kateřina - ZÁPAL, Jan - HORVÁTH, Roman. Monetary policy transparency and predictability in inflation targeting countries. In: HORVÁTH, Roman. Inflation targeting : recent challenges. 1st ed vyd. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag, 2010, s. 81-97. ISBN 978-3-639-24454-0.
- HORVÁTH, Roman. The time-varying policy neutral rate in real time : a predictor for future inflation?. Economic Modelling. 2008, 26(1), 71-81. ISSN 0264-9993. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. The time-varying policy neutral rate in real-time : a predictor for future inflation?. Economic Modelling. 2009, 26(1), 71-81. ISSN 0264-9993. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. The determinants of the interest rate margins of Czech banks. Finance a úvěr. 2009, 59(2), 128-136. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Asymmetric monetary policy in the Czech Republic?. Finance a úvěr. 2008, 58(9-10), 470-481. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Meziregionální migrace obyvatelstva v ČR : role likviditních omezení. Ekonomicky Casopis. 2007, 55(8), 731-746. ISSN 0013-3035. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Undershooting the inflation target in the Czech Republic : the role of inflation expectations. Finance a úvěr. 2008, 58(9-10), 482-492. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KOMÁREK, Luboš. Teorie optimálních měnových zón : rámec k diskusím o měnové integraci. Finance a úvěr. 2002, 52(7.8.2011), 386-407. ISSN 0015-1920.
- HORVÁTH, Roman - SEDLÁČEK, Tomáš. Professor Jaroslav Vanek : scientific biography. Politická ekonomie. 2002, 50(5), 859-870. ISSN 0032-3233.
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Is dollarization right option? Financial fragility, original sin and fear of floating. Finance a úvěr. 2004, 54(5-6), 252-266. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KUČEROVÁ, Zuzana. Real exchange rates and optimum currency areas : evidence from developed economies. Finance a úvěr. 2005, 55(5-6), 253-266. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Ready for euro? Evidence on EU new member states. Applied Economics Letters. 2007, 14(14), 1083-1086. ISSN 1350-4851. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Monetary policy stance and future inflation : the case of Czech Republic. Acta VŠFS. 2008, 2(1), 80-106. ISSN 1802-792X.
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KOMÁREK, Luboš. Equilibrium Exchange Rates in the Eu New Members: Methodology, Estimation and Applicability to ERM II. Prague Economic Papers. 2007, 16(1), 24-37. ISSN 1210-0455.
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Modelling central bank intervention activity under inflation targeting. Economics Bulletin. 2007, 6(29), 1-8. ISSN 1545-2921.
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Editorial. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Oeconomica, Czech Economic Review. 2009, 3(1), 5-6. ISSN 1802-4696.
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KOPRNICKÁ, Kamila. Inflation differentials in new EU member states : empirical evidence. Finance a úvěr. 2008, 58(7-8), 318-328. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - MATĚJŮ, Jakub. How are inflation targets set?. Working Paper Series. 2010, Neuveden(426), 1-35. ISSN 1211-3298.
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Exchange rate variability, pressures and optimum currency areas : some empirical evidence from the 1990s. Applied Economics Letters. 2005, 12(15), 919-922. ISSN 1350-4851. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KOLOMAZNÍKOVÁ, Eva. Individual Decision-Making to Commit a Crime: A Survey of Early Models. Finance a úvěr. 2003, 53(3-4), 154-168. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - PODPIERA, Anca. Heterogeneity in bank pricing policies: The Czech evidence. Economic Systems. 2012, 36(1), 87-108. ISSN 0939-3625. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Do Confidence Indicators Help Predict Economic Activity?: The Case of the Czech Republic. Finance a úvěr - Czech Journal of Economics and Finance. 2012, 62(5), 398-412. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - POLDAUF, Petr. International Stock Market Comovements: What Happened during the Financial Crisis?. Global Economy Journal. 2012, 12(1), 1-21. ISSN 1524-5861.
- HORVÁTH, Roman - TEPLÝ, Petr. Analýza řízení rizik sektoru stavebních spořitelen v České republice. Ekonomicky Casopis. 2013, 61(1), 24-46. ISSN 0013-3035. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. The frequency and size of price changes: evidence from non-parametric estimations. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies. 2011, 4(2), 263-268. ISSN 1752-0843.
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Research and development and growth: a Bayesian model averaging analysis. Economic Modelling. 2011, 28(6), 2269-2273. ISSN 0264-9993. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KOMÁREK, Luboš - ROZSYPAL, Filip. Does money help predict inflation? An empirical assessment for Central Europe. Economic Systems. 2011, 35(4), 523-536. ISSN 0939-3625. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - MATĚJŮ, Jakub. How are inflation targets set?. International Finance. 2011, 14(2), 265-300. ISSN 1367-0271. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Financial market fragmentation and monetary transmission in the euro area: what do we know?. Journal of Economic Policy Reform. 2018, 21(4), 319-334. ISSN 1748-7870. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - LYÓCSA, Štefan - BAUMÖHL, Eduard. Stock market contagion in Central and Eastern Europe: unexpected volatility and extreme co-exceedance. European Journal of Finance. 2018, 24(5), 391-412. ISSN 1351-847X. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - ŠMÍDKOVÁ, Kateřina - ZÁPAL, Jan. Voting in Central Banks: Theory versus Stylized Facts. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy. 2016, 16(4), nestránkováno. ISSN 1935-1682. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Does trust promote growth?. Journal of Comparative Economics. 2013, 41(3), 777-788. ISSN 0147-5967. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - PETROVSKI, Dragan. International stock market integration: Central and South Eastern Europe compared. Economic Systems. 2013, 37(1), 81-91. ISSN 0939-3625. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - ŠMÍDKOVÁ, Kateřina - ZÁPAL, Jan. Central Banks' Voting Records and Future Policy. International Journal of Central Banking. 2012, 8(4), 1-19. ISSN 1815-4654. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KOTLEBOVÁ, Jana - ŠIRAŇOVÁ, Mária. Interest rate pass-through in the euro area: Financial fragmentation, balance sheet policies and negative rates. Journal of Financial Stability. 2018, 36(June), 12-21. ISSN 1572-3089. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KATUŠČÁKOVÁ, Dominika. Transparency and trust: the case of the European Central Bank. Applied Economics. 2016, 48(57), 5625-5638. ISSN 0003-6846. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - VOSLÁŘOVÁ, Klára. International spillovers of ECB's unconventional monetary policy: the effect on Central Europe. Applied Economics. 2017, 49(24), 2352-2364. ISSN 0003-6846. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - ŠOPOV, Boril. GARCH models, tail indexes and error distributions: An empirical investigation. North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 2016, 37(July 01), 1-15. ISSN 1062-9408. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - SEIDLER, Jakub - WEILL, Laurent. How bank competition influences liquidity creation. Economic Modelling. 2016, 52(January), 155-161. ISSN 0264-9993. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Natural catastrophes and financial depth: An empirical analysis. Journal of Financial Stability. 2021, 53(April), 1-11. ISSN 1572-3089. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KARAS, Pavel. Central Bank Communication and Interest Rates: The Case of the Czech National Bank. Finance a úvěr. 2013, 63(5), 454-464. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KOMÁREK, Luboš. Optimální měnové zóny. Finance a úvěr. 2002, 52(11.12.2011), 630-632. ISSN 0015-1920.
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KASZAB, Lorant - MARSAL, Aleš. Fiscal Policy And the Nominal Term Premium. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 2022, 54(2-3), 663-683. ISSN 0022-2879. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman. Peer Effects in Central Banking. IMF Economic Review. 2020, 68(4), 764-814. ISSN 2041-4161. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KASZAB, Lorant - MARŠÁL, Aleš. Equity premium and monetary policy in a model with limited asset market participation. Economic Modelling. 2021, 95(February), 430-440. ISSN 0264-9993. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - ZEYNALOV, Ayaz. Natural resources, manufacturing and institutions in post-Soviet countries. Resources Policy. 2016, 50(December), 141-148. ISSN 0301-4207. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - VAŠKO, Dan. Central bank transparency and financial stability. Journal of Financial Stability. 2016, 22(February), 45-56. ISSN 1572-3089. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KASZAB, Lorant - MARŠÁL, Aleš. Interest rate rules and inflation risks in a macro-finance model. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 2022, 69(4), 416-440. ISSN 0036-9292. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - RUSNÁK, Marek. How important are foreign shocks in a small open economy? : the case of Slovakia. Global Economy Journal. 2009, 9(1), 1-15. ISSN 1524-5861.
- HORVÁTH, Roman - KASZAB, Lorant - MARŠÁL, Aleš - RABITSCH, Katrin. Determinants of fiscal multipliers revisited. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2020, 63(March), 1-24. ISSN 0164-0704. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - SEIDLER, Jakub - WEILL, Laurent. Bank Capital and Liquidity Creation : Granger-Causality Evidence. Journal of Financial Services Research. 2014, 45(3), 341-361. ISSN 0920-8550. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - RUSNÁK, Marek - ŠMÍDKOVÁ, Kateřina - ZÁPAL, Jan. The dissent voting behaviour of central bankers: what do we really know?. Applied Economics. 2014, 46(4), 450-461. ISSN 0003-6846. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - JONÁŠOVÁ, Júlia. Central banks' voting records, the financial crisis and future monetary policy. European Journal of Political Economy. 2015, 38(červen), 229-243. ISSN 0176-2680. UT-WOS link
- HORVÁTH, Roman - SPIROLLARI, Persida. Do the board of directors' characteristics influence firm's performance? The US evidence. Prague Economic Papers. 2012, 21(4), 470-486. ISSN 1210-0455. UT-WOS link
- FRANTA, Michal - HORVÁTH, Roman - RUSNÁK, Marek. Evaluating changes in the monetary transmission mechanism in the Czech Republic. Empirical Economics. 2014, 46(3), 827-842. ISSN 0377-7332. UT-WOS link
- HAINZ, Christa - HORVÁTH, Roman - HLAVÁČEK, Michal. The interest rate spreads in the Czech Republic: Different loans, different determinants?. Economic Systems. 2014, 38(1), 43-54. ISSN 0939-3625. UT-WOS link
- BAXA, Jaromír - HORVÁTH, Roman - VAŠÍČEK, Bořek. How does monetary policy change? Evidence on inflation-targeting countries. Macroeconomic Dynamics. 2014, 18(3), 593-630. ISSN 1365-1005. UT-WOS link
- FELDKIRCHER, Martin - HORVÁTH, Roman - RUSNÁK, Marek. Exchange Market Pressures during the Financial Crisis : A Bayesian Model Averaging Evidence. Journal of International Money and Finance. 2014, 40(February), 21-41. ISSN 0261-5606. UT-WOS link
- GERTLER, Pavel - HORVÁTH, Roman - JONÁŠOVÁ, Júlia. Central Bank Communication and Financial Market Comovements in the Euro Area. Open Economies Review. 2020, 31(2), 257-272. ISSN 0923-7992. UT-WOS link
- SEDLÁČEK, Tomáš - HORVÁTH, Roman. Život a dílo Jaroslava Vanka. Politická ekonomie. 2002, 50(6), 859-869. ISSN 0032-3233. UT-WOS link
- FIŠERA, Boris - HORVÁTH, Roman - MELECKY, Martin. NATURAL DISASTERS AND DEBT FINANCING COSTS. Climate Change Economics. 2023, 14(03), ISSN 2010-0078. UT-WOS link
- HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - HORVÁTH, Roman - MATĚJŮ, Jakub. Monetary transmission and the financial sector in the Czech Republic. Economic Change and Restructuring. 2012, 45(3), 135-155. ISSN 1573-9414.
- FIŠERA, Boris - HORVÁTH, Roman. Are Exchange Rates Less Important for Trade in a More Globalized World? Evidence for the New EU Members. Economic Systems. 2022, 46(1), 1-27. ISSN 0939-3625. UT-WOS link
- FRENSCH, Richard - HORVÁTH, Roman - HUBER, Stephan. Openness effects on the rule of law: Size and patterns of trade. International Review of Law and Economics. 2021, 68(December), 1-13. ISSN 0144-8188. UT-WOS link
- HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - HORVÁTH, Roman - IRŠOVÁ, Zuzana - RUSNÁK, Marek. Cross-country heterogeneity in intertemporal substitution. Journal of International Economics. 2015, 96(1), 100-118. ISSN 0022-1996. UT-WOS link
- HÁJEK, Jan - HORVÁTH, Roman. The Spillover Effect of Euro Area on Central and Southeastern European Economies: A Global VAR Approach. Open Economies Review. 2016, 27(2), 359-385. ISSN 0923-7992. UT-WOS link
- MALEGA, Ján - HORVÁTH, Roman. Financial stress in the Czech Republic: Measurement and effects on the real economy. Prague Economic Papers. 2017, 26(3), 257-268. ISSN 1210-0455. UT-WOS link
- HÁJEK, Jan - HORVÁTH, Roman. Exchange Rate Pass-Through in an Emerging Market: The Case of the Czech Republic. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2016, 52(11), 2624-2635. ISSN 1540-496X. UT-WOS link
- HASAN, Iftekhar - HORVÁTH, Roman - MAREŠ, Jan. Finance and wealth inequality. Journal of International Money and Finance. 2020, 108(November), 1-16. ISSN 0261-5606. UT-WOS link
- HARTWELL, Christopher - HORVÁTH, Roman - HORVÁTHOVÁ, Eva - POPOVA, Olga. Natural resources and income inequality in developed countries: synthetic control method evidence. Empirical Economics. 2022, 62(2), 297-338. ISSN 0377-7332. UT-WOS link
- LYÓCSA, Štefan - HORVÁTH, Roman. Stock Market Contagion: a New Approach. Open Economies Review. 2018, 29(3), 547-577. ISSN 0923-7992. UT-WOS link
- HARTWELL, Christopher A. - HORVÁTH, Roman - HORVÁTHOVÁ, Eva - POPOVA, Olga. Democratic Institutions, Natural Resources, and Income Inequality. Comparative economic studies. 2019, 61(4), 531-550. ISSN 0888-7233. UT-WOS link
- HLAVÁČEK, Michal - HORVÁTH, Roman. Symposium: The risks to macroeconomic and financial stability. Economic Systems. 2018, 42(1), 1-2. ISSN 0939-3625. UT-WOS link
- HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - HORVÁTH, Roman - ZEYNALOV, Ayaz. Natural Resources and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis. World Development. 2016, 88(December), 134-151. ISSN 0305-750X. UT-WOS link
- HÁJEK, Jan - HORVÁTH, Roman. International spillovers of (un)conventional monetary policy: The effect of the ECB and the US Fed on non-euro EU countries. Economic Systems. 2018, 42(1), 91-105. ISSN 0939-3625. UT-WOS link
- GALUŠČÁK, Kamil - HORVÁTH, Roman. Challenges for financial stability in Europe. Journal of Financial Stability. 2018, 36(June), 263-264. ISSN 1572-3089. UT-WOS link
- GERTLER, Pavel - HORVÁTH, Roman. Central bank communication and financial markets: New high-frequency evidence. Journal of Financial Stability. 2018, 36(June), 336-345. ISSN 1572-3089. UT-WOS link
- HASAN, Iftekhar - HORVÁTH, Roman - MAREŠ, Jan. What type of finance matters for growth? Bayesian model averaging evidence. World Bank Economic Review. 2018, 32(2), 383-409. ISSN 0258-6770. UT-WOS link
- GJIKA, Dritan - HORVÁTH, Roman. Stock market comovements in Central Europe: Evidence from the asymmetric DCC model. Economic Modelling. 2013, 33(1), 55-64. ISSN 0264-9993. UT-WOS link
- FIŠER, Radovan - HORVÁTH, Roman. Central bank communication and exchange rate volatility: a GARCH analysis. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies. 2010, 3(1), 25-31. ISSN 1752-0843.
- BAXA, Jaromír - HORVÁTH, Roman - VAŠÍČEK, Bořek. Time-varying monetary-policy rules and financial stress: Does financial instability matter for monetary policy?. Journal of Financial Stability. 2013, 9(1), 117-138. ISSN 1572-3089. UT-WOS link
- CAMPOS, Nauro - HORVÁTH, Roman. Reform Redux: Measurement, determinants and growth implications. European Journal of Political Economy. 2012, 28(2), 227-237. ISSN 0176-2680. UT-WOS link
- CAMPOS, Nauro - HORVÁTH, Roman. On the reversibility of structural reforms. Economics Letters. 2012, 117(1), 217-219. ISSN 0165-1765. UT-WOS link
- FIDRMUC, Jarko - HORVÁTH, Roman - HORVÁTHOVÁ, Eva. Corporate interest rates and the financial accelerator in the Czech Republic. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2010, 46(4), 41-54. ISSN 1540-496X. UT-WOS link
- KOMÁREK, Luboš - HORVÁTH, Roman. Argentina : vzestupy a pády. Finance a úvěr. 2002, 52(10), 570-572. ISSN 0015-1920.
- ČECH, Zdeněk - HORVÁTH, Roman - KOMÁREK, Luboš. Kurzová konvergence a vstup do eurozóny III : vybrané problémy nových členských zemí EU. Finance a úvěr. 2005, 55(9-10), 483-505. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- CORICELLI, Fabrizio - HORVÁTH, Roman. Price setting and market structure : an empirical analysis of micro data in Slovakia. Managerial and Decision Economics. 2010, 31(2-3), 209-233. ISSN 0143-6570.
- BORYS MORGESE, Magdalena - HORVÁTH, Roman - FRANTA, Michal. The effects of monetary policy in the Czech Republic : an empirical study. Empirica. 2009, 36(4), 419-443. ISSN 0340-8744.
- FIDRMUC, Jarko - HORVÁTH, Roman. Volatility of exchange rates in selected new EU members : evidence from daily data. Economic Systems. 2008, 32(1), 103-118. ISSN 0939-3625.
- FRANTA, MIchal - BARUNÍK, Jozef - HORVÁTH, Roman - ŠMÍDKOVÁ, Kateřina. Are Bayesian Fan Charts Useful? The Effect of Zero Lower Bound and Evaluation of Financial Stability Stress Tests. International Journal of Central Banking. 2014, 10(1), 159-187. ISSN 1815-4654. UT-WOS link
- ELMINEJAD ANJILEH, Mohammad Ali - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - HORVÁTH, Roman - IRŠOVÁ, Zuzana. Intertemporal substitution in labor supply: A meta-analysis. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2023, 51(December), 1095-1113. ISSN 1094-2025. UT-WOS link
- CAZACHEVICI, Alina - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - HORVÁTH, Roman. Remittances and economic growth: A meta-analysis. World Development. 2020, 134(October), 1-17. ISSN 0305-750X. UT-WOS link
- VALÍČKOVÁ, Petra - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - HORVÁTH, Roman. Financial Development and Economic Growth: a Meta-Analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys. 2015, 29(3), 506-526. ISSN 0950-0804. UT-WOS link
- RUSNÁK, Marek - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - HORVÁTH, Roman. How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis. Working Paper Series. 2011, Neuveden(446), 1-37. ISSN 1211-3298.
- RUSNÁK, Marek - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - HORVÁTH, Roman. How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 2013, 45(1), 37-70. ISSN 0022-2879. UT-WOS link
- BABECKÝ, Jan - CORICELLI, Fabrizio - HORVÁTH, Roman. Assessing inflation persistence : micro evidence on an inflation targeting economy. Finance a úvěr. 2009, 59(2), 102-127. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- ANTAL, Juraj - HLAVÁČEK, Michal - HORVÁTH, Roman. Do Central bank forecast errors contribute to missing inflation targets? : the case of Czech Republic. Finance a úvěr. 2008, 58(9-10), 434-453. ISSN 0015-1920. UT-WOS link
- SEIDLER, Jakub - JAKUBÍK, Petr - HORVÁTH, Roman. Estimating expected loss given default in an emerging economy : the case of Czech Republic. Journal of Financial Transformation. 2009, 2009(27), 103-107. ISSN 0000-0000.
- BENNANI, Hamza - FANTA, Nicolas - GERTLER, Pavel - HORVÁTH, Roman. Does central bank communication signal future monetary policy in a (post)-crisis era? The case of the ECB. Journal of International Money and Finance. 2020, 104(June), 1-17. ISSN 0261-5606. UT-WOS link
- ANTAL, Juraj - FILÁČEK, Jan - FRAIT, Jan - HORVÁTH, Roman - KOTLÁN, Viktor - SKOŘEPA, Michal. Monetary policy strategies before Euro adoption : the art of chasing many rabbits. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Oeconomica, Czech Economic Review. 2009, 3(2), 176-198. ISSN 1802-4696.
Příspěvky v konferenčních sbornících
2010 Cena za nejlepší disertaci, European Association of Comparative Economic Studies (EACES)
2007-2010 Cena za nejlepší výzkum ČNB (2007, 2009, 2010)
2006 Cena Karla Engliše (ČSE)
2006 Mladý ekonom (ČSE), 2. místo
2004 Mladý ekonom (ČSE), 3. místo
2003 Central European University, Full University Fellowship
2003 Cena Alumni IES
2002 Mladý ekonom (ČSE), 3. místo
JEM116 - Applied Econometrics
JEM177 - Intermediate Macroeconomics I
JEB114 - Macroeconomics I
JEB115 - Macroeconomics II
JED414 - Quantitative Methods in Macroeconomics and Finance I
JED415 - Quantitative Methods in Macroeconomics and Finance II
Bakalářské práce
See the topics for M.A. theses below.
Diplomové práce
Empirical investigations in the following broadly defined areas are welcomed.
1) Central banking
2) Financial stability
3) Financial development
4) Natural resource curse
5) Wealth inequality
More specific suggestions I am willing to supervise are listed below:
What determines financial inclusion around the globe?
Does financial development promote growth only in countries with high quality institutions?
Can macroprudential policies curb house price booms? International evidence
Financial development and wealth inequality: Panel data evidence
Natural catastrophes and access to finance
2019–21 Czech Science Foundation (GACR) “Central Bank Governance: Transparency and Communication after the Crisis”, Principal Investigator
2012–14 Czech Science Foundation (GACR) “Quantitative Modelling of Monetary and Fiscal Policies after the Crisis”, Principal Investigator
2011–13 Czech Science Foundation (GACR) “Monetary Policy, Financial Stability and Financial Crisis”, Principal Investigator
2010–11 Czech Science Foundation (GACR) “The Effects of Monetary Policy Transparency”, Principal Investigator
2007 Global Development Network RSS – World Bank, Principal Investigator
Měnová politika, politická ekonomie, finanční instituce