Zajímají tě finance? Pojď si vyzkoušet audit!
We invite IES Bachelor and Master students to meet the McKinsey Prague team during a traditional annual dinner event. Join us and learn more about our office, career in consulting, and network with our consultants, including IES alumni.
Studenti Institutu ekonomických studií mohou navštívit akci Deloitte MEET-UP – setkání s bývalými studenty IES, kteří nyní pracují v Deloitte. Věříme totiž, že propojování studentů s absolventy může být pro studenty přínosné a inspirativní.
Akce se bude konat ve středu 13. března 2024 od 17 do 19:30 hodin v pražské kanceláři Deloitte na adrese Italská 2581/67, 120 00 Praha 2.
OECD hledá v rámci projektu TSI zaměřeném na in-house consulting in public administration juniorního konzultanta (3 roky zkušeností).
McKinsey’s Forward program is free 10-week online learning program that is offered in English and focuses on essential workplace skills like adaptability, communication, problem-solving, relationship building, and navigating the digital landscape. It targets people from different industries and roles, either early in their working life, or, those in non-managerial roles looking to upskill or reskill later in their careers.
Diverse and complex problems require diverse talent, and we are looking for exceptional people to join us with a broad set of experiences and skills.
Uncertain whether McKinsey is for you? Read interviews with IES alumni who joined McKinsey in the past.